Addresses of "Ile de Beaute" in Moscow. Exclusive brands and online store

Addresses of "Ile de Beaute" in Moscow. Exclusive brands and online store
Addresses of "Ile de Beaute" in Moscow. Exclusive brands and online store

"Ile de Beauté" is a well-known and beloved by many cosmetics and perfumery chain, represented in many cities of Russia. The addresses of "Ile de Beaute" in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and other cities are the favorite stores of many thousands of Russian girls.

About company

The store first opened its doors in 2001. In just 17 years, the company has taken a leading position in the Russian cosmetics and perfumery retail market. Recent years have been marked by full entry into SEPHORA, owned by LVMH.

Ile de Beaute
Ile de Beaute

Addresses of Ile de Beaute stores in Moscow and other cities total 130, a convenient online store has also been launched, where you can place an order from any corner of the country. The range of presented products includes about 30,000 commodity items produced by world concerns of cosmetics and perfumery.

This company daily analyzes consumer demand for certain products, and also monitors the release of newproducts to the market. HR-specialists recruit only professionals in their stores to ensure that each employee can assist customers in choosing a particular product.

Ile de Beaute consultants
Ile de Beaute consultants

Spent client days and bonus cards increase the company's loy alty. There are several types of cosmetic network bonus cards:

  • 10% discount for every customer;
  • a 15% discount is issued to customers with a card balance of 10,000;
  • a 20% discount is issued to customers with a balance of 30,000;
  • a 25% discount is issued to customers with a balance of 50,000.

Also, various promotions are often arranged on the Web, under the terms of which you can get a card that provides a 25% discount without any savings for the required amount. The discount limit applies to some brands represented in the cosmetic network. For example, the Sephora brand has a 5% discount limit regardless of the level of the customer's bonus card. The same restrictions apply to Tom Ford, Rexaline, Bobbi Brown, Chanel, Sensai and others. The discount can be limited to 5% or 10%. A complete list of such restricted brands is available on the Ile de Beaute official website. During the buyer's birthday (the date must be indicated in the user's personal account), the company provides a promotional code that gives an additional discount.

Exclusive brands at Ile de Beaute

Cosmetic chain is famous for exclusive brands presented in the range of stores. In shopsnetwork is available a full line of care products of the popular brand Dr. Jart: face creams, clay masks, sheet masks. Customers love this brand for its value for money and performance.

Also on the shelves of the Ile de Beaute network in Moscow, you can find the Rexaline brand and the most popular mask from the manufacturer Hydra-Shock.

The full range of stores includes brands from both the mass market and luxury segments. Also on the shelves are exclusive fragrances from niche perfumes.

Addresses "Ile de Beaute" in Moscow

There are 37 cosmetic chain stores in Moscow. They are located in such large shopping centers as:

  • "MEGA Tyoply Stan".
  • "Metropolis".
  • "Afimall City".
  • "European".
  • "Oceania".
Ile de Beaute
Ile de Beaute

List of Ile de Beaute metro and addresses in Moscow located outside shopping centers:

  • Leningradsky prospect, 50, Aeroport metro station;
  • Profsoyuznaya street, 104, Belyaevo metro station;
  • Tverskaya street, building 6, building 1, Okhotny Ryad metro station and others.

Besides Moscow and St. Petersburg, there are outlets in such Russian cities as:

  • Murmansk.
  • Arkhangelsk.
  • Astrakhan.
  • Barnaul.
  • Volgograd.
  • Kemerovo.
  • Irkutsk and others.

Online store

Bonline store has a complete range available in all retail stores of the Network. In addition, the online store often has additional promotions that encourage customers to place an order. Often "Ile de Beaute" gives its customers promotional codes for free shipping.

Cosmetic network is the only representative of the SEPHORA brand in Russia, which is represented not only in online retail stores of the Network. The SEPHORA collection includes a wide variety of care products, as well as cosmetics at affordable prices.

Brand Sephora
Brand Sephora

Addresses of "Ile de Beaute" in Moscow and other major cities are fully presented on the page of the online store, so that it is convenient for users to find the nearest store near them. A special cutting-edge mobile application was also released, including the user's personal account and online store.
