What is the rating of Russian banks in 2014?

What is the rating of Russian banks in 2014?
What is the rating of Russian banks in 2014?

Many people are faced with the need to take out a loan. In order not to find yourself in a difficult situation, you should be extremely careful when choosing a bank. In this regard, the question arises as to which bank is the most reliable. The rating of Russian banks depending on the size of their capital will help answer it.

What is a reliability rating?

rating of Russian banks
rating of Russian banks

Today there are many rating agencies that conduct research and find out different coefficients: the level of profit of the organization, financial stability, the volume of loans, the number of loans issued. The main indicator for investors and businessmen is the value of assets. Based on this coefficient, the so-called rating of Russian banks by assets or reliability is created. Observing the deviations of the values, one can see how often people turn to a particular bank, what is the level of trust in it. Organizations that occupy high positions have been operating for many years. Most often, they are supported by the state.

Tenmost creditworthy banks in Russia

rating of Russian banks by assets
rating of Russian banks by assets

As of February 1, 2014, Sberbank of Russia leads the rating of Russian banks. Its value of assets amounted to 16,707 billion rubles. In second place is Gazprombank, whose capital is approximately 3,663 billion rubles. It is followed by VTB-24, which owns 2,069 billion rubles. The fourth place was taken by Rosselkhozbank, having increased its funds to 1,741 billion. Next comes the Bank of Moscow (savings equal to 1,640 billion rubles). The next position is occupied by Alfa-Bank, followed by Nomos-Bank. Unicredit is in eighth place, followed by Promsvyazbank. Raiffeisenbank completes the rating of Russian banks in terms of reliability (tenth place) with the amount of savings of 702.3 billion rubles.

Twenty consecutive places

Rosbank is in eleventh place, followed by St. Petersburg. Thirteenth place is occupied by the Moscow Credit Bank. The fourteenth position belongs to the Bank of Russia, and the next - Ak Bars. The sixteenth line of the rating belongs to Uralsib, followed by the well-known Russian standard. Eighteenth place is occupied by the Khanty-Mansiysk Bank. Even fewer assets are in Home Credit and Finance. Twentieth place belongs to Sviaz-Bank (fixed assets equal to 316.98 billion rubles).

Citibank is in 21st place, followed by MDM, Nordea Bank, Globex. The 25th position is occupied by Zenith, followed by Petrocommerce. Next - Orient Express, Binbank, ING (Eurasia). 30th place belongs to Vozrozhdeniye Bank.

Reviews of borrowers aboutsome banks

rating of Russian banks in terms of reliability
rating of Russian banks in terms of reliability

Even knowing the rating of Russian banks according to various criteria, one can be disappointed in the choice. According to customer reviews, the following banks provide the best lending conditions and convenient interest rates:

  • Sberbank;
  • Orient Express;
  • VTB 24;
  • Gazprombank;
  • Bank of Moscow;
  • Alfa-Bank;
  • Trust.

However, there are organizations that attract people with a low interest rate for a loan, and in the contract they offer completely unfavorable conditions. Therefore, the following banks received negative feedback from customers:

  • Russian Standard;
  • Renaissance Credit;
  • Tinkoff Credit Systems.

Knowing the rating of Russian banks and people's feedback, you can reduce the risk of becoming deceived or getting into a stalemate.
