Bored piles with grillage: technology, types, description, reviews

Bored piles with grillage: technology, types, description, reviews
Bored piles with grillage: technology, types, description, reviews

Bored piles with grillage, the installation technology of which will be described in the article, are used quite often today. This is due to the fact that this type of foundation is able to withstand the building on almost any soil.

Foundation Features

bored piles with grillage technology
bored piles with grillage technology

Piles must be installed below the freezing level of the soil. This base is suitable for terrain with slopes. You can start work on arranging piles on any type of soil. The work will not have any impact on nearby buildings and structures on the ground. If you use this foundation, then the building can be erected even in close proximity to the reservoir, which is excluded with other types of foundations. Bored piles with a grillage are able to withstand any construction, this applies to both frame, log, and brick houses.

Construction Features

bored piles with grillage technology price
bored piles with grillage technology price

Bored piles with grillage, technologythe installation of which will be described in the article should be mounted in increments of 100 cm. If this distance is reduced, then the supports may be deformed during operation. An exception to this rule is the installation of this foundation on rocky ground. In this case, the minimum step should not be less than 30 cm. In order to calculate the distance between the supports, it is necessary to use information that reflects the bearing capacity of supports of different sizes. Thus, if bored piles with a grillage, the installation technology of which will be described in the article, are mounted under a building weighing 50 tons, then 50 supports will need to be used. In this case, the diameter of the latter should be equal to 15 cm. As an alternative solution, 17 piles can be used, each of which should have a diameter of 25 cm. The minimum allowable step between piles in a strip foundation is equivalent to two meters. If it is planned to equip a monolithic grillage, then you should prefer your own 300 millimeters. In this case, the bearing capacity of one support will be equal to the limit from 1600 to 1700 kilograms. In order to build an average house, about 70 piles will be needed.


foundation technology bored piles and grillage
foundation technology bored piles and grillage

If you want to install bored piles with a grillage, technology and types must be considered in advance. The main types of such a foundation are a foundation with a hanging grillage and a foundation with a monolithic grillage. The first type assumesa small distance between the grillage and the soil. Its width can vary from 80 to 100 millimeters. This creates the impression that the building hangs above the ground. This design is used when it is necessary to protect the base from swelling. Such construction is also relevant in areas where there is a risk of flooding. Among other things, such a foundation is being built in swampy areas.

As for the foundation with a monolithic grillage, it is most often built for houses from heat blocks, bricks and aerated concrete. A monolithic grillage is a concrete strip that forms a single structure by combining piles. The supports of this base are mounted to a depth below the freezing line.

General Description

bored piles with grillage technology and types
bored piles with grillage technology and types

The foundation on bored piles, the installation instructions for which are described in the article, has, as already mentioned, a high bearing capacity. Thus, a pole with a diameter of 30 cm can withstand 1700 kg. Whereas a support of 50 cm can endure 5000 kilograms. With a slight increase in size, the bearing capacity increases several times. The bearing capacity is affected not only by the size of the support, but also by the material from which they are made. Among other things, there is a need to take into account the bearing capacity of soils. It will depend on this whether the support can go down.

Arrangement technology

foundation on bored piles instruction
foundation on bored piles instruction

If you decide to build a foundation with a grillage onbored piles, it is important to familiarize yourself with the technology of work. To begin with, using a mechanical or manual drill, a well should be formed, which should be located below the soil freezing line. The soil should not be removed from the well by compacting and ramming it. Roofing material is placed in the resulting pits, which is folded in the form of a cylinder. It is necessary for waterproofing. A reinforcing cage should be installed inside the resulting pipe. At the next stage, the space is filled with a mixture of concrete of the selected grade. After the solution has completely hardened, the support pillars can be considered ready. It remains only to make a connection with the grillage, after which we can assume that a high-quality foundation for the house is ready.

Cost of works

foundation with grillage on bored piles
foundation with grillage on bored piles

If you decide to install bored piles with a grillage, technology, the price of such a foundation should interest you. The first part of the question has already been covered above, while you can find out about the cost by reading this article. The price of the work is affected by the material at the base of the piles, the number of pillars and the complexity of the work. Among other things, delivery to the construction site will be taken into account. The average cost of installing this design will vary from 2000 to 3000 rubles per square meter. If you decide to install bored piles with a grillage, the installation technology of which was described above, then you can do some types of work yourself.

Thus, the cost will be lower if one of the listed actions isdone by you yourself. It can be: marking, well formation, concreting, as well as grillage installation.

Consumer Reviews

If you are faced with the task of arranging the type of foundation described above, then you should study the technology of the foundation, bored piles and grillage are integral components of this design. It is important to know this before starting work. However, you need to read the reviews. All the masters who have already carried out such work note that this kind of foundation can be easily equipped independently. Future owners of private houses quite often dream of completing the construction, saving money. This can be achieved if bored piles with a grillage are your choice. Experts note that in the end it will be possible to get a fairly reliable and solid foundation that will act as the foundation of any home, helping to save the budget.
