2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
Most often, the owners of farmsteads in Russia contain, of course, chickens. But the waterfowl is also quite popular with farmers in our country. At the same time, in most cases, geese and ducks are bred in suburban areas, of course. Many breeds of such birds have been bred by breeders. But in any case, the content of waterfowl, of course, has some of its own characteristics.
First of all, a farmer who decides to have geese or ducks needs to build a comfortable shed for the bird. Feeding feathered waterfowl also has some of its own characteristics, which a novice poultry farmer should definitely know about.

The best breeds of ducks
The advantages of both geese and ducks, whose breeds are many, include, first of all, undemanding to the conditions of detention. However, the latter variety of waterfowl is still considered more unpretentious. Ducks are bred in farmsteads more often than geese. The best breeds of this species of waterfowl at the moment are:
- Beijing;
- black white-breasted;
- khaki campbell.
All breeds of geese and ducks are classified into meat and meat-egg. The top two varieties from the list belong to the first direction of productivity. Beijing drakes can reach a weight of 4 kg, ducks - 3.4 kg. The egg production of representatives of this breed in this case is about 85-125 pcs. per year.
Black white-breasted ducks already at the age of 60-65 days reach a weight of 1.5 kg. The advantage of this breed, among other things, is considered delicious meat.
Khaki-Campbell ducks belong to the meat and egg direction of productivity. Adult drakes of this breed reach a weight of 3 kg, ducks - 2.2-2.5 kg. The egg production of a bird of this variety is 350 pcs. per year.

The best goose breeds
With such waterfowl, selection work was also carried out very extensively. The most popular breeds of geese at the moment are:
- Kholmogory;
- large grey;
- legards.
The weight of drakes of geese of the Kholmogory breed can reach 12 kg, geese - 8 kg. This bird, among other things, is distinguished by precocity, resistance to various kinds of diseases, and a calm character. Large gray geese by the age of 9 weeks can reach a weight of 9.5 kg. At the same time, such a bird carries about 60 eggs per year.
Geese legards with a proper diet gain weight of 9-11 kg. This bird is also characterized by good precocity and a peaceful disposition.
Are there breeds of crossed geese and ducks
Both of these varieties of birdsbelong to the group of waterfowl. Their biological characteristics are similar. And the technologies for keeping such a bird are not much different. In this regard, some farmers are interested in whether there is a duck-goose breed. Breeding such a bird, despite all the biological similarities, is, of course, impossible.
Some novice farmers are interested in the name of the crossbred duck-goose breed. Of course, there are no hybrids of these two representatives of waterfowl in the world. However, many farmers breed mulard ducks in their backyards. This bird is often called the duck-goose. The fact is that it is usually used for growing foie gras on the liver. Before the appearance of this breed, only geese were kept in this way.
The advantages of mulard ducks include, first of all, quick weight gain and delicious liver and meat. Also, the breed of duck-geese mulard is distinguished by its unpretentiousness in care. Many homeowners recommend that beginners choose just such a bird for breeding.

Waterfowl house
The shed for any breed of ducks and geese is in most cases erected as a shield or cobblestone. In such buildings it is cool in summer and quite warm in winter. The area of the poultry house for waterfowl should be large. Chickens, for example, can be placed in a barn on perches at different levels. Geese and ducks in private farmsteads are in most cases kept on the floor. With high crowding, not being able to find an individual place, such a bird will experience severe stress, whichnegatively affect her he alth and performance.
On 1 m2 waterfowl shed is allowed to place no more than 1-2 geese and 3 ducks. The height of the house for such birds should be approximately 2.1 m. This will save on heating the structure in winter.
Of course, in the shed for waterfowl, windows for lighting and ventilation should also be provided. Straw is usually laid on the floor in such a house. Ideally, the thickness of the litter in the barn should be 40-50 cm. In this case, the waste products of the bird will rot naturally, and they will not have to be constantly cleaned out. In winter, this bedding will become an additional natural source of heating for the barn.
Aviary and pond
Above, we have given descriptions of the breeds of ducks and geese that are best suited for keeping on a farm. However, regardless of the variety, most of these birds, of course, love to swim in the water. Therefore, it is very good if an artificial pond is equipped next to the farm for keeping such a bird. But in any case, this condition is still optional. Most modern waterfowl breeds are quite capable of doing without a pond.
A feature of the breeds of geese and ducks in most cases is the need for walks. Therefore, an aviary next to the poultry house will have to be equipped. Having the opportunity to walk in the fresh air in winter and summer, birds develop much faster and get sick less. In the aviary, among other things, you can dig an old bathtub into the ground and fill it with water. It turns outsmall artificial mini-pond. In the bathroom, among other things, it is necessary to equip walkways for lowering and raising the bird.

