2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
Many of us often saw the inscription TIR on trucks, but very few people know how this abbreviation stands for and what it basically means. This article will talk about what TIR means on trucks and look at each nuance in detail.
Subtleties of passing state control
Initially, let's say that state control takes place as follows: when a supervised object leaves Russia, then the Rostransinspektsiya inspects the car first, then the customs officers, and at the end already the border guards. In cases where a car under control enters Russia, it will first of all fall under border control, then representatives of the Federal Tax Inspectorate work with it, and finally, customs officers. An important nuance that you should immediately pay close attention to: each subsequent controlling link cannot begin to perform its direct functions until the previous state control body completes its work.

International abbreviation decoding
So, TIR on trucks - what is it? Translated into Russian from French, these three Latin lettersmean "international road transport" (TIR is the Russian-language analogue of the abbreviated designation). Simply put, TIR is a short indication of an international system that allows, according to a strictly established procedure, to transport a wide variety of goods across state borders between countries that, in turn, have joined the relevant international agreement. That is, in order to understand what TIR means, it is necessary to indicate the presence of the United Nations Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods. To manage the described system, the International Road Transport Union (IRU) is used. Nowadays, 67 individual states of the planet and the entire European Union have joined this system.

Book of International Road Transport (TIR)
The inscription TIR on trucks also means that the goods in this car are registered in the TIR carnet - a special document that has tear-off forms (sheets), each of which is confiscated during the next customs inspection (each checkpoint has the right to use only one sheet of the book). Generally speaking, all this means that the truck has an internationally recognized customs document, which gives the owner the right to move it across borders under a simplified inspection procedure.
Carnet forms are sold by those organizations that have been approved in each country participating in the TIR system. If we talk about the Russian Federation, then this is the Associationinternational road carriers (ASMAP), which is located in Moscow. How to get and issue a TIR carnet, how much money it will take to spend on it, the list of required documents for issuing a carnet - all this is in the sphere of influence of ASMAP and is regulated by it. All details on this issue can be found directly on the organization's website.
Features of TIR Carnet
Considering the question: “What does TIR mean on trucks?”, You should carefully study the TIR Carnet in more detail.
This document looks very much like a large notepad that has:
- Mustard cover.
- Cargo manifest in yellow.
- Tear-off sheets with spines printed in pairs in white and green.
- Protocol sheet.
- The flyleaf of the cover itself and its tear-off part.
Each such book is assigned its own serial number, consisting of seven digits and a pair of Latin letters. It is important to keep in mind that this document has a limited expiration date, which can be seen on the stamp on the cover.

Features of TIR transportation
Understanding in detail what TIR means on trucks, we point out: before the start of the trip, a TIR carnet is issued for each car in one copy, which is valid until the end of the trip. In the process of cargo transportation, customs officers of those countries whose borders the car crosses, only check the integrity of the seals installed earlier. After this check, ifno violations of the integrity of the seals are detected, the customs officer uses one sheet of the TIR book and fills in all the columns of the corresponding spine remaining in it. Thus, TIR transportation is quite strictly regulated. Including the procedure for filling out the TIR Carnet, which can be found out thanks to a special instruction issued, including in Russian.
The Association of International Road Carriers is fully responsible to the recipient for the fulfillment of the undertaken guarantees for the safety of the transported cargo and is legally responsible for the activities of those road carriers that use TIR Carnets.
In cases where there are fully justified claims against one of the carriers, ASMAP takes full responsibility for resolving all issues, and after that it deals with the violator of the rules and takes appropriate measures against him based on the current legislation.
However, it should be understood that the inscription TIR on trucks does not mean at all that customs will not have the right to open the transported cargo and check it. If there are certain reasons, the customs officer of any state, whose border this car will cross, can carry out a complete control of the cargo.
Cargo Manifest Information
Since many are interested in: “TIR on trucks - what is it?”, It is also worthwhile to carefully understand such a document as a cargo manifest. It contains the following information:
- Data on the sending and receiving country.
- Customs dispatching the goods and the border authority receiving them.
- List of passed customs points.
- Product name, HS code, total weight, number of seats, etc.
- A list of those documents that accompany the cargo, and an indication of their numbers.
- Registration number of the vehicle carrying the cargo.
- Numbers of installed seals, stamps and other customs marks.
The execution of all these documents is best entrusted to the relevant specialists, who are often available at customs points.

