"Transneft": feedback from employees about the employer, working conditions, wages

"Transneft": feedback from employees about the employer, working conditions, wages
"Transneft": feedback from employees about the employer, working conditions, wages

Public Joint Stock Company Transneft is the absolute monopoly of the Russian market for the transportation of oil and petroleum products, providing more than 84% of total supplies. This is one of the key enterprises of the fuel and energy complex of the country. The total number of Transneft employees can be compared with the population of an entire city; the company employs more than 119,000 employees.

This impressive staff of workers who service the transportation of oil produced in Russia and light oil products produced from this raw material are responsible for significant production assets, estimated at 2.9 trillion rubles in 2017.

Image"Transneft-Siberia": feedback from employees
Image"Transneft-Siberia": feedback from employees

We are talking about more than 68 thousand kilometers of gas pipelines of the main type, more than500 pumping substations, tank storages for oil and oil products with a volume of almost 25 million m33.

The company is strategically important, profitable and makes a significant contribution to the Russian economy. At the end of 2017, the net profit received by her amounted to 191.8 billion rubles. Of undoubted interest is the way the employees of Transneft themselves relate to their company. After all, the loy alty of employees is one of the most important conditions for the dynamic development of any enterprise, and especially such a huge one as the PJSC we are considering.

Transneft: characteristics of personnel policy

The leadership of the AK is pursuing a highly effective social policy. In particular, the personnel policy of the company is clearly defined and regulated by order 199 of November 28, 2017. It pays due attention to personnel development, measures to overcome staff turnover, long-term and open cooperation between employees and the employer.

It just so happened that children begin to learn about Transneft at school, the company regularly equips computer classes in educational institutions. The enterprise actively works with engineering students and working youth. It regularly organizes excursions to production facilities, conversations with the best specialists.

Image"Transneft Friendship": feedback from employees
Image"Transneft Friendship": feedback from employees

The company welcomes the work of older employees who have worked for 30, 40 and even 50 years at Transneft. Feedback from employees fully confirms this.

Transneft hasprecedents of very worthy labor dynasties with a total experience of 100 years or more.

The head of Transneft, Nikolai Tokarev, in an interview with Interfax announced the statistics of the share of employees over 50 years old. It is more than 21.6% of the total number of personnel. In other words, the level of staff qualification is maintained in the most reliable way - minimizing staff turnover.

Oil workers really value their place of work at the enterprise. According to the results of 2017, the staff turnover at Transneft was only 3.7%. This is negligible compared to the industry average of 24%. Such facts clearly and unequivocally testify to one thing: the company's management is at a high level, top managers really care about the social sphere.

To improve the he alth of its employees, the Company has implemented a voluntary insurance program that allows 3,000 production workers to have a rest in sanatoriums annually on preferential terms. Also, about 20,000 employees are partially compensated for vacations in rest homes and sanatoriums by their employer, PJSC Transneft. Feedback from employees who have already retired (3,500 of them continue to work at the company) indicates that in addition to the state pension, they receive a corporate pension paid by the company.

The company, if necessary (household accidents, natural disasters, damage to he alth) provides employees with one-time material assistance. Downsizing or forced layoffsfor employees who have 2 years or less left before receiving their pension, the company begins to regularly transfer corporate pensions.

Types of company divisions

As you know, the social policy of an enterprise always comes second after production activities. Therefore, we consider it important to present to readers what divisions the PJSC consists of.

To understand the scale of the company's work, we have to digress from the main topic of the article. Consider the number of units, this is important for understanding their status. It is worth noting that over the past year, the total number of employees of the enterprise increased by 1.7 thousand people.

A huge enterprise with an impressive staff of 119 thousand is subdivided into significant organizations, the category "Other", service links. Significant organizations include 11 strategic enterprises that fully serve the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as determine the direction of exports.

The “Other” category characterizes the monopoly's regional transit-main divisions that perform important tasks of a smaller level of coverage of the territory and consumers. There are 10 such divisions in the joint-stock company.

