Deadline for filing income tax return. What is required for income tax refund

Deadline for filing income tax return. What is required for income tax refund
Deadline for filing income tax return. What is required for income tax refund

Today we are interested in the deadline for filing income tax returns. And not only him. It is also important to know what documents are needed in a particular case. After all, without a specific list, you will simply be denied a deduction. In principle, as practice shows, there are no particular difficulties with this process. It's easy enough to prepare for it. And of course, meet the deadlines established by law. This is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing - keep in mind that there are generally accepted documents for all cases, but there is something that is required for specific situations. And it is precisely the study of all this that we have to do with you.

due date for filing income tax return
due date for filing income tax return


The deadline for filing income tax returns is, of course, important. But first you should know what documents may be required in a particular case. It's no secret that the absence of even one "paper" can lead to the refusal of the tax authorities to deduct.

So, the first thing that will be required from the taxpayer is an identity card. In our case, this is a passport. You can try to present any other similar document (for example, a driver's license), but most likely this option will not work. Your documents will be refused.

If you are a legal entity, you will have to provide details of your registration. This is nothing new in income tax returns. Those are the rules. You will need copies of your documents. Passports or props - it's not so important. But do not forget to grab the original.

According to the application

What's next? Now, of course, we should not forget that the return of income tax for medical services, training and for other reasons is mandatory only at the request of the taxpayer. This means that we will have to write a statement of the established form to solve our today's problem.

refund of income tax for medical services
refund of income tax for medical services

Please note that your bank details are required on the application. It is with their help that you will have to transfer money for your own expenses for one reason or another. The application does not cause any problems. In this case, you only need the original of this document. No copies, even if they are certified. Otherwise, income tax cannot be refunded.


The next important moment for us is the preparation of the tax return. It is it that is necessary for applying to the tax authorities for the payment of certain contributions, andto receive certain deductions.

The declaration must be given to the tax office in one copy, and in the original. No copies, not even certified ones. Such a document will simply not be accepted. How to fill out an income tax return? It's very simple.

Special programs that generate declarations for reporting will come to the rescue. Form 3-NDFL is required. You need to enter data on expenses and incomes in it, and then click on the "Generate" button. There is nothing difficult or special about it. It is enough to look at the fields in the program once to understand what and where to write. In addition, here you can see the comments and signatures of the items you need. The tips are sure to make the process of filing a 3-NDFL tax return for reporting easier.

new on income tax refund
new on income tax refund


What else is required without fail for all cases? Here you have to take one more reference. It is called 2-NDFL. Or, as it may also be called, a document on the income of individuals. More precisely, about wages.

Where can I get it? At your employer. If you independently carry out this or that activity, you will have to use a specialized program to generate a certificate. The same one where you created 3-personal income tax. Most often, it is the employer who must issue you this form as soon as possible. This is the most common option.

In what form does the tax authority accept this document? Income tax refund is possible only when 2-personal income tax isoriginal. And no more. Copies are not accepted at all desire, even certified ones. Such rules are established in Russia. In principle, you can try to provide a certified copy, but it is unlikely that you will accept it.


But what is the deadline for filing income tax returns? We have more or less de alt with the documents. Now that they are known (at least for now only the main ones), it is worth worrying about being able to meet the deadline.

income tax refund
income tax refund

In general, you have the right to issue a refund at any time. However, the period is limited. The thing is that citizens have the right to make a tax deduction for the last 3 years. According to modern rules, you will have to meet the deadlines - in the tax reporting period. In other words, until April 30.

The deadline for filing income tax returns is now clear. It is also important to note that your application with all documents will be considered for some time. How? Approximately a month or two. After that, you will receive a response with a refusal to deduct or with its approval. In the first case, pay attention to the comment - most likely, there you will see the reason for the rejection of the request. You can fix everything and try your luck again. The deduction funds are returned to citizens approximately 2-3 months after submitting an application with a declaration to the tax authorities.


Now some special cases. Refunds can be made for a variety of reasons. For example, many are treated and want to get a deduction. itMaybe. The return of income tax for medical services is a fairly common scenario that occurs among citizens in one case or another. What may be required in addition to the documents already listed?

mortgage income tax refund
mortgage income tax refund

Firstly, decide what exactly you are making out the deduction for. If for medicines, a payment document and a prescription for a medicine are required. Sometimes they also require a certificate from a doctor.

Secondly, when it comes to treatment and some direct services, everything is much more complicated. You need to take a copy of the license of the medical institution, as well as an agreement with the organization for the provision of paid services. Attach all payment documents here - checks and receipts for payment. Basically, that's it.


Another scenario is the return of funds for voluntary medical insurance. The above list of required documents in this case will be supplemented with just a few papers.

Which ones exactly? You need an agreement with an insurance company, its license, as well as all payment documents that only you have. Of course, we are talking exclusively about those related to the insurance company.

Mortgages and apartments

Now mortgages are widespread in Russia. Income tax refund in this case takes place. True, you have to be pretty prepared. The list of required documents is supplemented quite seriously. Although getting all the documents is not so difficult.

how to fill out income tax returntax
how to fill out income tax returntax

If you just bought an apartment, then you need to attach a certificate of ownership, a contract of sale, checks and payments. This should also include acts of acceptance and transfer of real estate, an agreement on participation in shared construction (in some cases). Some tax authorities require an extract from the house book. It's illegal, but it's best to bring them right away. You can take it at the Housing Office.

When it comes to mortgages, you will have to supplement the already listed list with just a few documents. You will need to attach certificates of payment of interest on the mortgage, as well as an agreement with the bank (loan agreement). Practice shows that there are no problems with this.


Return of income tax to pensioners also takes place. True, it all depends on what exactly you are deducting. Collect a complete list of documents for a particular case, and then attach some special certificates.

income tax refund for pensioners
income tax refund for pensioners

What? Here you will need a pension certificate (copy), as well as all documents that confirm your benefits. For example, disability certificates. If you were in the military, then a military ID will also come in handy. That's it.
