What is an employee's qualification? Types of advanced training

What is an employee's qualification? Types of advanced training
What is an employee's qualification? Types of advanced training

In this article we will try to answer the following common questions: "What is a qualification?"

Surely every adult has an idea of what it is

what is a qualification
what is a qualification

qualification. This term is inextricably linked with the concept of "activity". Any work, regardless of its nature and level of complexity, requires the employee to have certain training, as well as elementary knowledge and skills in order to perform it efficiently. From the foregoing, a certain conclusion can be drawn about what a qualification is. This is the level of preparedness of an employee for the duties assigned to him. Qualification is assigned after a training course and subsequent knowledge testing. Upon graduation, an appropriate document is issued - a certificate or diploma. Common question: "What is a qualificationdiploma, and how does it differ from a speci alty?" The answer is simple: a speci alty is a field of activity, and a qualification is a level of preparedness (engineer, bachelor).

The qualification of an employee is determined by such an indicator as the qualification level. It is assigned by the certification committee, taking into account the level of difficulty,

types of advanced training
types of advanced training

Terms and responsibilities of the work process. In our country, a six-digit grid has been adopted to determine qualifications, in some cases an eight-digit grid is used. For engineers, economists, public sector workers, the assignment of the appropriate category is applied. The employee's salary depends on the employee's tariff, it is formed by multiplying the tariff coefficient by the first category rate.

Specialists who already have a higher or secondary vocational education have the opportunity to improve their qualifications in order to expand and update their theoretical and practical skills, at the same time increasing their income level. There are the following types of advanced training:

1. Short-term increase - up to 72 hours. Conducted at the initiative of the employer, the area - thematic issues in a particular production. Lectures are conducted by highly qualified staff members of the company. After passing the exam, a document is issued confirming the completion of a short-term advanced training course.

2. Thematic seminars and trainings - from 72 to 100 hours. Held for adaptation

employee qualification
employee qualification

workers to newconditions of the production process or the introduction of new technologies. This type of advanced training is carried out in the form of trainings, seminars on problematic issues.

3. Long - from 100 to 500 hours. Conducted for employees with work experience, but experiencing a lack of practical skills. Upon completion, a certificate is issued. By law, such events must be held at least once every 5 years, but in practice, the frequency of such courses is set arbitrarily, at the request of the employer. The form of training can be different: on the job, with a break, with partial combination. As a rule, the most optimal option is selected. In some cases, courses are held in another city. In this case, the employee is guaranteed to keep the job, as well as the average salary.
