Wildberries redemption percentage - what is it?

Wildberries redemption percentage - what is it?
Wildberries redemption percentage - what is it?

Modern online stores come up with different ways to attract customers. And their retention on services as well. Today we are going to get acquainted with the buyback percentage of WildBerries. What's this? What is the purpose of this component? How to use it? Answers to all these questions (and more) will be found below. In fact, understanding the topic under study is not so difficult. Especially those who have already worked with the mentioned online store.

wildberries redemption percentage what is it
wildberries redemption percentage what is it

About this resource

First, a few words about WildBerries. What is this?

This is the name of the popular and largest universal online store in Russia. Here you can find almost any product - from clothing to household chemicals and appliances. The resource is distributed throughout the country. In most cities of the Russian Federation there are points for issuing goods. All this is done so that buyers can not only receive the order, but also consider it on the spot, and also, if necessary, return it to the seller.

WildBerries is a site that constantly holds promotions and discounts. There are various sales going on every day. With their helppeople can buy goods at favorable prices. Sometimes even cheaper than in your region of residence! Very tempting! And regular customers receive additional discounts and bonuses!

Those who work with an online store have long noticed such a component as the WildBerries buyback percentage. What it is? What does this indicator affect?


When placing orders for "Wildberry", the user usually does not make an advance payment. That is, he has a chance to make a purchase, receive it, inspect it on the spot (for example, at the point of issue) and pay if everything is in order. When a marriage is detected or if a citizen simply decides to refuse a purchase, a return must be issued.

WildBerries buyback percentage - what is it? This is the ratio of goods ordered to purchased. That is, this indicator reflects how often a person returned their purchases back to the online store. It would seem that nothing is difficult. But why did the resource come up with this very percentage of ransom?

wildberries redemption percentage calculation what is it
wildberries redemption percentage calculation what is it

Why is it needed?

If you want to cooperate with WildBerries for a long time, you will have to take into account the studied component without fail. It will eventually play an important role during checkout.

What does WildBerries buyback percentage give? It is needed so that buyers can order things without prepayment. The higher this indicator, the more orders without prior payment of funds can be placed on the site. But this is not the only area of application.studied feature! More details about other areas in which the percentage of the ransom is involved will be described below.

Additional Features

If you carefully study the WildBerries user profile, you will notice a limit on free shipping orders. The thing is that at some point the customer will have to pay for the delivery of the goods. Only citizens who often return goods should be afraid of this.

What does WildBerries buyback percentage affect? On the number of items, the delivery of which does not require advance payment. This has already been said. But how else is the said component used?

Redemption percentage WildBerries allows the user to receive individual discounts in various sizes on an ongoing basis. In addition to this component, the amount of money spent on the resource plays a role.

wildberries buyback percentage what affects
wildberries buyback percentage what affects

Thus, the more a person buys and does not return, the closer he is to individual permanent discounts. But there are some limitations here too. For example, discounts do not apply to some categories of goods.

About settlement

How is WildBerries buyback percentage calculated? What is it, we figured it out. And how exactly to find out what is the percentage of redeemed items? After all, sometimes returns are issued through no fault of the buyer - for example, due to marriage or damage during product delivery!

On the WildBerries website, you can see a fairly simple calculation formula. In order to independently calculate the percentage of redemption, the useryou need to divide the amount spent on the site, divide by the amount of registration of all purchases minus the cost of defective products. The resulting figure is multiplied by 100%. This is the ransom percentage.

Calculation example

Now it's clear what the buyback percentage on WildBerries means. And how to calculate it is also clear. The described formula raises a lot of questions for some users.

To fully understand the calculations, let's look at an illustrative example. Suppose we bought goods for 15,000 rubles. The cost of returned (additional) products to the store is 10,000 rubles. The marriage was in the amount of 2,000. We get: (15,000 / (10,000 + 15,000 - 2,000))100% \u003d 65.2%. This is approximately 65%. This will be the percentage of redemption in this situation. In fact, everything is very simple! Even a schoolboy can cope with the calculation of the studied component.

what gives the ransom percentage in wildberries
what gives the ransom percentage in wildberries

About regular customer discounts

What does WildBerries buyback percentage mean? This indicator indicates how much of the product, as a percentage, was redeemed from the site after delivery. In the calculations, defective items are not taken into account. Only quality products are considered.

As we have already found out, the percentage of redemption allows you to get a discount for a regular customer. It applies initially to all products, with rare exceptions. But more on that later. It is worth paying attention to the fact that in order to receive a permanent discount, you must make purchases for certain amounts.

