Agriculture: Pancake week. Oil crops in Russia

Agriculture: Pancake week. Oil crops in Russia
Agriculture: Pancake week. Oil crops in Russia

Oil and grain crops occupy a special place in agriculture on the territory of the Russian Federation. The fats that are obtained from their seeds and fruits are of particular value.

pancake culture
pancake culture

Oil crops: list of plants

Plantations are used in the food industry, act as one of the main raw materials of agricultural production. The most common oil crops in Russia are rapeseed, mustard, soybeans, castor beans, and sunflowers. The list also includes perilla, lallemancy, sesame, safflower, peanuts and many others. Processing of oil crops is one of the main directions of the raw materials industry.


He tops the list of oilseed field crops. Sunflower on the domestic territory began to be cultivated from the middle of the 18th century. Since that time, this Shrovetide culture has spread throughout the Kuban, Saratov and Voronezh regions. By the beginning of World War II, sunflower occupied about 3 million hectares. Significant development of this plant can be noted in Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania.

StatisticalRF data

The potential yield of sunflower is about 4-5 centners per hectare. In 2011, in the Southern region, the figures were 14.5 c/ha, and in the Volga region - 10.7 c/ha. Farms produce about 27% of the crop. The main reasons for low yields are violations of crop rotation and agrotechnical methods of cultivation. At the same time, the effects of parasites, diseases and pests are by far not the least important. Nevertheless, sunflower is the most cost-effective, highly profitable oilseed crop. For 2006-2010, the share of its crops was about 12%. Among the total indicators of the production of oil crops, sunflower occupied 80%. In the Soviet period, it was believed that the most complete pollination of a hectare is achieved with the participation of 0.5-1 bee family. By the beginning of the 1970s, honey productivity was estimated at 16.3-3.5 kg/ha. Since that time, the list of sunflower hybrids and varieties grown in Russia has significantly increased.

oil crops list of plants
oil crops list of plants

Sunflower nutritional value

Oil is the main crop processing product. In addition to it, a variety of by-products are obtained from sunflower. For example, the use of plant stems in the pulp industry is of particular importance. They contain about 40-48% cellulose. In addition, sunflower stalks are used in the production of fiber boards. The plant is widely distributed in agriculture - it is used as a fodder crop. In dry time at the end of summer, when stubble is sown from itget green mass. This, in turn, is used in the preparation of silage.

oil and grain crops
oil and grain crops

Shrovetide Flax

It is distributed mainly in dry and warm areas. In particular, the culture is grown in Western, Central and South Asia, South, North and Central America. Recently, various experiments have been carried out to determine the feasibility of cultivating it in Central Europe. Shrovetide flax is a low branching plant. It grows up to 50-80 cm. Depending on the form of planting, the number of branches varies from 2 to 10 or more. Flaxseed oil is used in the food industry. In addition, it acts as a raw material for the paint and varnish and leather and footwear industries. Flaxseed cake has a high nutritional value and is used in the preparation of concentrated feed for dairy cattle. It contains protein, fiber and oil. Flaxseed cake is quite easily digested by cattle. Due to the nutritional components present in it, milk yield increases, the percentage of fat in milk increases. Flax straw can be used in the production of writing paper. Also, this oil crop is used in the pharmaceutical industry.

processing of oil crops
processing of oil crops

Features of growing flax

In pre-revolutionary times in Russia, the processing of this culture was quite primitive. Only in the Soviet years did state and collective farms manage to increase crops. This was achieved through the use of mechanization. cultivatedpredominantly medium plants, not branching at the base, but having branches from the middle of the stem. In recent years, flax fiber has been used to produce paper or cottonization. This production is very common in America. Shrovetide flax tends to be stronger than spinning flax and contains less fiber.

White mustard

This Shrovetide culture came from the Mediterranean countries, Eastern India and Western Europe. Since ancient times, mustard has been used as a medicinal herb and spice. As a pancake culture, it began to be used relatively recently. Despite the fact that it is classified as a spring plantation, it has a limited distribution. Over the past decades, mustard has acted as an intermediate fodder crop.

oil crops of Russia
oil crops of Russia


This is an annual grass of the legume family. Soy roots contain special bacteria, due to which the conversion of nitrogen contained in the environment is carried out. Soy is rich in protein (40-45%), fats (20%), carbohydrates (30%). It also contains various mineral elements (about 5-6%). In terms of protein composition and amino acid content, soy is considered the closest analogue of animal food. Plant production is constantly increasing. Thus, since 1998, it has been at the level of 156.5 million tons. This figure exceeds the data for 1991-1995 by 30%.

Soybean growing areas

In Russia today they receive about 280 tons of beans per year. Most of them are used in feedpurposes. Main soybean growing areas:

  1. North Caucasus, Rostov region, Krasnodar region Adygea, Kabardino-Balkaria, Ingushetia. About 9.6% of crops are located here and more than 13% of the gross harvest is carried out.
  2. Far East (Amur Region, Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories). More than 88% of crops are present in this zone. The share of the gross collection in the Far East is 86% of the total for the country.
  3. East and West Siberian, Ural and Volga regions. About 1.5% of crops are located here and about 1% of the gross harvest is carried out.
  4. oilseed field crops
    oilseed field crops


This oilseed crop was brought from Turkey in 1792. In 1825, the first attempts were made to acclimatize peanuts in Odessa. Today, in small areas, the plant is grown in the republics of Transcaucasia and Central Asia. Peanuts are cultivated for edible vegetable oil from their seeds. This product accounts for about 53% of the total volume. As for the level of protein in peanuts, it is inferior to one soy. From a ton of shelled seeds, on average, from 226 to 317 kg of oil are obtained. First of all, this product is used in confectionery and canning industries. Ground peanut seeds are used as an additive in the chocolate making process. The tops and cake go to animal feed. Hay contains up to 11% protein. In terms of nutritional value, the tops are not inferior to clover and alfalfa. Special varieties are grown for the food industry. They do not have a bean flavor. toasted seedsedible varieties are used for food, crushed are used as additives to confectionery.