How to equip a poultry house
In the barn for waterfowl, of course, nests should be installed. Also in poultry houses for such living creatures, feeders are mandatory mounted. At the same time, the sizes of these structures are chosen so that geese and ducks do not crowd when feeding.
Drinkers, unlike chicken coops, are not installed in such sheds. Ducks and geese will definitely begin to bathe in them and breed dampness in the room. Drinkers for such a bird are usually placed only in aviaries.
Feeding little chicks
Acquired for breeding in the household 5-day-old young animals are initially kept in boxes and brooders. This is done with the chicks of all breeds of ducks and geese. In the photo below you can see how a bird is kept at this age.
The chicks are usually fed at this time with ready-made ready-made mixtures. Also, often, babies are given a chopped egg (goose or duck, respectively) and finely chopped greens. Starting from the 5th day, millet and powdered milk are introduced into the diet of the chicks. From the 11th day, waterfowl millet is replaced with crushed grain, and they also begin to gradually introduce low-fat cottage cheese, chalk, yeast, fish waste and other adult food into the menu.

Types of feed used
Give food to waterfowl usually in the form of wet mash. The diet of such a bird must include feed:
- juicy;
- concentrated.
The best juicy food for geese and ducks are:
- beets;
- rutabaga;
- turnip;
- potatoes.
Also, waterfowl often include food of animal origin in their diet:
- fish;
- back;
- buttermilk.
From concentrates for ducks and geese, barley grain is best suited. Also, in small quantities, such a bird can be offered wheat and, in some cases, rye. In addition to grain, peas and corn are often used from concentrates for feeding such living creatures in farmsteads.

Many farmers are interested, of course, in how to breed ducks and geese in the backyard on their own. In order to get chicks directly on the farm, you need to purchase an incubator. For breeding ducklings, conventional chicken devices are most often used. In this case, a grate with a larger cell is simply installed in the incubator.
Waterfowl usually begin to rush in March. The period of incubation of eggs of such a bird is approximately 29-30 days.
Content Features
The release of goslings and ducklings in the summer into the barn and aviary from boxes and brooders begins at the age of 2 weeks. As soon as the kids get comfortable, they are left in the house and overnight. It is allowed to release such a bird on pastures in summer from the age of one month.
Capacities forbathing in the event that the chicks are kept without a hen, they are installed in the aviary only after the appearance of a feather in the babies. Young waterfowl covered with down do not yet have subcutaneous fat. And therefore, after bathing, such ducklings and goslings, not being able to hide under a hen, can easily catch a cold and subsequently die.
When is slaughtered
The age of slaughter of waterfowl directly depends on their breed. Some varieties of ducks and geese grow faster, others slower. But in any case, the slaughter of such a bird is carried out before the juvenile molt. Usually this procedure is performed in 2.5-3 months. It makes no sense to keep waterfowl bred for meat longer. After juvenile molting, ducks and geese begin to consume a lot of food. At the same time, their weight is added slowly.
Do I need to trim my wings
Farms may contain different breeds of geese and ducks. The cultivation of such birds in any case has some of its own characteristics. For example, unlike other birds, geese and ducks usually have their wings clipped. This procedure is considered necessary by most farmers.
Some breeds of ducks and geese have a great tendency to leave the compound by air, others are practically devoid of such a disadvantage. However, almost all ducks and geese can succumb to the instinct to fly with wild relatives. Perhaps, due to the large weight, such a bird will not fly far. But you still have to look for it around the neighborhood.
The wings of waterfowl are usually not clipped only when they are kept in enclosures covered with a net on top. Alsothis procedure is not performed with hens. After all, such a bird needs large wings in order to cover the chicks with them.

How to clip wings properly
With ducks, this procedure is allowed to be performed at the age of at least 15 weeks, with geese - 17 weeks. Only one wing is cut off by waterfowl. This is usually sufficient. When pruning, leave a few flight feathers in the center of the wing. This is necessary so that the bird does not look "plucked".
To trim the wings, farmyard owners usually use sharp, heavy metal scissors. It is supposed to be shorter for waterfowl to remove feathers. The length of the remaining stumps should be no more than 2.5-5 cm. The feathers located in the bend of the wing (the entire angle) are usually removed from waterfowl. Ducks and geese should not be pruned more than once a year.
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