Studying the list of addresses of VTB ATMs in Podolsk

Studying the list of addresses of VTB ATMs in Podolsk
Studying the list of addresses of VTB ATMs in Podolsk

VTB is one of the largest Russian banks. A sufficient number of branches have been opened in Podolsk and terminals for working with money have been installed. The list and addresses of VTB ATMs in Podolsk are published below. For the convenience of customers, the available services for each cash receipt/dispense device have been analyzed.


In shopping malls

VTB 24 ATM in Podolsk at st. Bolshaya Serpukhovskaya, 5 is installed on the territory of the Market Complex. The mode of operation exactly coincides with the mode of operation of the organization. Services available: cash advance.


ATM No. 393782 is located on the first floor of the shopping center "Gallery" at Sverdlova street, 26. Services available: cash withdrawal in rubles.

ATM No. 392788 is located on the territory of CJSC Torgovy Ryady. Exact address: st. Leningradskaya, 7. Clients have the opportunity to withdraw cash in domestic currency. No money accepted.

ATM No. 385412 is located on the first floor of the Lux shopping center at ul. Bagration,house 19, letter A/1. Available services: cash withdrawal in rubles. Funds are not accepted.

At bank branches

VTB ATM in Podolsk No. 377861 is located on the territory of additional office No. 3927 Podolsky. Exact address: Revolyutsionny Avenue, 54. The following services are available to clients: accepting cash in rubles, dollars, euros, withdrawing funds in rubles. Note that the ATM is open 24/7.

Branches in Podolsk
Branches in Podolsk

VTB ATM in Podolsk No. 388096 is located in the additional office No. 3003 "Central" at 1 Komsomolskaya Street. It operates around the clock. Available services: issuing and accepting cash, making payments.

On the territory of organizations

VTB ATM in Podolsk No. 393908 is located on the territory of LLC SPIKA+K. Exact address: Ryazanovskoe highway, 9. Available according to the opening hours of LLC. Bank customers have the opportunity to withdraw cash from the card account.

ATM No. 391083 at Vokzalnaya Square, building 8 operates on the territory of the Dixy Yug store. Available in business mode. Cash withdrawal only.

ATM No. 393633 is installed on the first floor of the Podolsk City Clinical Hospital (in the surgical building). Exact address: st. Kirov, 38 bldg. No. 2. Operating mode round the clock. Services available: cash advance.


VTB ATM in Podolsk No. 398968 is located on the territory of Zdorovye Otdykh Sport LLC. Exact address: st. Komsomolskaya, d. 1. Availableservices: acceptance and issuance of cash in rubles. Available according to business hours.

ATM No. 372178 is located on the territory of the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (military unit No. 00500). Exact address: Kirova street, 74. Available according to the organization's working hours. Customers can make payments and withdraw cash.

ATM No. 392415 installed on the territory of PJSC "Moscow United Energy Grid Company". Located at Kirova street, 65. Available services: cash withdrawal.

The complete list of addresses of VTB 24 ATMs operating in the city of Podolsk is published on the website of the financial institution. Hours of operation may vary during holidays. It is advisable to clarify the change in the work schedule in advance.
