Debit cards from Sberbank of the Russian Federation: Sberbank Maestro, Visa, Mastercard

Debit cards from Sberbank of the Russian Federation: Sberbank Maestro, Visa, Mastercard
Debit cards from Sberbank of the Russian Federation: Sberbank Maestro, Visa, Mastercard

The popularity of payment cards as a financial instrument used in everyday life is growing every day. Sberbank of the Russian Federation, releasing all types of this product on the international platforms Maestro, Mastercard and Visa, has taken a stable position as a leader in this market segment.

The most accessible and therefore demanded by customers Sberbank cards (both credit and debit) are Sberbank Maestro. If we consider the debit version on the Maestro platform, then it is most often issued as a social product (to pay pensions, scholarships, allowances), sometimes it is also used to pay salaries to employees.

Sberbank maestro
Sberbank maestro

The secret of the popularity of this particular plastic is its cost. If a client opens Maestro Card Sberbank as a personal card, its cost and maintenance will be minimal. In the case of registration of the target option, the holder does not pay anything for it at all. When receiving a credit card based on Sberbank Maestro, the tariffs for itwill also be minimal.

When issuing a card at Sberbank, the client can choose between Visa, MasterCard and Maestro. In the latter case, both the issue and the customer service will cost less. But, by applying for a "Visa", the client receives a number of additional benefits that are not available to holders who have chosen a different payment system. True, they are associated mainly with discounts in fairly expensive stores or outlets abroad, so for most customers saving on service will be much more important.

maestro card sberbank
maestro card sberbank

Being a universal means of payment, the Sberbank Maestro card allows the client not only to withdraw money from it, replenish an account, use a loan within the established limit, but also perform other operations. For example, having issued it once, the holder can subsequently freely make most of the current payments not at the bank's cash desk, but independently - at an ATM or self-service terminal. For these purposes, any card is suitable, including Sberbank Maestro.

By connecting to one of the self-service services, any client-holder of this payment instrument gets the opportunity to manage it remotely, and not only check the balance or transfer money from one account to another, but also transfer them to others (and with a minimum commission), pay for goods and various services, repay a loan.

maestro card sberbank
maestro card sberbank

The bank provides remote access to the card account via the Internet (this system is called "Sberbank-online") ormobile phone (mobile banking). Both the first and second services require pre-registration and are available to all customers who have at least one payment product.

You can connect to mobile banking directly where the contract is drawn up, and to gain access to Sberbank-online, you should use an ATM that will issue a check to the client with one-time passwords to enter your personal account.

Thus, by issuing a card on the Sberbank Maestro platform, the client, with a minimum of costs, gets maximum access not only to using his own account, but also to a number of useful additional functions.