The number of internal enterprises servicing the two above-mentioned categories of Transneft's specialized divisions is impressive. Feedback from employees testifies to their well-organized and rhythmic work. Employees consider proper and fair wages, mutual assistance to be advantages, and frequent business trips are considered a disadvantage. Maintenance of the main enterprises is carried out in twomain areas: service and support activities. The service activities include communication, security, accounting and audit, they are served by 3 divisions. Auxiliary activities of the enterprise of federal significance are provided by more than 20 divisions.

In this article, we intentionally limit ourselves to a quantitative demonstration of the company's divisions, without delving into the description of their characteristics and the level of the main primary territorial units - regional oil pipeline departments (RNU). Transneft, like any major monopoly, is run on two levels. The general line of development and indicative indicators are adjusted and controlled by the highest levels of management, they also keep abreast of the rhythm of production. Regional managers carry out daily management of divisions. As is obvious, the company has a clearly defined vertical of power, and one of the principles of leadership is the unity of command of the president of Transneft, who is now Nikolai Petrovich Tokarev.

History of organizational forms of PJSC Transneft

The strategically important state-owned company was created on the basis of the specialized production department Glavtransneft of the USSR Ministry of the Oil Industry.

The first Russian organizational form of a state-owned joint-stock company was called Transneft LLC (1993). It maintains a reputation as a competitive employer, not only for its employees, but also for others.individuals, subjects of the labor market.

The management of the company motivates the creation and maintenance of a psychological and moral climate in the working collectives, comfortable, friendly, favorable for work. Personnel policy of OOO Transneft is invariably coordinated with long-term development plans. Feedback from employees testifies not only to the promptness of attracting candidates for new vacancies, but also to the targeting, expediency of moral and material encouragement of deserving employees.

PJSC "Transneft": feedback from employees about the company
PJSC "Transneft": feedback from employees about the company

The personnel policy of the company really demonstrates concern for maintaining and improving the quality of the workforce. Improving the training of employees is achieved by training and deepening the special education of all levels of personnel: from managers to ordinary employees. Top-level specialists are trained in the latest innovative technologies, learning strategies for targeted effective investment.

The company in its personnel policy follows the principle of matching the increasing level of tasks to the level of personnel training. In accordance with this principle, the training of the company's employees is promptly planned and coordinated with the development plans of Transneft. Feedback from employees also testifies to the company's assistance in solving their housing problems. Employees confirm the effectiveness of the company's efforts to provide places of residence directly in the areas of production activity. Consistently, this work is carried out inareas characterized by extreme climates.

The company monitors the level of fair pay for skilled work. Tariff categories of wages are periodically reviewed in order to improve the stimulation of meaningful and productive work.

High qualification of specialists is a matter of special pride for this one of the largest companies in the world. So, in 2017, at the international industry competition in Shanghai, where 12 countries were represented, it was the welders of Transneft-Druzhba JSC who received prizes. Feedback from employees (most of them) also indicates that their authors really learned a lot during their work at the enterprise.

An important area of the company's activity is the constant concern for increasing labor productivity. Among the planned activities in this direction, interviews with its leaders mention further automation of business functions, optimization and standardization of production processes, compliance of the personnel involved with the level of complexity of tasks.

Even without delving into the company's development plans, one can justifiably come to the conclusion that Transneft is progressively developing. Jobs at a company with relatively low turnover are, of course, quite rare.

Further in the article, a brief social description of some parts of the company will be given.

OOO Transneft-Vostok

This division of the company performs the tasks of both regional supply of petroleum products and export of this raw material to China. The length of the oil pipeline transporting oil to China is 2,700 km, the total length of domestic oil pipelines (from Omsk and Krasnoyarsk to Irkutsk) is 1,300 km.

The tank farm, oil pumping stations, oil loading points, supply bases also make up the production potential of Transneft-Vostok JSC. Employee reviews contain the following performance characteristics in it:

  • worthy social package;
  • good industrial school;
  • constructive relations in labor collectives.

