Number of banks in Russia, rating, licenses

Number of banks in Russia, rating, licenses
Number of banks in Russia, rating, licenses

Before becoming a client of any bank, you must make sure of its reliability - a credit institution must have a license for the relevant activity, and also occupy not the last positions in the rating of banks and not have a tendency to constantly reduce their performance in this list. In the article, we will introduce you to the total number of commercial banks in Russia, present the top ones, and provide a list of organizations deprived of a license. We will also tell you other useful information about this area.

How many banks are there in Russia today?

As of August 1, 2017, there are 537 commercial credit organizations operating in the Russian Federation. The total number of banks in Russia registered at one time or another is 878 today. Of these, 341 have now had their licenses revoked.

number of banks in russia
number of banks in russia

Let's give a table showing the number of banks in Russia in the pastsummer.

Year Number of licensed banks
2001 1311
2005 1299
2010 1058
2015 834
2017 (as of January 1st) 623

Now let's talk about some patterns of changes in the number of banks, as well as the Central Bank's plans for Russian credit institutions.

Dynamics of changes in the number of banks

Having learned how many banks there are in Russia today and how many there were at least 10 years ago, one thing is clear - the number of these institutions is steadily declining. As of January 1, 2017, the number of banks in our country amounted to 45.2% of their number in 2008.

how many banks are there in russia today
how many banks are there in russia today

Out of the existing number, only 336 can be classified as large. Of these, only 314 have head offices in the capital. Thus, for every 39,000 people in Moscow, there is only one bank - I mean the organization, not the number of offices and divisions. Speaking about the regions, we can say that the vast majority of banks in Russia are registered in its European part, but beyond the Urals (Ural, Northern, Far Eastern districts) there are catastrophically few of them. But it is in the territories of these regions that the main natural resources of the country are concentrated.

Many were struck by the revocation of the license from the Yugra bank, which was firmly among the top thirty major banking organizations in Russia. The reason for this decision was the concealment of his realfinancial condition.

Authorized capital and consolidation of banks

Reading Art. 11 of the Federal Law "On banks and their activities", it can be said for sure that the emergence of new credit organizations is very problematic - let's get acquainted with the requirements for the authorized capital of a registered institution:

  • The smallest amount of the authorized capital of a banking organization for issuing a license is 300 million rubles.
  • The smallest amount of the authorized capital of a credit, but at the same time non-banking organization that plans to work with both individuals and legal entities with a banking license - 90 million rubles.
  • The smallest amount of the authorized capital of a credit non-banking organization that plans to operate without a bank license is 18 million rubles.
top banks in russia
top banks in russia

The amount of own funds of an already operating bank should not be below the bar of 300 million rubles. According to these indicators, 150 banking organizations are currently at risk. They have two options - closing or joining a larger bank. These institutions are experiencing three main types of transformation:

  • Merger of capital with the capital of another credit institution.
  • Actual takeover by a larger bank.
  • Self-liquidation, liquidation due to bankruptcy.

Split Russian banks

In the near future, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation plans to divide the entire number of Russian banks into three large categories:

  • Top ten systemically important banks: Sberbank, Gazprombank, Otkritie, VTB,UniCredit, Promsvyazbank, Raiffeisen Bank, Alfa-Bank, Rosselkhozbank, Rosbank (for 2016).
  • Federal banks of Russia are credit institutions with offices and branches in the vast majority of Russian regions. They must necessarily meet international standards and have the smallest equity capital ratio of at least 1 billion rubles.
  • Regional banks are small credit organizations that conduct simple banking operations - currency exchange, loans to the public, accepting money for deposits from citizens, etc. Their main audience is individuals, small and medium-sized businesses.
commercial banks in Russia
commercial banks in Russia

Ranking banks

The top Russian banks are compiled into three main groups:

  • Main indicators: net assets, loan portfolio, deposits of individuals, customer investments in securities, capital in the form 123, 134.
  • Indicators of the institution's performance: return on capital, net assets, turnover on foreign exchange transactions, overdue debts on loans, etc.
  • Balance sheet indicators: cash security, loans to individuals and legal entities, overdrafts, fixed assets and other assets, issued bills, bonds, etc.
reliable Russian banks
reliable Russian banks

Top Russian banks

Let's consider the rating of credit institutions by the most important indicators. Key banks in Russia are determined by the amount of net assets - real, real assets. are calculatedby deducting liabilities (debt obligations of a credit institution) from the total income. Here is the data for August 2017.

