Step-by-step feeding of onions

Step-by-step feeding of onions
Step-by-step feeding of onions

Any plant needs care, and any care for it consists of watering, weeding, fertilizing and loosening. This also applies to onions. Therefore, feeding onions is an important step in caring for them. In this article, we will tell you how and when to fertilize onions, and give tips and tricks.

How many times to feed onions?

feeding onions
feeding onions

In general, onions take fertilizer well. The yield of this plant depends on how many nutrients it takes from the soil. Therefore, the earth must be fertile, loose and light, so that your bow can be easily fed from it. Onions are fertilized twice in the spring, once more in the summer, and in the fall, after harvesting, the soil is fertilized.

First fertilization

At each phase of a plant's development, it needs to be fertilized. So the first top dressing of onions is carried out after shoots appear, and the feathers reach about 10 cm in length. This phase is the initial one in development, so at this stage the main emphasis is on nitrogen-containing fertilizers. tengrams of fertilizer is diluted with 10 liters of water, it is spent on about 1.5 square meters of land. However, if the plant looks he althy, that is, the feathers are bright green, then feeding is not necessary. In general, it all depends on the soil. If the soil is poor, then the plant will have to be fertilized anyway.

Second fertilization

fertilizing onions in spring
fertilizing onions in spring

The second feeding of onions corresponds to the second phase of its vegetation. This happens about a month after sowing. At this stage, your onions no longer need nitrogen, but there is a need for phosphorus and potassium. To do this, dilute 20-30 g of superphosphate and the same amount of sulfate per 10 liters of water and water the plants.

Third fertilization

Feeding onions for the third time is carried out when the bulb is fully formed, that is, its diameter reaches at least 40 mm. At this stage of development, the plant needs more calcium, since all the forces go to the maturation of the head itself. The best source of calcium is lime, which not only allows large bulbs to grow, but also reduces soil acidity.

Autumn fertilization

feeding onions
feeding onions

Many gardeners recommend fertilizing the soil in the fall before cultivation. This is done in order to saturate the land depleted over the summer and prepare it for the spring sowing of onions. For this, organic matter and minerals are used. Humus and compost serve as organic fertilizers. Mineral fertilizers are mixed with organic fertilizers and applied togetherinto the soil. The same procedure is carried out in the spring before planting.

Onion feeding tips:

feeding onions
feeding onions
  • fertilizer should always be applied in small portions, as a strong concentration of s alts is harmful to onions;
  • before applying fertilizers, especially lime, you need to study the soil for acidity, as well as know its mechanical composition and features;
  • too much lime can cause onions to misinterpret other fertilizers;
  • autumn digging is carried out together with fertilizers applied to the soil to a depth of the length of onion roots (about 20 cm);
  • in spring, half of the nitrogen fertilizers are applied to the soil and dug up together, and the rest - when onion feathers appear;
  • never apply fresh organic fertilizer, better rotted;
  • fresh manure can only be applied diluted with water, after the slurry has settled for at least a week in a barrel;
  • organics attract some pests, tobacco dust and lime or sand with wood ash are used to combat them.

This is how onion feeding is carried out - one of the main stages of plant care.
