SSPI in Essentuki is an excellent choice for an applicant

SSPI in Essentuki is an excellent choice for an applicant
SSPI in Essentuki is an excellent choice for an applicant

The branch of the Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute (SSPI) in Essentuki offers higher or secondary specialized education in popular speci alties in several areas. About 1100 students study here every year.

History of the SSPI branch

The city of Essentuki by the mid-80s of the last century was growing rapidly: new houses were built, kindergartens and schools were erected. As a result, there was an acute problem of shortage of personnel. Therefore, in 1986, the Essentuki Pedagogical School was opened here. After 2 years, the educational institution became known as the Essentuki educational and pedagogical complex. In 1999, it was renamed the Essentuki Pedagogical College.

SSPI building in Essentuki
SSPI building in Essentuki

Despite the difficult time for the country, thanks to the enthusiasm of the teaching staff and the wise leadership, the material and technical base of the educational institution constantly grew and replenished. In 2008, the college became a branch of the SSPI, confirming its time-tested status as one of the leading educational institutions in the KavMinVody.

Speci alties and termlearning

Today, pedagogical speci alties, which are trained in the branch of the State Pedagogical Institute of Essentuki, are in rather high demand. Full-time students are offered several single-profile areas: "Primary Education", "Russian Language", "Physical Education", "Psychology and Social Pedagogy". You can get an education in 2 profiles at once, expanding the field of your future activity.

While studying
While studying

A graduate will be able to simultaneously be a teacher of history and the Russian language, physical education and Belarusian Railways, mathematics and computer science, a kindergarten teacher and a primary school teacher. The term for obtaining higher education for full-time education is 4-5 years, there is an annual and undergraduate practice.

For those who want to get higher education in absentia, the SSPI branch offers such single-profile areas as "Preschool Education", "Biology", "Special Psychology", "Physical Education" and "Speech Therapy". You can get an education in several profiles at once. The term of study for part-time students is six months longer than for full-time students, sessions are held 2 times a year. Pre-graduation practice required.

During the exam
During the exam

In the Essentuki branch of the SSPI, students are also studying in secondary education programs. Applicants who have completed the 9th grade of the school can enter here. They are offered the following areas to choose from: "Preschool education", "Teaching in primary grades","Physical Culture". To get an education, students study for 3 years and 10 months, they also have an internship every year.

Information for applicants

The SSPI branch (Essentuki) offers to study both free of charge, on a state budget basis, and with reimbursement of tuition fees (commercial or contractual form). The number of budget places is quite large. If the number of applicants wishing to enter the SSPI branch (Essentuki) is greater than the number of budget places, then a competitive selection is carried out according to certificates. Benefits for admission will be for those whose average score on the certificate is higher, as well as for those who belong to certain privileged categories (children with disabilities, children from large families).

Sport competitions
Sport competitions

If 2 applicants for one place with the same score on the certificate are identified, the grades in the certificate are compared in such subjects as Russian language and algebra. If these marks are equal for both applicants, entrance tests are conducted in these subjects. For those wishing to enroll in speci alties related to the teaching of physical culture, entrance examinations are held in any case.

Student Life

Students of the Essentuki SSPI branch spend their time not only on classes - they take part in various competitions, games, and excursions. These are, for example, sports competitions, variety performances, contests promoting respect for the environment, excursions to the picturesque foothills of the North Caucasus.

Excursionto the Caucasus
Excursionto the Caucasus

There are also many useful extracurricular activities that allow future specialists to learn the secrets of the modern business world, the latest trends in pedagogy, painting, music, and literature. Introduction to art through thematic events allows students to reveal their talents, overcome stiffness before public speaking, and diversify their leisure time. It is noteworthy that students can check the class schedule and their progress online on the website of the educational institution.

Additional education

On the basis of the SSPI branch in Essentuki, various advanced training courses for educators are also held, there are several general development programs. In addition, there are circles of additional education for children of preschool and school age.

Children are learning
Children are learning

Despite the fact that there is no military department in this educational institution, annual military training is held for young men. All classes are taught by first-class teachers who have accumulated vast experience in their field over long work.

Address and directions

The SSPI branch in Essentuki is located at 7, Rose Valley Street.


To get to the institution by car, after entering the city from the direction of Pyatigorsk, after a fork in the roundabout, choose the first direction, then move to the first intersection where you need to turn left. After 600 meters there will be the building of the SSPI.