The inscription TIR on trucks, the meaning of which we consider in detail in this article, signals that CMR consignment notes will also be attached to the goods. These documents are prepared in at least three copies. Each of them is certified by both the sender and the carrier. The original document remains with the sender, while the other two forms are moved along with the transported goods.
After the completion of the transportation process, one of the copies held by the carrier is certified by the receiving party and given to the carrier. The new owner of the cargo is left with the last copy of the document. The person whose seal will be in column number 22 is responsible for the accuracy of the data and the completeness of their completion. The following point deserves special attention: in all copies of the invoices, the data must be absolutely identical.
International shipping regulations
What does TIR mean in terms of orderregistration by road carriers of permits for their international movement of goods? Let's take a closer look.
Today, all these actions are regulated by special regulation No. 505 of May 24, 2012. The main theses of the position are:
- Applicant must have vehicles that he owns and meets the requirements of the specified regulations.
- Competent persons should be responsible for international transport.
- The carrier must have an insurance policy.
Issuance of a permit for international road transport requires:
- Filing the appropriate ID application.
- Verify vehicle ownership.
- Have documentation confirming the state registration of the vehicle.
- Have an insurance policy.
- Providing documents evidencing the professional competence of the employee.
- Availability of an inventory of the attached package of documents.
The applicant submits all of the above documents to the local division of Rostransnadzor at the address of his personal registration.

Description of the SafeTIR system
As long-term practice shows, absolutely every computer system is subject to the likelihood of malicious, unauthorized penetration from the outside, and therefore it needs proper protection. The international transport system TIR also fully felt all"charms" of the work of modern intruders, and therefore there was a need to ensure their own security.
TIR on trucks (what it is, we consider in detail in the article) is not just an inscription, but a symbol of a high level of security in international transport activities. In 1995, the Administrative Committee of the system decided to create a special control system for the use of TIR Carnets. This program is called SafeTIR.
Somewhat later, the International Road Transport Union produced an auxiliary computer tool called "SafeTIR in real time", which allows you to quickly send to the IRU all information about the completion of the TIR. All this information, after receiving it, becomes available to absolutely all participants in the system, thanks to which they are able to quickly check each TIR carnet.

Transportations and their declaration
The advance declaration system (TIR-EPD) is currently supported by 31 states, including the Russian Federation, where you can often see TIR on trucks (we have already figured out what this inscription on a car means). Advance submission of information makes it possible to significantly speed up and facilitate the subsequent clearance of goods and their control at customs points, which also contributes to a significant increase in the throughput of these customs posts.
The early declaration system has the following advantages:
- It is provided free of charge.
- Guarantees complete confidentiality of data.
- Can send required shipping information to multiple countries at once.
- Ease and safety of use.
This system allows customs authorities to:
- Ensure information is only received from registered road carriers.
- Ensure the veracity of the TIR book indicated in the declaration.
- Provide information about upcoming shipments in advance.
- Check the validity of TIR Carnets.
For international trade relations, this system enables:
- Reduce possible risks.
- Simplify customs cordon crossing.
- Reduce shipping costs.
Russian realities
Today it is very common to see TIR on trucks. What does this mean in practice? Unfortunately, relations between the IRU and Russia have been rather strained for quite some time.

At different times during the period 2002-2015, disagreements sometimes reached such a critical level that they threatened to completely curtail even the slightest cooperation between these participants. Last summer there was some improvement in the current situation, but no one can fully predict what this will lead to in the end. From all this we can draw the following conclusions:
- Certain customs points of the Russian Federation will certainly bepay attention to the TIR system and carry out maintenance of these vehicles on the basis of approved agreements. But the list of these customs posts, although agreed by the parties, is still not finally approved at the level of the government in the country, and therefore no one can give any guarantees for the stability of interaction.
- As a matter of fact, various rather serious problems may arise at any time on the state border of Russia, through which numerous trucks pass. TIR on trucks (what is it, photos of such cars and other information on the topic is presented in the article), while it may well turn out to be a problem that no one can predict now. Or, conversely, the difficulties that exist today may also disappear. However, this probability is, of course, somewhat lower.
Thus, none of the current officials and civil servants is able to fully predict how relations between the Russian Federation and the IRU will develop in the future. We hope that thanks to this article you were able to get to know the meaning of the TIR inscription on cars and the preferences that it gives to all participants in this system.
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