2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
Heating of industrial premises occupies a significant share in the cost estimate and the cost of industrial products. This is especially true for Russia with its very severe and cold winters. Unscrupulous breeders strive in every possible way to save on this cost item and force people to work in the cold. This is the road to nowhere. Such an enterprise is doomed to ruin: if the production personnel do not scatter, then they will have to pay large sums to pay off sick leave. In addition, a person who is forced to work in bad conditions does not think at all about the quality of his products. Ultimately, this will lead to the loss of sales markets and a deterioration in the performance of the enterprise. Therefore, competitiveness currently correlates with the installed heating system of the production facility.

Requirements for the temperature regime of industrial premises
In accordance with labor protection and labor law regulations, personnel should not work (indoors or outdoors) for more than two hours in conditions where the temperature is below the established norm. As an exception, a deviation from the norm is allowed in those premises in which a person stays for a short time, and if this is due to the requirements of the technological process of production. An example of such a room is the freezer of an enterprise for the storage and processing of meat products.
In accordance with the norms of the organization of labor in the room where work is carried out, there should be a comfortable temperature (about 20 degrees). Heating and ventilation of industrial premises must be controlled, that is, it is necessary that at any time it is possible to set the temperature value. Particular attention should be paid to the purity of the air in terms of dust and impurities harmful to human he alth (this problem is acute in foundries and paint shops). Heating of industrial premises must be implemented together with effective forced ventilation of the workshop (or more precisely, taking into account its needs). In addition, the installed heating system must necessarily comply with all fire safety standards and regulations. It is also very important to initially design the heating scheme for industrial premises in such a way that its maintenance does not require significant resources and the involvement of third-party specialists.

Features of steam heating
Steam heating system allows you to quickly warm up the building to a comfortable temperature. This type of heating of industrial premises is considered one of the most effective. All the equipment necessary for organizing a network is compact and does not take up much space. And if earlier the operation of steam boilers was associated with a huge risk of an accident, then at present such equipment works flawlessly and does not pose a threat to people. The increase in the reliability of steam boilers is due to the use of new materials with high properties, as well as the development of welding technologies.
It is advisable to use a steam boiler for heating industrial premises if the production cycle is not continuous. This schedule is typical for most industrial productions.
Disadvantages of steam heating of industrial premises
If steam heating is so effective, why are more and more factories equipped with air and infrared heating systems? The fact is that this method also has disadvantages, due to which it is not used everywhere for heating industrial premises. The gas problem is the most pressing. To operate a steam boiler, it is necessary to burn a large amount of natural gas. Compared to other countries, gas in Russia is relatively inexpensive. But far from always it is brought to the place of consumption. This applies especially to remote regions.countries.

Air heating of industrial premises
Air heating is still in operation at many enterprises. This approach to the organization of heating cannot be called effective. Currently, this method of heating industrial premises is dying out, but is still used in many factories built during the Soviet Union. At the same time, compared to convection systems, air systems win in many respects.

Air heating: how it works
If you briefly describe the essence of the air heating system, then all processes and technological operations can be reduced to the following. Air is pumped in from the street, passed through a filter and a heater, after which the air mass heated to the required temperature enters the workshop through the pipeline system. In order for the air to evenly heat the entire volume of the room, distribution holes are mounted around the perimeter. Everything is extremely simple and clear. In some cases, to save time and money, instead of designing and installing a full-fledged system, heat guns are placed around the shop. However, this is far from the best option. First of all, for working personnel, since such equipment burns the air, and it becomes difficult for a person to breathe. Also, these devices consume a lot of electricity. Therefore, it is much better (from all points of view) to use a centralized air heating system.

What are the benefits of air heating?
Such a system, if it is designed by specialists and complies with all building codes, can be very efficient and allows heating large areas of industrial buildings with minimal financial costs. In addition to logistics warehouses and production facilities, air heating is used in indoor sports arenas and concert halls, which were built according to modern designs.
An important advantage is also the fundamental possibility of integrating such a system with a ventilation shaft. Firstly, it will allow you to effectively control the microclimate, as well as save significant money on laying communications.
It should also be noted that the efficiency of air heating systems is quite high. It is at least 90%.
The warm-up time is very short, and as soon as the system is turned on, people in the workshop will immediately feel a surge of heat. This allows you to turn off the heating at night and on weekends, saving a lot of money on this.

Characteristic disadvantages of air heating
The main disadvantage of this solution is the high cost of equipment, as well as design work, installation and maintenance of ventilation shafts and devices. In addition, air heaters consume quite a lot of electricity. Therefore, maintaining a comfortable temperature in old buildings that are inefficient in terms ofsaving energy, requires a significant amount of money to pay electricity bills (especially during periods of severe frost).
Another significant drawback is the dependence on electricity. Power cuts for one reason or another are, unfortunately, a very common phenomenon. A few minutes after the shutdown, the temperature in the workshop drops sharply. To avoid such unpleasant situations, it is necessary to install a backup power supply or generator.

Infrared heating
The cost of heating residential and industrial premises with air and infrared devices is completely incomparable and clearly not in favor of the first method. It is for this reason that more and more business owners are investing in infrared heating equipment. Such investments are paid back quite quickly, and the equipment works reliably and for a long time, without requiring expenses for maintenance and repair.
Features of heating by radiation in the infrared spectrum
Waves emitted by infrared burners have good cross-country ability and overcome obstacles well. This creates the prerequisites for uniform heating of the air in the room throughout its volume. The emitter is a porous ceramic surface, on which the air combustion process takes place. The use of such a heating system for industrial premises provides comfortable working conditions for staff.
Benefits of infrared heating systems
Such decisions against the background of the sameAir heating systems for industrial premises are much more competitive in many respects. Most of all, businessmen are attracted by low electricity consumption with high heating capacity. In addition, the equipment has a high efficiency and compact dimensions, which allow organizing efficient heating of industrial premises with any ceiling height. It is also important that it is possible to heat not the entire room as a whole, but a specific workplace by directing radiation to it using a system of reflectors. Sometimes this helps to save significant financial resources. This technique is often used on the night shift when only a few operators and a shift foreman often work for the entire shop.
Application of infrared heating
It is interesting that in addition to heating workshops and other industrial buildings, this method is being actively introduced into the field of agriculture and is used to heat barns and other outbuildings. Increasingly, infrared emitters are installed in cafes, shopping malls and exhibition areas, and in general in public places.
For many ordinary people, the word "radiation" causes not the most pleasant associations with radioactive contamination. This is a deep delusion. In fact, such devices do not pose any threat to human life and he alth and are absolutely safe.
How to avoid mistakes when choosing a heating system?
Today, the choice of options for heating systemsindustrial use is simply huge. And if you approach the matter of organizing heating lightly, then you can pay dearly for it later. And it’s good if the resulting problems can be eliminated only with money. Most often, the entire business is at risk: all kinds of regulatory authorities (from firefighters to an epidemic station with industrial supervision) can close production in case of gross violations. And ventilation and heating is a very serious matter. Therefore, the design and installation of these systems must be entrusted to specialists who are ready to provide all the necessary project documentation. This gives a certain guarantee that all work will be carried out in accordance with the current rules and regulations in the construction industry and that there will be no problems with the inspectors in the future.
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