Utilities. How to pay them quickly and without a queue

Utilities. How to pay them quickly and without a queue
Utilities. How to pay them quickly and without a queue

When we think about utilities, it does not cause pleasant emotions. Most often, not because the costs are exorbitant, but because we have to spend several hours sitting in line, where we are often surrounded by tired and irritated people.


Among other things, paying for a communal apartment comes down to constantly carrying a lot of papers to the cashier and back. Of course, elderly people do not have the opportunity to pay utility bills in a different way than to bring money to the cashier personally. But the younger generation is increasingly lacking the time and patience to survive the torture of the queue. Therefore, everyone is wondering how to pay utility bills via the Internet. There are many ways to make life easier for us. For example, a service developed specifically for Sberbank customers "Sberbank-online". It allows any owner of a plastic card to quickly pay for any utility bills. In this case, a payment receipt can be printed and kept for yourself.

How to pay utility bills online
How to pay utility bills online

Remote work via the Internet has become very common lately. What to do with earned virtual money? Pay utility bills. Modern technologies allow you to quickly transfer money for Internet or cable TV. You must carefully enter all the necessary numbers to avoid errors. Double-checking the combination you entered will also not be superfluous.

Subsidy for utility bills
Subsidy for utility bills

Utilities can be paid at terminals located in all major supermarkets. It is also possible to pay them without commission through ATMs. You just need to select the item "Payment of utilities". Then follow the instructions. Everything is simple. Upon completion of the transaction, the ATM will offer to print a receipt, which will confirm the payment made.

For those families in which the amount needed to pay utility bills is the lion's share of the family budget, there is a subsidy for utility bills. It is provided to low-income families upon presentation of the following necessary documents: certificates of family composition, photocopies of passports, photocopies of housing documents, BTI certificates of living space and others. It is also necessary to provide documentary evidence of the fact that each family member is related to the owner of the home. In addition, you need to start getting a certificate from utilities about the absence of debt and a certificate of income for all family members. Collecting these documents is not so easy, you will have to bypass more than oneauthority. The subsidy is issued for six months. It is paid to a card or to a bank account issued by the recipient. If a person does not have the physical ability to come to the bank, then by a court decision, such a subsidy can be issued by a post office that is close to the recipient's place of residence. It is expected that mainly single pensioners who are cared for by social workers will apply for subsidies.
