Deadline for filing income tax returns. tax report

Deadline for filing income tax returns. tax report
Deadline for filing income tax returns. tax report

Today we will be interested in the deadline for filing income tax returns. In general, this question is extremely simple. Only the process has various features and alternatives that you need to know. For example, how the reporting is filled out. Or who should and how often report to the state for profits and accrued losses. If you carefully understand all this, no tax report will be terrible for you. Let's get started as soon as possible.

due date for filing income tax returns
due date for filing income tax returns

Income tax

But first, let's find out what we should be accountable for? It has already become clear that we will be interested in the deadline for filing income tax returns. What kind of payment is this anyway?

It is easy to guess that we are talking about income. The tax is levied on individuals, legal entities and organizations. That is, from everyone who only has some kind of official income. There are exceptions to the rule, but not always. Most often, they simply exempt from paying tax, and not from reporting. In any case, you must report yourarrived. It doesn't matter if it's taxed or not.

Income tax is a contribution that is calculated regularly. Reporting varies from case to case. It all depends on how exactly the income was received, as well as what kind of taxation system takes place in this or that case.


For example, a fairly common case is a quarterly report. Applies to certain organizations. This will require ongoing reporting. Once a quarter, half a year, and every 9 months. And, of course, by the end of the tax reporting period - by April 30 of each year.

There is one limitation here. The tax declaration (income tax) in certain cases must be submitted to the relevant service no later than 28 days after the end of the tax period. In practice, they try to make all manipulations with reports much faster.

complete income tax return
complete income tax return


There is also one very interesting rule. It applies, as in the previous case, to legal entities, as well as organizations. As we have already found out, the deadline for submitting an income tax return varies. It can be a quarter, 9 months, six months. And you need to submit a report no later than 28 days following the end of the period. There is nothing difficult in this.

But the mandatory (and, as many believe, the most important) report is the annual one. It is, as you might guess, compiled once a year. The quarterly report is valid for a particular period, but the annual report is valid forprevious year. That is, in 2016 you report for 2015 and so on.

He also has his own deadlines. You must complete the declaration (income tax) and submit it to the tax authorities by March 28 of each year. At the same time, as already mentioned, information for the previous period is reported. There is nothing difficult or special about it. Such rules are established in Russia.

accounting forms
accounting forms

Simplified system

Forms of financial statements include not only standard cases, but also special taxation regimes. The thing is that some companies (and individuals) choose some special forms of reporting to the state. For example, on "simplified". This is the most common case for individuals.

If you have an open LLC, then the deadline for submitting an income tax return from the simplified tax system will be annual. Once a year, you must report to the state on your income. At the same time, for LLC, the deadline is set until March 31.

Nevertheless, such a form of activity as IP is most often used. This is especially true not of companies and organizations, but of individuals. They also have an annual report. No quarterly, semi-annual and so on. Once a year, you will need to provide information about your income and expenses to the tax authorities (in some cases). At the same time, an individual entrepreneur can report with the simplified tax system until April 30 of each year. It is this period that is considered the tax reporting period for everyone.


Also special shapesfinancial statements include the UTII system. It's also called "the slut". Not the most common occurrence, but it does happen. At the same time, keep in mind that you will have to report on your income often. Once a quarter.

The quarterly report in this case will be submitted no later than the 20th day of the month following the end of the reporting period. Otherwise, if you "do not meet" the deadlines, problems may begin. So consider this fact.

quarterly report
quarterly report

In principle, these are all the basic rules that can only relate to our today's topic. We found out the deadlines for filing income tax returns. What's next? What are the features of this moment?

For individuals

But take your time. Individuals, as we have already found out, must also pay income tax. Even if they are not registered as individual entrepreneurs. For example, income tax is charged to you when you rent out real estate. Or when selling it. For all this, it is necessary to report to the state.

But what is the deadline? There is no need to immediately run and try to fill out a declaration (income tax). The thing is that individuals have every right to report their profits once a year. Moreover, this is the option used by taxpayers.

At the same time, the deadline set is quite humane. It is exactly the same as for IP. That is, you must report for the income received in the previous year by April 30th. But with the payment of taxes allmuch easier. But more on that later. The main thing to remember: individuals report for their profits once a year, until April 30th. This is important.

income tax declaration filling
income tax declaration filling

Paying taxes

But until what date do you need to pay taxes in a particular case? Assume that profit reporting has been compiled and submitted to the tax service. What's next? Do I need to pay immediately or not?

No. Both organizations and individuals have their own rules in this matter. In general, it all depends on the form of your reporting. And the period in which you submit documents to the tax authorities.

Thus, for organizations, payment of taxes is possible no more than 28 days after the submission of the profit declaration (quarterly). And at the same time, if an annual report is used, you will have to pay before March 28 of each year. Not later. Earlier it is possible, it will be an advance payment. Very convenient and common among companies.

But for individuals and individual entrepreneurs (LLC) with the simplified tax system, not everything is so strictly limited. They have the right to pay income taxes, as a rule, until July 15 of each year. And advance payments are set on April 30th. By the way, it is the advance that is chosen most often. Practice shows that reporting for the profits and immediately getting rid of debts is what will save individual entrepreneurs and individuals from unnecessary problems in the future. Paid and forgotten.

income tax return
income tax return

About filling

We need to file an income tax return. Declaration, the completion of which many considerdifficult task, as we have already found out, is filed with the tax authorities in different periods. Nevertheless, the principle of compiling the report does not change. Now you can fill out the relevant documents both manually and electronically using special applications. It is the second option that is in great demand among citizens.

What do you need for reporting? Of course, information about the taxpayer. Which ones, depends on who is the payer. If an individual or individual entrepreneur - passport data and TIN are enough. But organizations should have their own details. And they will be indicated in special fields in reports.

Also, information about sources of income will not interfere. They are required. And don't forget about expenses, if any. So all the information will have to be not only documented, but also entered into the declaration.

In principle, nothing more is required. It is enough to open a special program, select the 3-NDFL form there and fill in all the relevant fields. If you have the documents listed above, there will be no problems with this. After all, all areas are signed extremely easy to understand. At the end of the process, click on "Generate" - you get a ready-made declaration. It remains to sign it and submit it to the tax authorities.

Tax interest

And now the most important thing: how much should you pay in this or that case for profit? What is the tax in Russia for received funds? Reporting on time is only half the battle. An important point is the direct payment of income tax.

Alldepends on who is the taxpayer. And what system of taxation does it work under. Organizations in the Russian Federation pay 20% of profits, foreign companies - 30%, individuals - 13%, and according to the "simplification" you need to pay either 6% or 15.

tax report
tax report

There will be nothing difficult in the calculations. Multiply the tax base (income-expenses) by the interest received - the amount payable is obtained. Further, reporting is compiled (if you have not done it before), submitted to the tax authorities, and then payment is made.