The division has prospects for further development. Currently, in addition to the existing export oil pipeline "Eastern Siberia - the Pacific Ocean", a strategic decision has been made to build another oil pipeline "Kuyumba - Taishet". Structurally, Transneft Vostok JSC consists of three regional oil pipeline enterprises (Neryugrinsky, Leninsky, Irkutsk). Feedback from employees about it is positive. Agree, for regional managers a score of 4, 4 points out of 5 is a very high indicator. Rarely in informal forums, employees so openly approve of the style and methods of leadership, the methodology of stimulating work, the moral climate in teams.

Transneft Far East

This is a rather young company, the start of construction of its trunk lines took place on 2010-13-01. The investor and service company for the second stage of the oil pipeline stretching to the Pacific Ocean is JSC Transneft - Far East. Feedback from employees testifies to him as an obviousadvantages and unpleasant moments in the organization of work.

Accordingly, employees give the company 3 points out of 5, which corresponds to the weighted average rating of enterprises in the industry.

Image"Transneft - Vostok": feedback from employees
Image"Transneft - Vostok": feedback from employees

Let's try to figure out what the problem is. The enterprise solves complex production problems: serves 2,047 km of the main gas pipeline in the direction of Skovorodino-Khabarovsk-Wrangel; transports oil for export, and also provides raw materials for the Khabarovsk oil refinery of Transneft Far East JSC. Employee reviews note that this is a very reliable place to work, employees receive a full social package, but also contain criticism, which concerns the fact that lower-level employees are often fined by their immediate superiors. There are, of course, more loyal reviews of employees, where you can read between the lines that their serious attitude to work was appreciated. However, a fact is a fact - there are not as many laudatory reviews about the Transneft Far East enterprise as there are about the JSC Transneft East enterprise. Employees do not write about their enterprise with pride.

Probably, the top management of Transneft should pay more attention to improving the management methodology of this division.


This is the largest division within the Transneft company. 300 million tons of Tyumen oil per year are transported by the production assets of this enterprise. It serves 27main oil pipelines with a total length of 9.3 thousand km. The largest among them:

  • Surgut - Gorky - Polotsk;
  • Kholmogory - Klin;
  • Ust-Balyk - Kurgan - Ufa - Almetyevsk;
  • Nizhnevartovsk - Kurgan - Kuibyshev;
  • Ust-Balyk - Omsk.

The company's staff of 11 thousand people serves facilities located in the Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrugs, as well as in the Tyumen, Kurgan, Sverdlovsk regions. 85 oil pumping stations, a tank farm with a capacity of 3.3 million m33 are served by the personnel of Transneft Siberia JSC. Feedback from employees of the largest division of the company can be called quite loyal. Mentioned among the positive aspects of work organization are:

  • professional training opportunity;
  • wage stability and a decent social package;
  • bonuses: oilman's day salary and 13th salary.

Regarding the normalized working day, the opinions of employees differ. Most of them write that the company has an eight-hour working day and two days off. However, there are reviews from employees who claim that this schedule is not true.

Image"Transneft-Far East": feedback from employees
Image"Transneft-Far East": feedback from employees

It is also mentioned that according to the resume, it is unrealistic for a "man from the street" to get a job at Transneft-Siberia JSC. Feedback from employees of the enterprise indicates that in order to get a job, a person must provide recommendations. Such a cautious personnel policy is present only in thoseorganizations where work is valued.


This enterprise is strategic for the development of the Timan-Pechersk region. It employs approximately 2,700 employees. It serves the oil pipelines of the Republic of Komi, Yaroslavl, Arkhangelsk, Vologda regions. Their total length is 1,560 km. The largest branches of highways are "Ukhta - Yaroslavl" and "Usa - Ukhta". In the production and general balance sheet of Transneft, a relatively small share is occupied by JSC Transneft-North. Feedback from employees is loyal. The average score is 4 on a five-point system. Among the advantages of the enterprise are noted:

  • high salary and decent social package;
  • career opportunity;
  • solid work teams;
  • timely updating and correct maintenance of equipment;
  • respectful attitude of management towards employees.

Among the shortcomings is the artificial creation of staff turnover by concluding employment contracts with employees for a short period.


