Financial manager job description: sample

Financial manager job description: sample
Financial manager job description: sample

The goal of any business is to spend as few resources as possible while getting the maximum profit. It is for this task that companies have the position of financial manager. Moreover, not every enterprise needs this specialist. Small firms do not hire additional workers, and duties of this type are performed by the director or accountant himself. At the same time, in large corporations, the role of a financial manager is performed not by one person, but by a whole department of employees.

The existence of a job description for a financial manager is not provided for by law, and it is very important to have this legal document. After all, it helps the employee to understand what exactly the management requires from him, and what role he occupies in the company. At the same time, using the instructions, the management can regulate the employment of its staff. It is currently not possible to learn this profession directly, so the employee will need related education in this area.

Moredetailed information on this subject contains a sample job description of a financial manager. Its points may vary depending on the direction, scale and needs of the company. The most important thing is that the document fully complies with the current legislation of the country.

General provisions

The main task of a specialist holding such a position is to ensure the movement of the company's resources, as well as control the financial relations of the company. This helps him to distribute and use the organization's reserves as efficiently as possible at the time of its main activities. It also allows you to get maximum profit at minimum cost, which, in fact, is the main goal of having this position.

financial manager job description sample
financial manager job description sample

The legal document, namely the job description of the financial manager, states that he is subordinate to the financial and chief directors. This position belongs to management positions, so only the CEO can appoint or dismiss an employee. The employee, performing duties, must be guided by the laws of the country, the orders of the management, the rules of the company and its charter. It is also necessary to take into account other documentation that regulates its activities, including the job description of a financial manager.


When applying for a job, an employee is obliged to study all the legal documentation that relates to the financial and economic activities of the company, to know the current state andprospects for the development of both the company itself and the service and sales market. Know the principles by which the financial employment of the enterprise is carried out, how plans, forecast balances, budget, plans for profit and sale of goods and services are drawn up. The employee should be familiar with the system of financial instruments, which is necessary to ensure control and management of cash flows.

job description of a financial manager in a trading company
job description of a financial manager in a trading company

The job description of a financial manager implies that he understands the management of the company's equity capital, knows the methods of asset valuation, can determine their profitability and risk. He must learn how to properly manage working capital, and understand the methods by which his own working capital is formed. Understand the principles by which business risk is determined, the order in which short-term and long-term lending to the company is carried out, how to attract borrowed funds and investments for the enterprise, and how best to use the company's own resources.

Other knowledge

The job description of a financial manager in a trading company states that he must know the rules for the production and purchase of securities, the procedure for distributing organization resources; be able to determine whether the firm's investments are being effectively used. He must be familiar with the principles of financial control, cash settlements, know the principles and methods of taxation.

financial manager job description for a companysmall business
financial manager job description for a companysmall business

Also know how to pay them correctly and what are the tax fees. To study the entire tax system as a whole, to know the characteristics of its main points, as well as the standards for reporting and accounting for the company's financial resources. According to the job description fin. manager, he must be familiar with accounting, labor law and economics. It is good to know how and why computers, communications and telecommunications are used. He is also required to study the rules and procedures of the company, including fire safety, discipline and labor protection.


The main task of this employee is to manage the company's financial resources in order to maximize the organization's profit. His responsibilities also include the development of draft financial plans of the current and prospective type. He is engaged in forecasting the budget and balance of the company, developing working capital standards, as well as taking measures to increase the speed of their turnover.

job description of a financial manager at an enterprise
job description of a financial manager at an enterprise

As stated in the job description of a financial manager for a small business company, the employee should be engaged in the development of measures aimed at managing capital and determining its price characteristics. The employee analyzes the economic and financial condition of the company, and also evaluates the effectiveness of its work. It must ensure the solvency of the enterprise, eliminate material and technical resources that are not used, andprevent their occurrence. Must be engaged in increasing the profitability of production, increase profits, reduce costs for the economic activities of the company, and also strengthen monetary discipline in the organization.