Bank Net assets, billion rubles Notes
"Sberbank of Russia" 23, 3
VTB "Bank of Moscow" 9, 2
Gazprombank 5, 4
"VTB 24" 3, 4
Rosselkhozbank 2, 8
"Alfa Bank" 2, 6 +1 position in the ranking compared to last month
"National Clearing Center" 2, 6 +1 position compared to last month
"Opening" 2, 3 -2 positions up from last month
"Moscow Credit Bank" 1, 7
"Promsvyazbank" 1, 2

Now the rating by the share of deposits of individuals in the capital is a kind of indicator of public confidence in a certain bank. Also figures for August 2017.

Bank The amount of deposits of individuals, billion rubles Notes
"Sberbank of Russia" 11, 464
"VTB 24" 2, 249
Rosselkhozbank 0, 736 +1 position compared to last month
"Alfa Bank" 0, 734 -1 position compared to last month
Gazprombank 0, 723
"Binbank" 0, 555 +1 position compared to last month
"Opening" 0, 538 -1 position compared to last month
VTB "Bank of Moscow" 0, 538
"Promsvyazbank" 0, 397
"Raiffeisen Bank" 0, 366

And the final rating - by the amount of loans issued to individuals as of August 2017.

Bank Total amount of loans issued to individuals, billion rubles Notes
"Sberbank of Russia" 4, 510
"VTB 24" 1, 721
Rosselkhozbank 0, 338
Gazprombank 0, 323
"Alfa Bank" 0, 263
VTB "Bank of Moscow" 0, 253
"Raiffeisen Bank" 0, 209
"Post-Bank" 0, 161
"Home Credit Bank" 0, 154
"Tinkoff Bank" 0, 139 +2 positions compared to last month

And now let's move on to the anti-rating.

Banks revoked licenses in 2017

Speaking of reliable banks in Russia, we must also mention those that did not justify the trust of their direct customers. Recall that in 2015, 93 banks lost their licenses, and in 2016 - 97. It is too early to talk about the results of 2017, but today the following credit organizations do not have the right to operate:

  • "Bulgar Bank";
  • "Commercial City Bank";
  • "Tatfond Bank";
  • "Ancor Bank";
  • North-Western-1 "Alliance Bank";
  • "Economic Union"
  • "Sirius";
  • Rosenergobank;
  • "Yenisei";
  • "Oil Alliance";
  • "Intechbank";
  • "Seabas";
  • "Talmenka-bank";
  • "Innovation";
  • "Ivy";
  • "Tatagroprombank";
  • "Education";
  • RITZ;
  • "Finars";
  • "Krylovsky";
  • "International Construction Bank";
  • "Vladprombank";
  • "Northeast Alliance";
  • "Riabank";
  • Intercoopbank;
  • "Moscow National Investment Bank";
  • "Steel Bank";
  • "Legion";
  • "Premier Credit";
  • "Yugra";
  • "Anelik RU";
  • "Reserve".
Russian federal banks
Russian federal banks

Why can a bank's license be revoked?

The decision to revoke the license is made by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Consider in the table the grounds necessary for a commercial bank in Russia to lose the right to engage in its activities.

License revocation possible License revocation imminent

After the organization received a license, it did not start the activities indicated in this document for a year.

Invalid data was provided to obtain a license.

The bank's monthly activity report was delayed by his fault for more than 15 days.

The bank statements provide incorrect data.

The bank has at least once performed a transaction not permitted by its license.

Delay in repayment of credit debt for more than 14 days.

The level of the bank's own funds fell below the minimum line of the indicated acceptable.

It goes without saying that without a license, the bank is not allowed to continue its work.

key Russian banks
key Russian banks

We hope that such a brief excursion into the number of banks, their rating, development trends helped you figure out when choosing an organization for a particular type of financial service.
