How many eggs do chickens incubate

How many eggs do chickens incubate
How many eggs do chickens incubate

Many people spend most of their time in the countryside and prefer to do home gardening, because they are well aware that home-grown products are of excellent quality. And, of course, what peasant table can do without homemade chicken eggs. In this regard, quite logical questions arise: "How many chicken eggs hatch and what is required for this?" Of course, you can take advantage of the "benefits of civilization" and purchase an incubator. However, electricity is often cut off in rural areas, and the quality of such equipment sometimes leaves much to be desired - thermal sensors are by no means reliable.

How long do chicken eggs incubate
How long do chicken eggs incubate

As a result, summer residents use a proven method: they use hens. But again, not everyone knows how much mother hen eggs incubate. Let's look at this issue in more detail. The fact is that the above type of chickens independently determines the desired humidity and temperature of the masonry. The mother hen instinctively knows when toturn over in time and move the eggs from the edges to the middle of the nest. After the brood is born, over the next three months, the hen is inseparable from her offspring: she feeds, cares, warms and protects the chickens.

Considering the question of how long hens incubate eggs, it must be emphasized that the best hens ultimately turn out to be local outbred individuals.

How to plant a chicken to hatch eggs
How to plant a chicken to hatch eggs

The question of how a chicken incubates eggs is quite informative. Before sitting on them, a potential mother hen is preparing to make unusual sounds - bubbling. She stays in the nest for quite a long time, sometimes even spending the night in it. At the same time, she quite unexpectedly can fly out of the nest and walk around the paddock during the day, shouting out bubbling sounds. After that, the chicken again sits in the nest, and when you try to remove it from there, it begins to behave quite aggressively, intending to peck at the “offender”. So, how long do chicken eggs incubate in the end? As a general rule, this period is about three weeks.

The question of how to plant a chicken to incubate eggs is also important. As a rule, a separate room is prepared for the hen, which should be dark and tightly closed. This eliminates the possibility that other individuals will put their eggs in her nest.

How does a chicken incubate eggs
How does a chicken incubate eggs

It is necessary to give the chicken a few days to get used to the nest (3-5 days), putting a feweggs. After a day, eggs should be removed from the nest, and 13-15 new ones should be placed in their place. The nest should not be small, it is optimal to use a wicker basket or an iron basin. Straw or hay is used as bedding. The period of incubation of chicken eggs is on average about 10 days. The most suitable period of time for incubation of eggs is in the spring, namely in April and May. Eggs must be of the correct weight, shape, strong shell, clean and should not be washed.

The above recommendations will help you properly organize the process of incubation of chicken eggs.
