Regulations on material incentives for employees: mandatory items, features, legal norms

Regulations on material incentives for employees: mandatory items, features, legal norms
Regulations on material incentives for employees: mandatory items, features, legal norms

The regulation on bonuses and material incentives for employees is a local regulatory document of the organization. It is necessary to establish the procedure, as well as the basic conditions for remuneration of its employees. Such a document is not mandatory. However, any budgetary organization has a provision on material incentives for employees.

regulation on bonuses and material incentives for employees
regulation on bonuses and material incentives for employees

Importance of the document

It regulates the features of material incentives for teachers (educators), makes the bonus system transparent and understandable. The regulation on material incentives for employees includes the main types of work for which a teacher or other employee can count on a certain remuneration. According to Art. 135 TKRF system of remuneration, the amount of bonuses, rates, other incentive payments, the ratio of their sizes between employees of the organization is determined independently.

What to look out for

The most logical would be the arrangement of all the conditions and rules of remuneration in one document, and not the transfer of individual bonuses in the rules of labor regulations, the collective agreement, and other local acts of the educational organization.

Regulations on material incentives for employees is a source of information for employees about the procedure and rules for paying wages, about material incentives that exist in a particular organization. Such awareness is an excellent incentive for the qualitative performance of labor duties, increasing the general interest in the positive image of the organization (company).

regulation on financial incentives for employees of the institution
regulation on financial incentives for employees of the institution

Important points

The provision on material incentives for employees (Article 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) should not contradict the legislation in force in the country. The main purpose of such a regulatory local document is to encourage employees of labor collectives, for example, schools, kindergartens, offices.

Conditions for development and acceptance

Regulations on material incentives for teaching staff are being developed by a special working group. The adoption of such a local act is carried out in several ways:

  • only by the head (for example, job description, staffschedule);
  • employees or their representatives (voting is offered to the entire workforce).

The labor legislation of the Russian Federation (Article 372) establishes that the representative body of workers (trade union) should also participate in the adoption of such documents.

regulation on financial incentives in education
regulation on financial incentives in education

Compilation scheme

What does a typical "Regulation on financial incentives for educators" look like? Let's analyze the general scheme of the document.

First, the name of the organization in which this local act will operate is indicated, the director of the educational institution is indicated, he is signed. The following are the main parameters according to which the bonus is carried out.

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Example of a local act

Municipal educational budget institution for children left without parents.

"Sidorovsky children's boarding school"

I approve:

Director of a children's boarding school

_A. V. Tarakanov

Order No._ dated _ 2018

Regulations on material incentives for employees of the institution

General provisions.

1.1. This provision is being introduced to improve the quality and effectiveness of the work of the management and teaching staff of the Institution, promote creativity, initiative, improve the quality of upbringing and education of children, and retain highly qualified personnel.

1.2. To fully realizetasks, it is supposed to use several options for moral and material incentives for employees:

  • additional payments and allowances of a stimulating type (for teachers, educators, management of the Institution);
  • awarding the Certificate of Honor of the OU, announcement of gratitude;
  • nomination for state and departmental awards of higher organizations.

1.3. The procedure and criteria for creating incentive payments: bonuses, other types of incentives for employees of the Institution.

1.4. The regulation on material incentives for employees of the school (Institution) is adopted in accordance with the procedure for the adoption of documents that are provided for by the Charter of the educational institution, taking into account the opinion of the trade union committee. It is a fully independent legal act of the Institution.

1.5. Incentive payments are made from the existing payroll fund for employees of the Institution and are divided: into bonuses, as well as into established surcharges and allowances (not less than 50%).

1.6. When compiling the incentive part of the remuneration of the management and teaching staff of the educational institution, it should be taken into account that it cannot be less than 30%. The formation of the incentive part is carried out within the boundaries of budget allocations for the remuneration of employees of the Institution.

1.7. The administration of the OS has the right to increase the size of the incentive part of the wage fund, subject to savings for previous months, as well as due to the optimization of the staff of the Institution.

surcharge optionsstate employees
surcharge optionsstate employees

Features of promotion

The provision on material incentives for employees, the sample of which is being considered, should contain information on the features of the distribution of incentive funds.

1. The procedure for making a positive decision on material incentives for employees.

2.1.1. Incentive payments include:

  • surcharges and allowances for high performance and quality of work;
  • bonuses and surcharges for the intensity and intensity of the work carried out;
  • bonuses and allowances for seniority;
  • bonuses based on the results of specific activities

2.1.2. Incentive payments for high-quality and timely work are carried out in the form of incentives for employees, they involve initiative, creativity, timeliness, conscientiousness in the performance of duties, the use of innovative methods, forms, and activities related to the Charter of the Institution. An approximate list of such criteria is given in clause 2.2 of this Regulation.

2.1.3. Incentive payments for the intensity and intensity of the work carried out involve stimulating employees for active participation in the implementation of events important for the educational institution (preparation for regional, district, Russian Olympics); for a special mode of work (implementation of innovative methods and courses aimed at improving and preventing bad habits with children that require increased attention); for planning and organizing eventswhich are aimed at improving the image and authority of the educational institution among the population.

2.1.4. Incentive bonuses for holding specific events are established by employees in the event of high-quality preparation and holding of a certain school-wide holiday (event); for the timely and accurate delivery of reporting materials; for carrying out work related to the creation of an uninterrupted, trouble-free operation of the operational and engineering systems of the Institution.

2.1.5. The distribution of resources of the stimulating nature of the payroll fund for employees of the educational institution according to the forms and types of material incentives is carried out by the management of the organization (director of the Institution).

2.1.6. Establish incentive payments if the organization has material resources for a quarter, half a year, as well as a summer period for actually performed work. The amount of such payments is determined by the order of the Institution in the manner prescribed by this Regulation.

2.1.7. Incentive payments for work not specified in this local act are not allowed.

2.1.8. Incentive bonuses and allowances are determined as a percentage of the employee's minimum official salary.

2.1.9. An employee of the educational institution is being stimulated in his main position.

2.2. The conditions, as well as the procedure for setting additional payments and bonuses of a stimulating type for employees of the pedagogical, management staff of the educational institution, relate to the quality and high results of work.

2.2.1. The amount of payments to the official salary of the employees of the educational institution for the quality and effectiveness of laboris confirmed by the order of the director of the educational institution in the amount of money in rubles, for the period provided for by these Regulations. The amount of allowances and additional payments to an employee is not limited to the maximum amounts, they are determined taking into account the quality and volume of work performed by him.

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Working Group

The regulation on financial incentives for employees of preschool educational institutions is being developed by a special expert and analytical group. It consists of representatives of the employer, the trade union body, as well as ordinary employees (from the team). This group considers the results of work for a certain period for each employee, makes a decision on the possibility (impossibility) of establishing an additional payment. In its work, such a group is guided by such a local act as the Regulation on Surcharges, as well as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


Its content is determined by the individual educational organization. Teaching and management staff fill them out, then hand over the material (with applications that confirm the information in the form of scans of certificates, thanks, diplomas). The MA has the right to set deadlines for the submission of evaluation sheets, as well as the frequency of their submission by employees.

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stimulation for labor


In any educational organization, a number of local acts are developed that determine the features of interaction between employees and management. In addition to the Charter of the Institution, of particular interest is the Regulation, which specifies incentive payments.

In itcontains all types of work in the performance of which the employee can count on additional moral or material incentives for their high-quality and timely performance. This encourages teachers to use new methods, hold various events, improve their skills.