Skolkovo - what is it?

Skolkovo - what is it?
Skolkovo - what is it?

Skolkovo is an innovative complex located outside the Moscow Ring Road. In 2010-2011 it has been described as "Russian Silicon Valley". Skolkovo is a science city being built from scratch to develop and commercialize new technologies. The complex will provide special economic conditions for enterprises engaged in priority sectors of the development of the Russian economy. Let us further consider in detail what the Skolkovo Innovation Center is, what activities are carried out in it and what regulatory acts regulate the work.

skolkovo is
skolkovo is


In 2010, D. Medvedev, then President of the Russian Federation, signed Federal Law No. 244, which regulates the activities of subjects (enterprises and individuals) on the territory of the Skolkovo complex. At the same time, a project for the creation of the territory itself and infrastructure facilities was approved. Implementation is carried out by the Skolkovo Foundation. The result of his activities shouldto become a self-developing and self-governing Ecosystem, favorable for entrepreneurial activity and expansion of research, contributing to the formation of competitive companies in the world market. The Project provides that by 2020 on an area of 2.5 million square meters. m will work and live about 50 thousand citizens. Currently, the construction of the residential complex "Panorama Skolkovo" is being completed. Presumably at the end of the year the houses will be put into operation. As of February 27 of this year, the buildings of the Hypercube, Technopark, the Boeing International Aviation Academy, and the Polet recreation center have already been built and are in use. The development department of the Fund is located on the territory of the latter. New facilities are currently being put into operation. At the end of 2016, the commissioning of the Almateya business center, the Skolkovo residential complex (quarters 9, 10, 11), the Matryoshka building with interior decoration is planned.


Initially, the complex occupied the territory of an urban settlement near the village of Skolkovo. It is located in the east of the Odintsovo district, west of the Moscow Ring Road. The territory of the complex was included in the capital region as part of a large-scale expansion of its area. Since July 2012, it belongs to the area of the Mozhaisk Western Autonomous Okrug. Approximately 15,000 people will permanently reside on the territory, the area of which is 400 hectares. About 7,000 will come to work at Skolkovo. Moscow and the region are the main sources of labor resources for the complex. The city is limited to three highways. They are Skolkovo and Minsk highways, as well as the Moscow Ring Road.

skolkovo residence
skolkovo residence

Urban planning concept

She was selected and approved in 2011, February 25th. The urban development concept called Urbanvillages was developed by AREP. It is a French company specializing in transport solutions. As noted by the Fund's city manager, V. Maslakov, one of the key points of the concept is the possibility of its phased implementation. The project is based on the principle of variability and flexibility - the ability of the territory to adapt to changes in a relatively short period of time as part of the development strategy of the complex in the long term. This mobility makes it possible to more effectively respond to market changes. The entire territory is planned to be divided into 5 villages - according to the number of directions in which the Skolkovo center operates. At the same time, a common area will be created here, where the guest part will be located. It is planned to build a research university, sports, cultural buildings, medical institutions serving those working in Skolkovo. A park and recreation areas will also be created within the complex.

Key principles of the concept

The project is implemented based on the following provisions:

  1. Public space, residential buildings, service infrastructure, as well as direct workplaces will be located within walking distance. The compactness and versatility of the building ensures activity in the area regardless of the time of day.
  2. Low-rise and high-density buildings provide more usable land than high-rise buildings. This way of using space is one of the most effective.
  3. To preserve the environment, the project provides for a renewable resource provision model. Waste will not be taken out of the city, but disposed of at special facilities. In addition, it is supposed to use renewable energy sources - from solar panels and rainwater to geothermal sites.

In accordance with the project, the construction of energy-active and passive buildings in Skolkovo is envisaged. These will be buildings that generate more energy than they consume or practically do not consume resources from external sources.

skolkovo moscow
skolkovo moscow

Legal Terms

In March 2010, the question arose of the need to form a special regime on the territory of Skolkovo. D. Medvedev also supported this discussion. At the end of April, he announced that the Government was instructed to develop a special administrative, customs, tax and legal regime in the territory. E. Nabiullina also took part in the discussion. She stated that it was proposed to establish the features of the legal status of the territory in a separate law. This normative act would introduce a number of features of Skolkovo. This is:

  1. Customs and tax benefits.
  2. Simplified technical regulation and urban planning procedures.
  3. Special fire safety and he alth regulations.
  4. Reliefinteractions with power structures.

A. Dvorkovich, in turn, said that it is planned to introduce a ten-year vacation on deductions from profits, land and property taxes, and the social contribution rate will be 14%.

Visa and migration regimes

In the State Duma in August 2010 there was an active discussion of a draft law providing for the simplification of accounting procedures for highly qualified specialists who arrived from abroad, as well as their relatives. The normative act should ensure the attraction of valuable personnel not only to Skolkovo. Jobs for foreign citizens are posted by many large companies. In this regard, the draft law is aimed at attracting workers to Russia as a whole. At the end of August 2010, a government decree was published, in accordance with which the visa regime for subjects participating in the Skolkovo project was regulated. According to the provisions of the document, a highly qualified foreign specialist who enters the Russian Federation for employment will be issued a visa for 30 days. When hired, it will be extended to three years.

