Bronze - melting point. How bronze items are made

Bronze - melting point. How bronze items are made
Bronze - melting point. How bronze items are made

Bronze is an alloy of copper and another additional element, which is most often tin, lead, aluminum or silicon. Depending on the percentage of these metals, bronze may have a different color and additional characteristics.

bronze melting point
bronze melting point

A bit of history

Bronze is actually the first alloy that mankind has begun to use. In the 3rd millennium BC. e. craftsmen actively used copper for a variety of purposes. Some grades of ore contained an insignificant percentage of tin. When processing this material, people noticed that such copper is denser and harder than ordinary copper. Thus, it was the birth of a new historical and cultural period, which is now known as the "Bronze Age". Further research led to the discovery of tin, which began to be specially added to copper to obtain a high-quality alloy for making tools and jewelry.

Bronze metallurgy has qualitatively increased the productivity of various industries in which humanity was busy at that time. Smelting gradually improved, and people began to make special stone molds in whichdifferent products could be cast multiple times. Gradually, closed molds were invented, which made it possible to make weapons and jewelry with complex designs and patterns.

bronze age
bronze age

Key Features

The wide application of this material is determined by its basic performance. Bronze is characterized by such distinctive features as:

  • high corrosion resistance;
  • strength;
  • high level of electrical and thermal conductivity;
  • increased wear resistance;
  • low coefficient of friction process;
  • excellent resistance to seawater, outdoors and various organic solutions;
  • high steam resistance;
  • easy to handle.

Bronze, whose melting point is about 930-1100 degrees, has excellent strength and durability. Especially when compared to other similar alloys.

Bronze Classification

Despite the fact that the "Bronze Age" has long passed, today several variants of this material are used. By composition, the alloy is divided into the following types:

  • tinless (does not contain tin);
  • tin.

The first group additionally includes beryllium, aluminum, lead and silicon-zinc types.

  1. Beryllium bronze is the most durable and strong alloy, which surpasses even high-quality steel in its basic characteristics.
  2. Silicon-zinc look inmolten state is characterized by high flow rates.
  3. Lead bronze is a type of alloy that has increased durability and resistance.
  4. Aluminum bronze differs from other types in resistance to chemical irritants and negative environmental influences.

As for the second type of bronze, the tin type is by far the most common in the industry, despite the fact that other types of alloys surpass it in certain characteristics.

melting point of bronze and brass
melting point of bronze and brass

Spheres of use of bronze

The use of this alloy is determined by its basic characteristics. Quite often, various additional components are added to bronze, which change and complement its features in a characteristic way.

As for the tin subspecies of the alloy, it has been used since ancient times. Particularly popular were various bronze items - jewelry, figurines, household items, etc.

To increase the corrosion resistance of the alloy, nickel, zinc, phosphorus and other similar elements are added to it. Most often, this material is used to make all kinds of tools for navigation.

Aluminum and silicon-zinc types are usually used to create art objects.

Melting bronze at home

In the modern world, many products are made based on this alloy. In order to make any decoration or product at home, you shouldtake into account factors such as the main characteristics that bronze has - the melting point of the material, etc. The following things will be required as auxiliary devices:

  • crucible;
  • forceps;
  • charcoal;
  • furnace with support for the required temperature range;
  • horn;
  • ready-made blank form;
  • hook.
  • bronze melting
    bronze melting

Process sequence

  1. Separate pieces of metal are placed in the crucible, and it is placed in the furnace itself. Then the heating controller is installed, and bronze, the melting point of which depends on its constituent elements, begins to change shape.
  2. After that, the crucible is removed from the furnace with a hook, and the alloy itself is poured into the prepared mold.
  3. Bronze, whose melting point is relatively low, allows you to replace the muffle furnace with an autogenous furnace or a blowtorch.

This sequence is also suitable for working with other copper alloys. Since, for example, the melting point of bronze and brass is approximately in the same range - 930-1140 and 880-950 degrees, respectively.

melting bronze at home
melting bronze at home


Melting metals at home does not mean at all that it can be done just in a residential area without any restrictions. For casting bronze, you will need a separate room that functions as a workshop, which must be equipped with everything necessary for this and personal protective equipment. The workshop must be equipped with a working fire extinguisher, and flammable materials and substances cannot be stored in the room itself.

Besides, the melting of bronze is considered quite traumatic, so all the necessary steps of this procedure should be carried out only by a trained person.

bronze products
bronze products

Special Moments

For casting various thin metal products, brass should be preferred as it melts much more easily than bronze. As for the equipment, it is better to make a choice in the direction of ceramic and clay crucibles, as they are more suitable for working with this alloy.

Regarding the remelting of antique bronze, it should be said that during this procedure one must be especially careful, since it may contain arsenic.

You should also take into account the amount of impurities that bronze has. The melting temperature of the material, depending on this, can vary significantly. For a tin alloy, the indicators are in the range of 900-950 degrees, while for a non-tin alloy, you need about 950-1080.

Bronze is an alloy of copper with the addition of various non-ferrous metals. This material is durable, hard and resistant to corrosion. In the past, bronze was used to make various tools, ornaments, weapons, and sculptures, and now other metals are added to this alloy for special characteristics. Therebyaluminum bronze is used in the manufacture of various parts of pipelines and aircraft, silicon - in navigation, and phosphorus - for various springs and parts of electrical equipment.
