Technical passport for an apartment: how to get it, who issues it and the validity period

Technical passport for an apartment: how to get it, who issues it and the validity period
Technical passport for an apartment: how to get it, who issues it and the validity period

One of the most important documents that is issued upon receipt of a new housing is a technical passport for an apartment. It may seem that it is not as important as a document of foundation for ownership of real estate or proof of title. However, it is in the technical passport for the apartment that they reflect complete information about the property. Obtaining this document is a step-by-step procedure. In order to make sure it is necessary, you should carefully study it. Since it takes time and money to apply for a passport.

What is a document, what does it consist of?

The technical passport for an apartment is a document containing detailed information about this housing. Its structure is as follows:

how to get a technical passport for an apartment
how to get a technical passport for an apartment
  1. Title page, which indicates the exact address of the apartment, date of issue and stamp, cadastral number and inventory number. Also there is information about the issuing authority.
  2. On the second page indicate information about the owners of the apartment and documents onon the basis of which they own the object. In addition, the form of ownership is prescribed, whether it is shared, joint or personal.
  3. The third page of the passport contains a plan made to scale, which must fully correspond to the real layout, indicating the parameters of each room.
  4. On the fourth page, an explication is placed, which looks like a table, which reflects the numbered rooms with a breakdown of their purpose and area. It also indicates the total and living areas, with the seal and signatures of the persons who compiled the technical passport.

The technical documentation contains data on the last date of the overhaul, if any, the date of construction of the object, the materials of the walls and foundation, and the available communications. This means that when making transactions with real estate, it is enough to have a document on the technical condition of the object with you in order to draw up the main contract for the transaction. But first things first.

Reasons for needing a technical passport

The need for technical documentation is due to the fact that the information from it is important for:

  1. Obtaining a cadastral passport, which is the proof of putting the object on cadastral registration.
  2. Major changes in the layout of the facility and overhaul. Information from the technical data sheet will help to carry out work with maximum safety and achieve the durability of the final result.
  3. Transferring an object from one category of real estate is simply impossible without a technical passport.
  4. Inventory value is also determined based on information from this document.
technical passport for an apartment in the mfc
technical passport for an apartment in the mfc

Technical and cadastral passports are included in the list of required documents for purchase and sale transactions of an apartment or donation.

Thus, a mandatory step in obtaining housing from scratch and in privatization is to obtain a technical passport. Next, let's talk about exactly where you can do this.

Document for an apartment. Where can I get it?

In order to obtain a document for an apartment, there are two possibilities, or rather two bodies for applying for a document, namely:

  1. You can get a technical passport at the BTI for an apartment. Then you need to go to the technical inventory bureau closest to the property.
  2. You can get a technical passport for an apartment in the MFC. This company, in fact, will become an intermediary between the person and the authority issuing the finished document.

Required documents for obtaining a technical passport. What do I need to provide?

Having figured out where to order this passport, you need to clarify how to get a technical passport for an apartment. That is, what package of documents a person needs to collect.

where to order a technical passport for an apartment
where to order a technical passport for an apartment

It can be divided into a general list, or a more individual one. The list of documents for obtaining a technical passport for an apartment includes:

  • statement;
  • document confirming the payment of the fee;
  • title and title papers;
  • identity document of the applicant.

If the technical plan is drawn up not by the owner, but by another person, then you must attach a copy of the power of attorney and the passport of the authorized person. Other documents may be required during registration, depending on the situation, the list of which can be clarified in the passport issuing authority.

Cost of obtaining a document. What makes up the price?

Obtaining a registration certificate for a property is associated with certain costs:

  1. Payment of state duty, the amount of which is set by each region independently. Its average value is about a thousand rubles.
  2. Departure of a specialist to carry out measurement work is a paid service, the cost of which must be specified in advance.
validity period of the technical passport for the apartment
validity period of the technical passport for the apartment

You need to know that payment is usually made as follows: first of all, a fee is paid, without which documents simply will not be accepted for registration. The cost of the work rendered will already depend on several parameters: the remoteness of the object, the complexity of the work and the size of the area. The final amount can be found out when all the documents are ready. And pay on the date of receipt of the technical passport.