Transport infrastructure

The facilities will be accessible through a dense network of streets and roads. At the same time, information technologies will be used to ensure efficient management of flows and infrastructure as a whole. Within the complex, priority is given to cyclists, pedestrians and public transport. Suburban train routes from Kievsky and Belorussky stations are planned. ExceptThis is supposed to provide communication between the southern and northern parts of the science city. The Skolkovo center will also be connected to the Vnukovo airport. In addition, it was proposed to preserve the heliport of the Ministry of Emergency Situations located on the territory. In mid-June 2010, I. Shuvalov and B. Gromov opened a reconstructed road from km 53 of the Moscow Ring Road to the village of Skolkovo.

residential complex skolkovo
residential complex skolkovo


Budget allocations for the development of Skolkovo until 2020 should be, according to the project, 125.2 billion rubles. The corresponding order was signed on August 13, 2013. At least half of the costs for the creation of the Skolkovo complex are private investments. According to calculations, for each m2 of territory there will be more than 20 thousand rubles.

Features of financial policy

The development of the project in the federal budget includes appropriate articles: to promote activities to expand the infrastructure, develop documentation for non-commercial facilities, scientific research. In early August 2010, the Ministry of Finance published the key directions of financial policy. In accordance with them, 15 billion rubles were planned from the federal budget in 2011, 22 billion in 2012, and 17.1 billion rubles in 2013. In 2010, about 4 billion rubles were allocated. The financial policy involves the placement of part of the funds in banks and transfer to trust management. The planned income from this is 58.85 million rubles. 225 ml. r., for the development of a concept for the development of areas - 10 million rubles, residenceSkolkovo should cost 401.2 million rubles, including 143.8 million rubles. to ensure social protection of employees. PR support of the project should cost 38.7 million, advertising and placement of media products - 92.8 million, branding - 12.9 million, blogs and a website - 3.1 million rubles. The key group of expenditures was called "Creation of an innovative atmosphere and pilot projects". It is planned to spend 3.4 billion rubles on them. Of these, about 2.6 billion were to go to projects agreed with the commission on modernization under the president, and 287 million to programs that the management company was supposed to choose directly from the Fund itself. In accordance with 22 intergovernmental agreements in which Russia participates, 150 million rubles were planned to create the "Intellectual Property Complex, which ensures the work of patent attorneys"

skolkovo innovation center
skolkovo innovation center


V. Vekselberg acts as the president and one of the co-chairs. The second person in the management apparatus is K. Barrett (former head of Intel). The advisory scientific council is co-chaired by Zhores Alferov and prof. Structural biology R. Kornberg. The head of the Board of Trustees is D. Medvedev.


Its purpose is to provide the enterprises participating in the project with the necessary assistance for the effective development of their assets and corporate structure. For this, certain services are provided. Technopark operates in the following areas:

  1. Team formation.
  2. Establish corporate procedures and business processes.
  3. Selection of personnel for functional units (legal department, accounting department, marketing service, etc.).
  4. Ensure intellectual property protection.
  5. Shaping the image and promoting the service/product.
  6. Training in innovation management.
  7. Management of premises intended for the implementation of incubation activities.
  8. Providing access to equipment at the disposal of Skolkovo divisions and partners.
  9. Organization of interaction with domestic and international investment communities, venture funds.
  10. Enable to benefit from the technological and scientific expertise of the Institute of Technology and other partner research and academic institutions.
  11. Providing a full range of business incubation services.
  12. Skolkovo innovative
    Skolkovo innovative

Educational projects

One of the most promising and early projects is the Skolkovo business school. In addition, the Open University operates. It does not act as a traditional university, as graduates do not receive higher education diplomas. It was established to form a reserve of graduate and undergraduate students for the future technological university and interns for partner enterprises. The areas in which training is carried out at the OTS coincide with the types of activities of the clusters: energy efficient and energy, computer and biomedic altechnology, space, nuclear sphere.


In June 2011, V. Vekselberg and R. Reif signed an agreement on the formation of a new university. Its working title is Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology. The agreement is based on the principles of project-based education, involving cooperation based on the exchange of modules within the framework of the MBA program. Skolkovo Institute will be headed by E. Crowley - prof. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. As the founders plan, it will become the first international research complex capable of integrating business activities into the educational program. The Institute will be organized as a non-profit private educational institution. Its work will be supervised by an international independent board of trustees.

skolkovo fund
skolkovo fund


There are five of them in the Skolkovo Foundation. They correspond to the same number of directions of technology development. The work of the biomedical technology cluster is to create drugs for the treatment and prevention of severe pathologies, including oncological and neurological ones. Much attention is paid to the development of means to combat cardiovascular diseases, to maintain the immune system. Members of the cluster of computer and information technologies are working on the creation of multimedia search models, effective security systems of the new generation. High-performance schemes for calculating and storing information are being developed. In the cluster of telecommunications and space technologies, participants createcommercial segment of the rocket and space sector of the industry. One of the priority areas is work in the field of energy technologies. As of mid-August 2014, 263 companies became participants in the cluster. One of the key objectives of their activities is to reduce energy consumption by housing and communal services, industry, and municipal infrastructure. The nuclear technology cluster supports innovations in the use of laser, beam, nuclear, and plasma systems. As of mid-August 2014, 300 companies participated in the work. The priority direction is to ensure radiation protection and safety. Participating companies are developing new materials, equipment, coatings for non-destructive testing, new types of fuel. Resident enterprises are involved in power engineering, designing laser devices, and medical equipment. One of the most important activities of the cluster is also the solution of problems associated with the processing of radioactive substances.