Broiler chicken: growing at home

Broiler chicken: growing at home
Broiler chicken: growing at home

Many owners of country houses and cottages prefer to grow poultry, in particular, broilers. And there is a logical explanation for this. Firstly, it becomes possible to supply your household with fresh, high-quality poultry meat. And secondly, you can make good money in this business. And the question arises of how much does a broiler chicken cost, the cultivation of which you have conceived on your backyard farm, and whether it is worth starting this business at all. Certainly yes. And that's why. If you correctly approach this enterprise, then in 45-50 days one broiler chicken, the cultivation of which at first seems to you an unbearably laborious task, will enrich your family budget by 150-200 rubles.

broiler chicken rearing
broiler chicken rearing

Of course, the process of breeding them requires certain physical and material costs, but this business is profitable, which is what many amateur poultry farmers like it.

As a rule, they buy selected chickens from special poultry farms. At the same time, many, in order to save money, try to buy a brood that was born 1-2 days ago, it was during this period that a huge numberbirds are dying. It is optimal for a broiler chicken, the cultivation of which is new to you, to eat special top dressings to strengthen immunity during the first 10 days.

There are a huge number of options for breeding broilers at home. It must be borne in mind that the broiler chicken that you started growing must be kept in special conditions, and therefore the first method of breeding broilers is called cellular. It doesn't cost much.

broiler feed
broiler feed

Chickens are housed in cages with general lighting over feeders and drinkers. The air temperature at the initial stage is about 30 degrees. A week later, it drops to 28 degrees, and after another two weeks - to 24 degrees. Broilers with a cellular version of the content are placed at 13-14 heads per cubic meter. Vaccinations and watering systems are the same as for egg hens.

Floor housing means tighter stocking, especially in poultry houses with mesh floors. Rotating fans are used for high-quality air exchange.

At the initial stage of growing poultry, various mixed feeds and dairy products are optimally suited as feed for broilers, since chickens gain weight very quickly. In order for this process to be systematic, the bird is given specialized dry mixes containing the necessary trace elements and vitamins. In the first month of breeding broilers, such feed should contain a sufficient amount of protein.

Food forbroilers can be conditionally divided into pre-start (1-4 days), start (5-30 days) and finish (31-56 days).

broiler feed
broiler feed

Prelaunch involves the use of grain components, including barley and corn.

The starter food in many ways resembles the pre-start version, only the ratios change and dietary supplements are introduced. At the final stage, cake, fodder yeast, fishmeal, grass meal are added to the grains - these components are necessary in order to enhance the growth of broilers.

Thus, if you manage to organize the right approach to broiler breeding, your efforts and efforts are guaranteed to be rewarded with high profits.
