Rosneft shareholders: composition and dividends

Rosneft shareholders: composition and dividends
Rosneft shareholders: composition and dividends

Joint-stock company Rosneft is the largest Russian company. It conducts production, sale and processing of gas and oil products both in Russia and abroad. The main assets of the company are concentrated in Russia.

Rosneft has an extensive sales network and continues to actively develop it.

rosneft shareholders
rosneft shareholders

NK "Rosneft" today is the leader in the Russian Federation in terms of market capitalization (in particular, ahead of "Gazprom" by 5 billion US dollars). The state owns just under 70 percent of the company's shares. In 2016, Rosneft shareholders approved a number of potential deals to raise thirteen billion loans.

Dividend history of the company

PJSC "Rosneft" is one of the largest oil production organizations in the world. The company's dividend history is very successful. So, for 2015, dividends were paid in the amount of $124 million, the payout ratio was 54 percent. Also in 2015, Rosneft shareholders decided to approvedividends in the region of 35 percent of the holding's profit (previously this amount was 25% of the profit).

rosneft shareholder structure
rosneft shareholder structure

Forecasting dividend policy for 2016

In 2016, Rosneft plans to increase the dividend load, which will have a positive impact on the optimal development of the company. Thus, the company plans to increase the investment program for the period from 2016 to 2018 to one trillion rubles. For reference: in 2015, the same figure was 600 billion rubles. All questions of representatives of the joint stock community are regulated by the company's dividend policy. The issuance of dividends in 2016 took place on July 1 (the register closing date is June 27, 2016). The next similar date is June 27, 2017. Dividend payment is scheduled for July 22, 2017.

Shareholders of Rosneft

As of November 1, 2016, the company introduced holders holding more than five percent of the company's capital. Thus, a 69.5 percent share of the authorized capital is owned by JSC Rosneftegaz, which is 100 percent owned by the state. BP. Russian. Investments Limited owns a 19.75% stake. NCO Joint Stock Company "National Settlement Depository" - 10.36%. The remaining securities are in free float. They are owned by both legal entities and individuals, including unidentified persons, which is less than five percent of the company's shares. Rosneft shareholders made a number of important decisions in 2016, namely: the company was transformed into a public joint stock company (the formerlegal form - open joint stock company). The title of the position of President CEO (Chief Executive Officer) was also changed, which in Russian means "Chief Executive Director".

rosneft register of shareholders
rosneft register of shareholders

PJSC Rosneft: register of shareholders

Public Joint Stock Company Oil Company "Rosneft" in full compliance with the Federal Law maintains, classifies, records, stores the data of all shareholders. The registrar is OOO "Reestr-RN". Maintaining the register of shareholders is the main type of work of Reestr-RN LLC. The company owns a central office in Moscow and twelve branches in the regions.

In 2016, the board of shareholders of Rosneft criticized the policy of the company's top management in terms of publishing the financial statements of Rosneft.

The composition of shareholders drew attention to inaccurate data in the reporting. At the moment, the financial condition of the company allows to invest and pay dividends to the shareholders of the company. The company forecasts production growth in 2016-2018, subject to a favorable investment policy.