Like any document, obtaining a registration certificate for an apartment requires a certain amount of time and has its own validity period. We will talk about him further.

Terms for issuing the document and the validity of the technical passport

Servingdocuments for obtaining a technical passport for an apartment, everyone who receives it should know that the procedure takes a certain amount of time. Under normal conditions and tariffs, this lasts up to fourteen days. However, if the customer wants to receive technical documentation in a short time, then this problem can be solved by paying for services at an increased rate. In this case, the whole process takes no more than a week.

Completion of all stages of obtaining the technical plan is marked by the receipt of a ready-made package of documents according to the receipt that was issued by the receiving authority.

extract from the technical passport for the apartment
extract from the technical passport for the apartment

The validity period of the technical passport for an apartment was previously determined to be five years. After that, the owner had to update it, especially when performing real estate transactions. Today, the owner himself determines when he will receive a new document.

Do not forget that when making major changes in the object, the validity of the technical passport for the apartment no longer matters. Since updating the data is the responsibility of the owner. Indeed, with significant changes in the premises, the characteristics of the object change. And the areas often change by adding balconies and other extensions. That is, the technical plan should reflect any changes in the characteristics of the property.

The first type of statement and its characteristics

When making real estate transactions, very often an extract from the technical passport for the apartment is attached to the documents. The fact,that it contains brief information about the object and is of two types.

The first type of statement is used for the most common real estate transactions and contains the following information:

  • address of the object and year of its construction;
  • both general and residential area;
  • registration date;
  • data about the owner;
  • date of inventory and overhaul;
  • floors and materials of walls and ceilings.
Where can I order a technical passport for an apartment
Where can I order a technical passport for an apartment

The first type of statement, its characteristics. What do you need to get a document?

It can be seen that such a document contains all the main characteristics of the object, that is, the list can be wider. The cost of the extract also varies by region. And it is valid for one year. The second type of extract is extended, contains information about the date and implementation of illegal changes. At the same time, the validity period reaches five years.

To obtain any of these statements, you must contact the local branch of the BTI with an application. The terms of issuance can be from ten to fourteen days, while it is mandatory to pay her the cost, which is established by local authorities independently. Although you can pay for urgent receipt of the document.

Firms that help in the design. What to look for when choosing such an agency?

Regarding self-registration, we can say that today there are companies that provide such services. In order to choosewhere to order a technical passport for an apartment, you need to carefully study the information about the company, you should pay attention to:

  • office availability;
  • reputation;
  • reviews from other users;
  • legality of the services provided;
  • offer price.

The latter should be average in its level. Do not trust firms that offer especially low commissions for their services. Such a close approach is needed for the reason that you will have to entrust not only money, but also documents, including a power of attorney. It is worth remembering that all those that are transferred to third parties should only be copies.

documents for obtaining a technical passport for an apartment
documents for obtaining a technical passport for an apartment

In addition, the cost of a technical passport for an apartment will be increased by the amount of commission for the provided intermediary services. One might wonder why pay more. However, sometimes it happens that time constraints make the process of obtaining a technical passport difficult. Therefore, in this case, the best way out would be to order such work. This will ultimately reduce the time it takes to receive the document.

Useful tips and tricks

Finally, we note that obtaining technical documentation for real estate in some cases becomes the very beginning in a long way of registering an object as a property. The value of the document is difficult to overestimate. Indeed, when compiling it, all data on the apartment and even the house are indicated. It should be said that new buildings most often have only a technical plan for the house. And hisregistration for a particular apartment is the responsibility of the owner.

It is necessary to be careful when collecting a package of documents and, before proceeding with active actions, depending on the situation, clarify the list of papers for obtaining a technical passport. It is also important to know in what form the application is drawn up and what information is reflected in it. These data can be clarified from open sources or directly at the BTI or MFC department.

Small conclusion

Now you know how and where to order a technical passport for an apartment, which is this document. We hope you find this information useful.
