The salary of an IT specialist in Russia

The salary of an IT specialist in Russia
The salary of an IT specialist in Russia

An IT specialist is considered to be one of the most demanded today, both in Russia and in other countries of the world. Employees who create software are especially valued. Now there are almost no organizations that do not have modern programs for work.

salary it specialist
salary it specialist

Employees can carry out activities both together and separately. The demand for them is associated with the development of computer technologies, which are used in all spheres of human life. If you are wondering what their salary is, IT specialist is a highly paid position. But the amounts may vary depending on the profile.

Wage level

Today there are 2 categories of named workers:

  • applied: work with ready-made applications;
  • system: create software on their own.

Specialists of the first type have the opportunity for career growth, as they can learn how to create their own programs. Systems specialists usually occupy important positions in large firms. What is the average IT salary?specialist? It is 70,000 rubles, but the specific amount depends on the type of position.

If you are interested in a specific salary, an IT specialist in the field of 1C receives about 60,000 rubles. Employees who create C ++ applications have a salary of 60-80 thousand rubles. JAVA programmers receive 120-200 thousand rubles, and PHP workers - 30-100 thousand rubles.

This is the data that includes popular job sites. But the salary of an IT specialist depends on many different factors. So, having considered all the proposals, you can see vacancies with a more modest salary. For example, if numerous skills and experience are not required, then a salary of 10,000 to 20,000 rubles is offered.

What affects wages?

In terms of the salary that an IT specialist has, Moscow is the leader, which, in general, is not surprising. In other regions, the amount of income is slightly less.

Professionals working in popular companies such as Apple, Google, Facebook have a higher income. This also applies to independent developers who independently launch the project. For example, Pavel Durov, who is considered the creator of the VKontakte network, is one of the richest Russian developers.

By the way, in this area, quite often working with customers without intermediaries is more profitable than stable employment. An IT specialist can also work remotely.

IT specialist
IT specialist

To raise your income, you need to constantly improve. To do this, there are computer courses that allow you to improvequalification. For example, if an employee has JAVA skills, then he should learn PHP, NET JavaScript. Firms value employees with different skills more. In addition, a multi-specialist professional may use a variety of methods to create software.

What will be the salary, an IT specialist can also find out based on his work experience. Firms also take newcomers, but at first the salary will be small. A programmer who has worked in the field of software for more than 3 years can get a higher position. But at the same time, he needs to always improve his level of knowledge, for example, take computer courses.

Salary varies by region

In Russia, the earnings of programmers are still less than in the US and Europe. But thanks to the development of computer technology, such a specialist can work from anywhere in the world. You just need to learn how to manage your personal time.

And there are not so many IT companies in small Russian cities. And there, vacancies for technicians who perform ACS optimization and 1C setup are in demand.

What counts when applying for a job

The work of an IT specialist is quite in demand in the country. For the device, it is necessary to draw up a competent resume. If you have skills and experience, then, as already mentioned, you can apply for a higher position. When hiring, employers evaluate the following criteria:

  1. Level of education - higher education is valued, although there are many self-taught workers.
  2. Experience - if anyat least 3 years, then such an employee is considered reliable.
  3. Age - young employees are preferred in this speci alty, as they are active and purposeful.
  4. Ability to work in several areas - for this, the employee must have knowledge in several industries.
  5. Teamwork - An IT professional interacts with other employees to achieve common work goals.
  6. Foreign language skills - English preferred.
  7. Learning - the employee must be ready to constantly improve, for example, take courses for IT specialists.
  8. Print speed.
  9. Skills to work with created programs.
  10. The ability to work with financial systems.
computer courses
computer courses

Programs and applications are constantly being updated, so an employee should have time to get to know them. It is on the basis of these criteria that a hiring decision is made. The specialist must be active, competent and attentive.

Employee Requirements

To successfully get a job, the applicant must meet a few more mandatory requirements:

  • age 18+;
  • citizenship;
  • presence of necessary documents.
average salary of IT specialist
average salary of IT specialist

Many firms provide formal employment, thanks to which contributions to the Pension Fund are paid for the employee. His salary may consist of a salary and a percentage of completed orders,but there are other settlement systems.

Types of professions

The following types of vacancies are open in modern companies:

  1. JavaScript programmer. He creates application programs.
  2. Content manager. Engaged in the content of sites and work with groups in social networks.
  3. Project manager. Necessary for the harmonious work of layout designers, web designers, copywriters.
  4. App creators. They create apps for mobile devices.
  5. Network technology specialist. Works with the network functioning of computers.
  6. Tech support specialist who solves various issues with technology.
  7. Business analytics. They process data, create forecasts, programs.


Which employee will have a salary depends on him. In this profession, there is no limit that is difficult to achieve. This area is constantly being improved, and in the future it will only develop, since IT technologies have firmly entered human life. And it will always take a lot of employees to improve them.

work it specialist
work it specialist

The audience of Internet users is constantly increasing. Almost every company has its own portal. Professional developers are also needed to optimize their work.

Employment of beginners

The number of graduates with diplomas of programmers, web designers and system administrators is constantly increasing. But every employer wants to find an experienced reliable employee who can perform various tasks.activities. And how to gain experience as a beginner programmer?

it specialist moscow
it specialist moscow

It is desirable to acquire the necessary skills from the 1st year of study. Practice, self-preparation is of great importance. Such an employee will be more appreciated. For specialists in this field, there are professional trainings to improve skills and abilities. You can, in addition, go to foreign language courses, as well as classes on creating websites.

Job Benefits

The advantages of professions include the fact that you can learn at any age, including at home. To do this, there are many courses and manuals, there are many educational institutions for training specialists. You can also get practice on your own.

A professional can always find a job for himself, for example, with the help of freelance. In this case, he will independently manage his personal time. Earnings will also depend only on him.

Work allows you to constantly develop, meet interesting people. You can get a job both in Russia and abroad. This area is the area of the future, so there will always be work for specialists.


But in addition to the advantages, such specialists also have difficulties, although there are still more advantages. Moreover, everything depends on the purposefulness of a person. If he knows how to manage his time, then he will be able to do any task.

IT specialist courses
IT specialist courses

Difficulties include having to spend long hours at work. Oftena large order an employee needs to complete in a short time. It is not always possible to find a common language with the client, which is why the specialist performs work that is not interesting to him.

It is very important to constantly train the mathematical mindset and develop in the profession, then everything will definitely work out.