Job description and responsibilities of fin. manager

The employee assigned to this position is responsible for ensuring the implementation of the company's budget and financial plans, taking into account all the necessary indicators. He develops methods for regulating the effectiveness of the company's production. This means that the financial manager determines the best options for the formation of the cost of products, distributes costs, monitors the formation of prices, and so on. The employee manages the assets of the company. This includes funding for production, repairs, launching new products, expanding production facilities, opening subsidiaries and much more.

financial manager job description sample
financial manager job description sample

The specialist manages free cash flows, reorganizes, liquidates and sells the company's property. According to the job description of a financial manager in a construction company, he must determine the sources of financing for the economic and production activities of the company. That is, look for ways to obtain budget financing, lending, issue and purchase of securities, control leasing, attract loans and exploit existing funds, and more. In addition, he must analyze and develop patterns of usesources of funds.

Other functions

An employee holding the position of a financial manager must endorse proposals for redirecting and storing funds, obtaining loans, as well as using other sources of obtaining financial resources. He must send all this documentation to higher management. His responsibilities include establishing and establishing business relationships with various types of credit institutions, leasing companies and other commercial organizations. The financial manager is engaged in ensuring the targeted operation of the organization's credit and own financial resources, preparing banking documentation for all payment purposes.

job description of the financial manager of the Republic of Kazakhstan
job description of the financial manager of the Republic of Kazakhstan

As stated in the job description of the financial manager, in the singular, he is obliged to deal with the company's investment policy and asset management, while determining their structure, preparing documentation for replacement and liquidation, and managing a portfolio of securities. His responsibilities include evaluating and analyzing the efficiency of cash flow, ensuring receipt of income, processing financial and settlement banking transactions, paying contractors and suppliers, monitoring the timely repayment of loans and the payment of earned money to company personnel.

Other duties

If we consider the job description of a financial manager at an enterprise, then there is a clause where it is indicated that the employee should be engaged in ensuring operationalfinancing, fulfill payment and settlement obligations, timely reflect all changes regarding the company's payment capabilities, and track the company's own funds. He calculates the profit from the sale of goods and services, uses resources, and carries out other operations that affect the core business of the enterprise. The duties of this employee include making decisions regarding the distribution of profits. This includes the financing of production processes in order to implement the announced plans, the payment of wages and dividends, the implementation of social programs, the repayment of loans, etc.

Other tasks

The employee is engaged in the calculation of taxes, their minimization, the transfer of funds in order to pay them to specialized institutions and funds. The job description of a financial manager (including the RC) assumes that the employee analyzes the implementation of estimates, accounting and other reports affecting the financial activities of the company, controls the implementation of plans, stops the production of products that are unprofitable for sale, and the correct use of the company's financial resources.

job description and responsibilities of a financial manager
job description and responsibilities of a financial manager

It is he who organizes the accounting of financial resources and prepares reporting documentation for management and other structures that need this information. Ensures the correct execution of all documents and checks the accuracy of the data indicated in them. It may also be responsible for coordinating and advisingfinancial guides.


According to the available job description templates fin. manager, he has the right to demand from the management to provide him with normal working conditions. This means that the employee has the right to provide premises, organize a workplace and provide all the necessary tools to perform the functions assigned to him. He has the right to use guiding statements, instructions, orders, instructions and other documents that regulate his activities.

He can offer the boss methods to improve the company's activities, as well as options for improving the forms and methods of work, if this is within his competence. It is in his right to receive draft decisions that affect his work, to request documents and data from all employees of the company, including statistics, reports, and more; inform superiors about the shortcomings of the company's work and offer ways to solve the problem. The financial manager can sign and approve various types of documentation, if this is within his competence. He has the right to use different methods of obtaining information to solve the tasks assigned to him.


An employee may be held liable if he fails to perform the tasks assigned to him in a timely manner or poorly, for the misuse of rights, including exceeding his authority or using them for personal purposes. He is responsible if he does not comply with orders, instructions, instructions and other points. If he violates the articles of association and rules of the company,carelessly treats company property, is rude to employees and staff of the organization. The financial manager is responsible for the safety of documents and confidential information, keeping trade secrets and espionage. He can also be held accountable for providing management with deliberately false or distorted information regarding the financial position of the company and the turnover of its financial resources.


These are the main points that the financial manager job description contains. Depending on the direction of the economic activity of the organization and other points, they can be changed or supplemented without going beyond the current legislation. This document regulates the main activities of the financial manager. Many mistakenly confuse this position with the post of director, but in reality this is a little different. The financial manager is only an employee of the department and is subordinate not only to the general, but also to the financial director. The profession is very common and in demand in the labor market, but it is not yet possible to get a direct specialized education in this type of activity on the territory of our country, so those who wish have to choose related professions.