How much should be the percentage of WildBerries redemption to get one orother discount? The following table will help you orient:

Ransom amount (rubles) Bronze (from 15,000) Silver (from 50,000) Gold (from 100,000) VIP (from 250,000)
Redemption percentage Percentage discount
20 to 30 0 5 7 10
30 to 40 5 7 10 15
40-60 7 10 15 17
60-100 10 15 17 17

Thus, before buying less than 15,000 rubles, subject to 100% redemption, the user does not have any additional discounts. But over time, it will definitely appear. Especially if you do not issue returns.

Discount limits

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that not all WildBerries products are covered by a regular customer discount. Some goods and delivery to some regions of the Russian Federation do not provide for an additional reduction in cost.

For example, the maximum discount for a regular customer for the category: home, books, toys, CDs, beauty is 7%. And nothing more.

what does the redemption percentage on wildberries mean
what does the redemption percentage on wildberries mean

", "Zarina", "1001 Dress", "Yours", BabyCollection, "Befri", "Berconti", "Cesolini", DerDieDas, "Insiti", "Capica", "La Rocher-Posay", "Marc Formelle", Milana, Auji, Pompa, Rondell, Vichy, Victoria Vici, Vis-a-Vis, Ralph Ringer, Modis, Milana, Mondigo, NYX, F5, "Elan Gallery" loy alty discount does not apply.

Also, you cannot use this feature when ordering goods with delivery to Chukotka and when ordering by mail to the Republic of Sakha, Yakutia and Magadan.

There are no other restrictions. The discount will directly depend on the WildBerries redemption percentage and the amounts spent on the site. The calculation takes into account purchases made in the last 183 days. If within six months the user has not ordered from WildBerries, then all previously made orders are taken into account. Such rules apply to the entire resource since 2016.

Where to look?

Where can I see the buyback percentage of WildBerries? Only registered users can find this component.

how to increase the buyback percentageon a wildberry
how to increase the buyback percentageon a wildberry

To get acquainted with the discount of a regular customer and with the percentage of redemption on the site, you need to:

  1. In the upper right corner of the WildBerries page, click on "My Account".
  2. Click on "My Discount".
  3. Scroll through the page and look at the corresponding item.

If you click on the hyperlink "Redemption Percentage Calculation Table", you will be able to see a detailed calculation system depending on the purchases made. The user will see that it was he who was ordered, redeemed, returned and issued as a marriage.

You can't find the WildBerries buyback percentage anywhere else. Unregistered users cannot access this component. They are also unable to buy through Wildberry.

How to increase?

How to raise the buyback percentage on WildBerries? Users are often interested in the answer to this question. After all, you don’t want to make an advance payment for a product that may not fit. In addition, the procedure for the return of funds for paid products takes a lot of time. Because of this, almost all buyers at Wildberry are interested in ways to increase the buyback percentage.

Unfortunately, the only way to increase the studied indicator is to buy a product. Buy more and don't return it. And nothing more.

Some users admit that they have several accounts on WildBerries - from one, an order is made to the pickup point in order to familiarize themselves with the goods, from the other, the main purchase is made, ifThe product delivered was correct. Perhaps, only such a scheme can be offered to save the percentage of ransom.

It is also recommended to carefully study the reviews for products located on Wildberry. Often, they can be used to understand how this or that product is worthy of attention. This technique also helps to save the percentage of redemption. After all, making successful purchases without returns, this component will increase.

What should be the buyback percentage on WildBerries so that no upfront payment is required? It does not take place until the user orders 10 units of the product. And this is provided that the percentage of redemption is from 0 to 17%. More detailed information on this matter can be found in the "Personal Account" on WildBerries.

what should be the percentage of redemption for wildberries
what should be the percentage of redemption for wildberries


Now it's clear what the ransom percentage on WildBerries gives. This is a rather important component, without which many buyers simply refuse to cooperate with an online store. This is especially true for those who are not sure about the quality of the ordered goods.

Did WildBerries buyback percentage decrease? Do not be afraid for this - in the "Personal Account" on the site you can see detailed statistics on redemptions and returns. If the percentage was reduced due to marriage, you will have to wait. After checking the goods, store employees will definitely restore the percentage of the ransom. In any case, the user should write to WildBerries support. They will definitely explain the situation and fix all the problems.

Redemption percentageWildberry - what is it? This is the name of one of the main indicators that allows you to receive goods without prepayment and with certain discounts for a regular customer! This component will be automatically taken into account when placing orders. And in the "Personal Account" there will be an icon with the maximum discount of the buyer. Very convenient!

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that with a careful selection of goods at Wildberry, a person will be able to order free delivery of products with additional discounts. Buy more and return less - that's the key to a successful increase in the percentage of ransom!
