2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
Sooner or later, a person faces the question of the size of the pension, as well as the benefits to which he may be en titled. To a large extent it depends on what experience will be gained. The article will discuss what you can count on for a work experience of 40 years, what benefits are provided and whether the pension will be recalculated.
Legislative Framework
The main laws, the provisions of which are considered within the framework of the article, include:
- Law "On labor pensions" No. 400-FZ.
- Law "On Veterans" No. 5-FZ.

Is there an increase for long work experience
Many older people have recently become interested: if the experience is 40 years, what benefits are they en titled to. This was preceded by the dissemination of information (which also appeared on some thematic sites) that in this case the law provides for an increase in pension, namely:
- With more than 30 years of service for women and 35 for men - one pension point.
- With a work experience of over 40 years for women and 45 for men - by five points.
However, this information is nothing but rumors. It does not have any confirmation at the legislative level. On the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, they were even forced to officially refute these rumors, saying that 40 years of experience does not give additional privileges. What benefits are provided for a long period of work? You can find out about this, for example, in the social security agency.
As for the increase in the pension payment, it will indeed take place with a long service. However, this depends on the work activity in general, and not on the specific length of service. If the pensioner has an official job, the recalculation is carried out annually in August. The pension grows by adding pension points. No additional treatment is required for this procedure.
Perhaps in the future the size of the pension will depend on the fact that the work experience is 40 years. What benefits will be extended to such persons? Perhaps their list will grow significantly. However, this topic is not currently relevant.
What is included in the work experience
To more fully understand how much you can count on in old age, you need to figure out what you get extra points for. At the same time, we are not yet talking about the fact that the experience is more than 40 years. What benefits are due for this and other points, too, for the time being, we will ignore. Existnon-working periods for which experience is accrued. These include the following:
- Care for a small child until the age of 1.5. But in this case there is a limitation. A woman can expect a maximum of 5 years, during which pension points will be accrued.
- Study does not apply to this period. Therefore, students cannot count on the fact that during their studies their number of pension points will increase. But young people who are drafted into the army or contract employees will receive pension points. The calculation is based on years of service. As a result, the contractor has the opportunity to additionally receive up to 40% of the salary towards the future pension.

Eligible for Long Service Benefits
Despite the fact that there is no special benefit for long service, benefits will still be provided provided that the citizen has the appropriate status. It's about "Veteran". However, some restrictions apply.
Firstly, the general condition is 35 years of work experience for women, and for men, 40 years of work experience (what benefits are provided in this case, you can find out from federal law, as they are established at the state level). Secondly, we are talking about people who began their labor activity during the Second World War before reaching the age of majority. Also, the status can be assigned to those who have awards of state or departmental significance with at least 15 years of experience in this field, andgeneral - 20-year-old for women, 25-year-old for men.
This is described in detail in the Law "On Veterans" No. 5-FZ. At the same time, at the regional level, additional benefits and individual cash payments may be provided.
Veteran of Labor
Despite the fact that the conditions for granting the status are specified in the federal law, the status itself has received regional significance since 2005. Therefore, individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation may provide their own conditions for its assignment, including for 40 years of experience. What benefits will be provided in this case? This also needs to be learned from regional laws.
In most subjects of the Russian Federation, the conditions specified in the federal law were accepted. But some of them put forward their own conditions. These include the following regions:
- In the Sverdlovsk region, the main condition is the presence of an award or a title. At the same time, men must have a work experience of 35 to 40 years, and women - from 30 years. But if a woman is a mother of many children, and has the Order of Maternal Valor, then it can be from 10 to 20 years old.
- In the Kostroma region, the status is assigned with 40 years of service for men, and 35 years for women. At least 25 years for men and 23 years for women must have worked in a specific professional area. But the presence of an award or diploma is not required to assign the status.
- Separate conditions are provided in Yakutia. According to regional legislation, men with 25 years of experience and women with 20 years of experience can become labor veterans, ifthere are awards of republican significance, and the work was carried out on the territory of this region. The second basis includes working in a certain professional field for 15 years, and in Yakutia as a whole - 20 and 25 years with an experience of 35 and 40 years.
What benefits are provided for labor veterans? You can find out about this by contacting the territorial department of the social protection authorities at the place of residence.

About what additional payment for 40 years of service, and what benefits are provided, we can conclude by considering the EDV - a monthly cash payment. The amount of this payment is set at the local level and is paid as an addition to the pension. Depending on the region of residence, veterans of labor can receive the following amount of UDV:
- Moscow – 500 rubles
- St. Petersburg – RUB 828
- Tatarstan – RUB 448
- Nizhny Novgorod region – 508 rubles
- Bashkortostan – RUB 376
- Krasnoyarsk Territory – 421 rubles
- Krasnodar Territory – 487 rubles
As you can see, labor veterans are given a small amount of an increase in their pensions. True, every year the size increases after the indexation procedure. However, there is no significant growth as a result of this operation. This is due to the fact that extended benefits are provided to pensioners with 40 years of service, who have the status of "Veteran of Labour". Therefore, the legislator believes that this will be enough for an elderly citizen to provide decent living conditions in old age.
As in the case of the EDV, the legislator authorizes the regional authorities to establish the list of benefits. At the same time, the main types are fixed at the federal level. These include the following:
- Compensation for utility bills.
- Traveling in public transport.
- Vacation at your convenience.
- Medical care.
The following benefits are provided in the regions:
- Compensation for half of the cost of housing and communal services.
- Reimbursement of half the cost of rent.
- Compensation for half the cost of solid fuel when living in a house with stove heating.
- Trip on public transport without paying a fee.
- Installation of a landline phone on preferential terms.
This is the main list that is provided in the regions to veterans for 40 years of service. What other benefits can be provided? These may include:
- Exemption from property tax.
- Exemption from income tax on social benefits, material support from a former employer, vouchers to he alth resorts.
- Establishment of other tax incentives.

