Opening hours and addresses of Sberbank in Nizhny Novgorod

Opening hours and addresses of Sberbank in Nizhny Novgorod
Opening hours and addresses of Sberbank in Nizhny Novgorod

Sberbank is one of the largest financial institutions that offers its customers lending, deposits, and various types of payments. The organization is considered one of the oldest in Russia. Many clients of the bank note that it is constantly developing and offering profitable consumer loans. Residents of Nizhny Novgorod, according to the bank's statistics, often apply for loans in various amounts, and also make personal savings as deposits.


Addresses of Sberbank in Nizhny Novgorod can be found on the official website or through the mobile application. As the users themselves note, the annual number of opening branches in the city is growing. This makes it possible to get the necessary services quickly, practically without being in a queue. Additionally, this solution allows expanding the list of services for the population, as well as small, medium and large businesses.

About bank branches

Sberbank addresses in Nizhny Novgorod are also available in popular mobile applications with maps. The network hasabout 40 separate offices. In addition, ATMs are located throughout the city. In shopping centers, as noted from the comments, several terminals for depositing and withdrawing cash are installed at once. Such demand from the bank is not accidental. This is due to the fact that not only ordinary users of the financial structure become customers, but also employees of various budget organizations, pensioners and the military.

Provision of services
Provision of services

The Bank makes it possible to quickly receive the required loan amount, you just need to leave an application online in the "Personal Account" or in one of the offices located in Nizhny Novgorod. In addition, depending on the branch of Sberbank, in the city you can pay for housing and communal services or transfer money to the accounts of other users. Payment processing is almost instant.

Central Branch

Sberbank addresses in Nizhny Novgorod are constantly updated. This is due to the fact that a large number of new branches appear every year. Due to the demand for services in the banking sector, the number of departments is also growing.

As in any other city, Nizhny Novgorod also has a central office. He coordinates the activities of subordinate agencies from the company. The central office of Sberbank is located in Nizhny Novgorod at the address: st. October, 35.


Clients can contact him on issues related to the opening or closing of additional accounts or if it is necessary to consider disputes that may have arisenwhen contacting other branches of the bank. The address of the central Sberbank in Nizhny Novgorod can also be found on the website.

Where the offices are located

For the convenience of visiting and receiving services from the bank, it was decided to evenly distribute offices in all parts of the city. This made it possible for customers not to spend a lot of time on a trip to visit the desired branch.

The main addresses of Sberbank in Nizhny Novgorod are as follows:

  1. st. Plotnikova, 5.
  2. st. Krasnodontsev, 7.
  3. st. Monchegorskaya, 6A, 2.
  4. st. Cosmic, 51.
  5. 28A Molodyozhny Ave.
  6. October Ave, 12.
  7. Southern highway, 35.
  8. st. Vedenyapin, 21.
  9. 228 Gagarin Ave.
  10. st. Krasnodontsev, 7.

You can see the full list of addresses on the official website. To do this, you need to select the appropriate region, after which a map will appear, which will show all the existing branches on the territory of not only Nizhny Novgorod, but the entire region. Bank customers note that it is very convenient and practical. In addition to the application on a mobile phone, on the official website you can always quickly get the necessary information about the nearest branch for financial transactions.

Working hours

The addresses of Sberbank in Nizhny Novgorod on the official website contain not only the place where they are located, but also information about the opening hours. It is worth noting that each department, depending on what functions it performs, has its own schedule. However, all Sberbank offices in NizhnyNovgorod opens at 9 am. The organization does not have a lunch break.

Waiting places
Waiting places

Working hours are delimited depending on the type of office and the range of services provided in it. The average time of the end of the working day is 18:00. The central branch is open until 20:00. On holidays, Sberbank branches and central offices do not work. On Saturday, all divisions of the bank work on a reduced schedule until 15:00. Sunday is a full day off.

Public Services

By the addresses of Sberbank in Nizhny Novgorod, you can also determine the set of services provided in a particular place. Users note that basically all issues can be resolved in any of the divisions of a financial institution. This is quite convenient and there is no need to waste time looking for a suitable office. In addition, a large number of services to optimize the operation of the entire banking system are provided via the Internet.

When visiting any office of Sberbank, the client is always met by consultants and employees of the department. From them, a citizen can get all the necessary information on the list of services provided. On the official website, users can also leave an application for various services and partially process them. For the legal completion of any action, it will be necessary to visit the nearest department of the bank from the client.

Loan processing

All addresses and phone numbers of Sberbank in Nizhny Novgorod are listed on the official website. Before visiting a particular branch, the client can choose a suitable office on the website orcall the support service for clarification of all questions of interest to him. The most common question among citizens when visiting a financial institution is obtaining a loan. This can be done both online and during a personal visit to any of the branches.