This enterprise serves 8,858 km of oil product pipelines, as well as a tank farm with a total capacity of 2 million m33. It receives oil from its producers Orenburgneft PJSC, LUKOIL-PERM LLC. In addition, the company receives oil from adjacent units in the company's system: "Siberia", "Western Siberia".

Image"Transneft guard": feedback from employees
Image"Transneft guard": feedback from employees

Performs transit functions on the territory of eight constituent entities of the Russian Federation Transneft-Ural JSC. Employee reviewsUnfortunately, this enterprise is not available on the official website of the company. Is it good or bad? Sociologists argue that this situation roughly corresponds to a score of 4 on a five-point system. After all, nothing prevents an employee of an enterprise, dismissed undeservedly, from expressing his annoyance in the corresponding review.

Service units (supervision, security, drivers)

A subdivision of Transneft Nadzor performs scheduled inspections in all parts of the company. It carries out incoming control, verification of compliance of all transportation processes, storage of materials and products with the available design and technological documentation. The control and revision work is guided by the town planning code, the regulation on building control, SNiP 12-01-2004 of Transneft-Nadzor LLC. Feedback from employees notes increased requirements for discipline, frequent and long business trips, and high staff turnover. Noteworthy are the opinions of the employees, which testify to the preference for recruiting personnel from among the employees of other divisions of Transneft. It is these auditors, who already have experience in the company and know the principles of its work, who can benefit from their audits. After all, the purpose of departmental control, in addition to identifying shortcomings, is a timely hint about ways to solve a problem. And good advice can only be expected from a professional who knows the specifics of the work.

Relatively recently, in 2014, a subdivision of Transneft Okhrana LLC was established as part of Transneft. Feedback from employees indicates properorganization of protection of oil pipelines, maintenance of object and access regimes, prevention of administrative violations and malfeasance. The enterprise has 11 divisions of interregional type.

Image"Transneftnadzor": feedback from employees
Image"Transneftnadzor": feedback from employees

Transneft employs a large number of drivers. When equipping units with vehicles, technical and economic indicators are taken into account (utilization coefficients, carrying capacity, mileage, average technical speed).

Two categories of vehicles: general purpose and specialized operating rolling stock are used by Transneft PJSC. Feedback from employees - drivers testify to the different organization of their work: one-, two-shift and round-the-clock. The work cycle of drivers depends on the general repair and maintenance schedule, the number of vehicles, the time of possible shipment of suppliers.

Employees-drivers themselves evaluate the work in the company at 3 points out of 5. Among the positive aspects, a worthy social package is mentioned, the company provides timely repair and maintenance of vehicles. These employees speak negatively about irregular working hours and frequent business trips. Staff turnover has increased among company drivers.


The company is a reliable employer. Transneft is constantly in the process of development: its structure is being improved, and the network of main oil pipelines is being built up. Construction work in progress:

  • Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean system capable of transporting about 30 million tons per year;
  • B altic system (35 million tons per year);
  • Murmansk oil pipeline;
  • The Zapolyarye-Purpe-Samotlor oil pipeline.

Issues of social security of employees are constantly in the focus of attention of the company's management. The company clearly established the principles of remuneration, additional material support. This work received the highest rating at the St. Petersburg International Forum of Oil and Gas Enterprises, where the main prize of a socially oriented company was awarded to PJSC Transneft. Feedback from employees of the enterprise confirms this. Employees of almost all departments note a significant social package.

LLC "Transneft": feedback from employees
LLC "Transneft": feedback from employees

Besides, the personnel of the majority of the company's enterprises mention the good organization of vocational training, favorable business climate in the work collectives. However, these characteristics are implemented in different departments in different ways. Most likely, the leadership of Transneft is already taking measures to increase the loy alty of labor collectives with high staff turnover.

Deservedly all-Russian diplomas "For the systematic selection and training of engineering and technical personnel" and "For the effectiveness of motivating workers to work" were awarded to Transneft PJSC. Feedback from employees about the company confirms the validity of such a high assessment. After all, concise phrases constantly found in staff reviews"good industrial school" or "I gained valuable experience" speaks volumes.