Privileges in Moscow
Moscow pensioners can count on the following types of support:
- EDV.
- Targeted assistance.
- Exemption from transport tax.
- Rebate for land tax.
- Exemption from payment of services for the use of landlinephone.
- Home he alth care (free).
- Dental assistance under the social program.
- A voucher to a sanatorium for medical reasons, including travel in both directions.
- An increase in pension if its size is less than the living wage in Moscow.
- Free drugs or significant discounts on their purchase.
Benefits in St. Petersburg
You can find out what benefits are provided in St. Petersburg for 40 years of experience from the regulatory framework of the region. The main ones include the following:
- EDV.
- 50% Housing Compensation.
- Compensation for housing and communal services in the amount of half the cost.
- A personalized ticket that allows you to use public transport.
- The right to travel on commuter rail transport on preferential terms.
- Tax benefits.
- Additional support for gas stoves (once every 20 years), gas water heaters (once every 10 years), electric stoves (once every 15 years).
Calculation of pension
After the pension reform in 2015, pension points were introduced. Therefore, the formula for calculating pensions has changed. According to the new law, the pension began to consist of the following parts:
- Basic or fixed part.
- Insurance pension.
- Funded pension (it was drawn up at the request of employees and was allocated from the insurance part).
In the general case, the formula now looks like this: pension payment=(pension pointpension point value) + fixed part. Additional variables for 40 years of service are not used in this formula. However, indirectly, the length of the period of work affects the size of the pension payment. The more years a citizen works, the more pension points he will accumulate and as a result he will have a larger pension. However, the law does not provide a specific date for increasing the payment for 40 years of service (which benefits are also not dependent on this parameter).
Another pension reform is aimed at increasing the minimum insurance period. If before the introduction of the reform it was only 5 years, then after its adoption it will be equal to 15 years. This provision is being introduced gradually. For example, in 2018, in order to qualify for a pension, a citizen must work for at least 9 years. But in this case, nothing is said about the experience of more than 40 years.
Benefits do not depend on the results of the pension calculation. They are of a social nature, therefore they are provided by the social service. But some of them are issued in other state structures (for example, tax benefits - in the tax office).

When pension can be increased
An increase in pension can be expected when a person reaches the age of 80, regardless of whether the pensioner's period of work is 20, 30 years or more than 40 years of work experience. What are the benefits in this case?
The supplement to the pension of citizens of this age consists of a double fixed part. Like a pensionboth the score and the base portion of the payout change each year to adjust for inflation. This year, the base part of the payment is 4,982.90 rubles. If the pension of an elderly person was equal to 13,982.90 rubles, then after 80 years in 2018 it will be 18,965.80 rubles. (9000 + 4982, 902).
Such a recalculation is not carried out in relation to disabled people of the 1st group. This is explained by the fact that for them the pension is initially paid from a double indicator of the base part. In this case, the survivor's pension will not be the basis for increasing. But older people can apply for an old-age insurance pension. It may be higher than the survivor's benefit.
Due to which the pension can be increased
The new rules encourage Russian citizens to retire and draw up the relevant documents later than the deadline in the general manner. The law says: if a citizen applies to the Pension Fund later than the deadline (but no later than 5 years from the date of retirement age), then a multiplying coefficient is applied to the general calculation formula. Its maximum value is 1.36. The initial pension calculated by the Pension Fund is multiplied by this indicator.
In addition, the payment to senior citizens is subject to indexation annually. This allows her to remain at a level sufficient to satisfy the basic needs of an elderly person. However, at present, indexation is not carried out in relation to payments to persons of retirement age who continue their labor activity. Their payment increases due to the receipt of newretirement points at work. If the indexation of pension payments is carried out at the beginning of the year (in January - February), then the recalculation of pension points in the middle (in August). But the maximum number of points that can be awarded to pensioners in one year is 3.
If benefits are introduced over 40 years of service that allow saving money, then they can also be considered a parameter due to which pensioners' incomes will grow. But today there is no such provision.

Expert Tips
Since the conditions and linking the provision of benefits to length of service largely depend on the region of residence, experts recommend contacting local government agencies. These are social protection authorities, tax inspection, local administration and so on. If possible, it is advisable to seek legal advice. But one way or another, it must be borne in mind that every year the situation can change. Therefore, in order to use all the benefits that older people with long work experience are en titled to, you need to be aware of the new regulations of regional and local significance.

The current legislation of the Russian Federation does not establish special conditions for 40 years of service. Therefore, on this basis, no recalculation is carried out. But a labor veteran can count on a small supplement for 30, 35 or 40 years of service. And what benefits are provided in this case, and howthis status is assigned - all these issues are de alt with by the regional authorities. The calculation of the pension is carried out according to a single scheme, regardless of whether the pensioner is a labor veteran or not.
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