Registration of applications
Registration of applications

All legal actions are completed when the loan agreement is signed and the required amount of funds is issued. As a general rule, funds for consumer lending are transferred in cash or transferred to a plastic debit card. In the bank's offices, you can also apply for a mortgage loan or a loan to purchase a vehicle.

Insurance and deposits

You can also find information about Sberbank in Nizhny Novgorod with the addresses and opening hours of each branch through the mobile application. It is available for download on any platform and smartphone version. Through the software on the phone, the client can get all the information he is interested in about various types of deposit insurance.

It is worth emphasizing that some categories of loans require mandatory insurance. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself in advance with the conditions and requirements put forward by the bank in relation to mortgages and car loans, since these are the categories of loans that are subject to insurance. You can learn more about deposits and interest when visiting the office. Bank employees have up-to-date information on the interest rate on citizens' savings accounts.

Payments and transfers

Opening hours and addressesSberbank in Nizhny Novgorod are also presented on signs where representative offices are located. Another popular category of financial institution services is the implementation of money transfers and payments for utilities. Additionally, clients can transfer funds not only within the bank itself, but also to the accounts of other financial institutions.

You can also pay not only for utility services, but also for online purchases, if the client has all the necessary payment details for this. The transaction is carried out almost instantly. However, depending on which account the funds are credited to, they can be transferred within 3 business days. After the end of the transfer operation, the client will receive a notification on his mobile number.

Website and "Personal Account"

You can learn more about the entire list of services offered by the bank for private clients, as well as businesses, by visiting the official website or downloading a mobile application for any platform. Information on each action and service is updated in real time. Therefore, do not worry about the relevance of the information provided.

Mobile service
Mobile service

In addition, on the site you can find all the data that may be required not only when searching for the necessary branch, but also when filling out the bank's payment details. They are required when drawing up a declaration or payment order. Legal address of Sberbank in Nizhny Novgorod: st. Oktyabrskaya, 35. If it is necessary to send complaints or demands, the appeal indicates exactlythese are company locations.

Consultation from specialists

Clients can also use the services of consultation on issues of interest. To do this, you can call the specified free numbers on the site or visit one of the branches located in the city or region. Bank employees have all the necessary information and can help in choosing a specific type of service, as well as calculate the cost of repaying a loan or interest on deposits of a private person.

Addresses of Sberbank ATMs in Nizhny Novgorod can also be found on the official website or in the mobile application. It should be noted that most of the terminals operate around the clock. This allows you to withdraw the required amount of funds at any time or if necessary. All terminals are securely protected. You can find information about the address of a specific ATM and its working hours through a mobile application on your smartphone.

Business Services

The indicated addresses of Sberbank in Nizhny Novgorod of the branches of a financial institution are presented in full on the site. Not only individuals, but also legal entities can choose a suitable office and get all the necessary information. Basically, other companies apply to the bank to carry out foreign exchange transactions or when making a transaction between different accounts of the subscriber.

Convenient location
Convenient location

As businessmen themselves note, Sberbank offers a full package of services in Nizhny Novgorod for all necessary operations. In addition, the financial institution provides an opportunityopen business accounts. To do this, the bank has all the necessary tools, most of which they provide free access for entrepreneurs of any level in the "Personal Account" located on the bank's website.

For shareholders and investors

The bank also gives its customers the opportunity to earn. The financial structure has various economic regulators and an internal exchange for buying and selling shares and distributing investment funds in various natural resources that are valuable. In these areas, internal bidding is carried out. Interest rates and income depend on the category of deposits of individuals, investors and businessmen.

The average rate on deposits in Nizhny Novgorod is 8%. If the client decides to invest in the shares of the bank itself or in organizations with which the institution has agreements, the yield can reach up to 20% per annum. For large deposits, a personal broker is provided. This is a specialist who conducts auctions on behalf of the depositor himself and notifies about the operations performed and the income received to the dedicated account.


Sberbank in Nizhny Novgorod is a popular financial institution. This is explained by the fact that the majority of customer transfers are carried out in this bank. In addition, many pensioners are owners of payment cards, which receive monthly deductions from the budget. As residents of the city note, Sberbank is trying to introduce various modern technologies and modernize the system of relations betweenfinancial institution and its customers.

Profitable deposits and loans
Profitable deposits and loans

The Bank is actively engaged in lending to the population. There are also favorable conditions for refinancing loans from other financial institutions. Mortgage rates for payroll clients are much different. The bank is ready, with a small down payment, to provide an extension of the borrowing limit for the purchase of both ready-made and housing under construction.
