Ducklings: cultivation and care

Ducklings: cultivation and care
Ducklings: cultivation and care

Duck is a highly productive bird and not too demanding to care for. Therefore, many summer residents and gardeners grow it. Of course, in order to get an excellent result, when breeding this poultry, you must follow some important rules.

ducklings rearing
ducklings rearing


Ducklings, the cultivation of which has its own characteristics and nuances, are usually bred either for breeding or for meat. Feeding them in the first days of life is very similar to feeding chickens at the same age. You can give crumbled yolk and various kinds of mash. Feeds of animal origin begin to be fed around the tenth day. Usually it is fish or bone meal. Sometimes you can give the young and fresh fish. From the second week, boiled potatoes and greens are added to the diet.

Ducklings, whose cultivation is not particularly difficult, should be fed in special troughs. Some poultry farmers use pallets or trays for this purpose. This is acceptable but not desirable. The fact is that the ducklings will climb into them and trample the food. As for the drinkers, they must be vacuum. Usually they are inverted overbottle saucer.

raising Muscovy ducks
raising Muscovy ducks

It is best to install drinkers away from feeders. Otherwise, ducklings, whose cultivation has such a feature that in the first week of life they are fed six times a day, and starting from the second - four times, will run up to the drinker after each pecking, while washing off the remnants of food from the beak. As soon as the young are one month old, it will be possible to switch to three to four meals a day.

Ducklings grown with dry feed mixtures and mash feed grow up he althy and strong. If possible, organize a walk. Ducklings are not allowed into the water until the down is replaced by a feather. This is the case if the young are grown without a duck. If the female hatched the eggs herself and brings up the babies, the formation of thermoregulation in them occurs much faster. Therefore, they can start swimming with her without harm to themselves already on the fifth day of life.

Temperature conditions

rearing ducklings for meat
rearing ducklings for meat

As for the temperature regime, in the first week the air temperature near the floor in the barn should not be less than 28 and more than 30 degrees. Starting from the second, it can be reduced to 22 degrees, and from the third - to 16 degrees. Monthly ducklings, the care of which in this regard is also extremely simple, but requires the fulfillment of all the conditions indicated here, without much harm to themselves, they can withstand temperatures as low as 8 degrees.

Raising ducklings for meat and breeding

When grown for meat and for breeding young animalsthey feed exactly the same. If everything is done correctly and the owners pay enough attention to their bird in this regard, ducks can be slaughtered as early as 2 to 3 months. During this period, they have very high-calorie and tasty meat. The most important thing is to have time to do this before molting. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to pluck the feather, as stumps will appear. The most developed young animals are selected for the tribe at the age of six months.

Most common breeds

Most often in the homesteads of Russians you can see Campbells, Indian runners, Pekin and Muscovy ducks. All these varieties are distinguished by endurance and unpretentiousness. Care for young animals of these breeds can be carried out according to the method described above. Only the cultivation of musk ducklings has some of its own characteristics. The fact is that in terms of lifestyle and anatomical features, this species is a cross between a duck proper and a goose.
