How to get a credit card and in which bank

How to get a credit card and in which bank
How to get a credit card and in which bank

How and where to get a credit card, people are wondering both those who have debts to banks and those who are thinking about taking a loan. Citizens are regularly faced with offers to borrow money, while others, on the contrary, are constantly denied for each of their appeals.

Forms of lending

Banks give loans in different ways:

  • issuance of money that is used at the discretion of the citizen or for designated purposes;
  • paying for the purchase - the bank pays directly to the trading network, and the client receives the item, then paying the debt to the bank;
  • providing a credit card.

All methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Market research shows that the first two methods are less expensive. The interest rate in their case is much lower.

credit card
credit card

Issuing a card allows you to have constant access to the bank's money within the limits of the received limit. A credit card is generally more expensive, but much depends on the program offered to the person. Financial institutions tend to offer different options based oncharacteristics of clients: their social status, income, etc.

General features of credit cards

Lending schemes are about the same. Here, both state rules and the peculiarities of the Russian market play a role. Yes, and banks have accumulated solid experience in working with people. So what do customers with credit cards face?

  • a limit is offered (from several thousand rubles and more);
  • the limit may increase over time if you actively resort to the help of the bank;
  • cash withdrawals are subject to a fee, but the use of cashless payments helps to avoid the need to pay;
  • a bank may offer a grace period during which no interest is charged on the use of the bank's money if the debt is repaid within a certain time;
  • bonuses are offered in case of purchases from partner companies.
bank credit cards
bank credit cards

The cardholder has the right to take any amount within the limit at any time (subject to the obligation to pay the minimum monthly payments), which is considered a significant plus compared to standard cash loans.

Who is easier to issue

Bank credit cards are offered mainly to people who are already customers. This includes everyone who receives benefits, pensions, salaries through the bank. Pensioners and workers are more attractive, because they have an official and fairly substantial income. They periodically receive proposals in writing or by telephone. It even happens:someone put money on deposit, and then they call from the same bank and offer to apply for a loan.

Who else can try

If a person has official income, but they do not pass through bank accounts, he can try to get a credit card. These are entrepreneurs, employees who for some reason did not issue cards to receive money.

sberbank credit card
sberbank credit card

Previously, bank advertisements indicated that cards were issued without income statements, but in reality this was not entirely true. All the same, proof of income or possession of property was required, at the expense of which the debt could then be repaid.

What to look out for

Despite a fairly standard approach, there is a significant difference in the rules for using bank money.

Banks, within the limits set by the Central Bank, have the right to offer money for a fee called the interest rate. It varies depending on the project, and, I must say, significantly.

By the way, if the contract is extended with the client, then the rate does not change without his consent, so over time the card will become more profitable.

credit card loan
credit card loan

The grace period is also calculated differently. In one case, it is better to withdraw money after the beginning of the month, then the grace period is extended to the maximum, in the other, the period is tied only to the date the funds were debited from the account.

The fee is set either as a flat amount or as a percentage of the amount withdrawn in cash.

Maintenance fee is taken or ata fixed amount, or for a separately provided service (SMS informing, providing an account statement, checking the account balance, paying for a new card issue, etc.).

In advertising, information is given, as a rule, about the maximum size of the limit. Initially, clients receive not 200, 300 thousand, but a small amount within their average earnings. The only way to increase the limit is to use the provided money regularly and carefully.

What options does Sberbank offer

Directly on the bank's website there is a section that contains information about the relevant products of the organization. Programs change periodically. Despite the stated difference, Sberbank credit cards have a number of common features that make it possible to highlight the conditions for their use.

At the time of writing, several types of cards are offered: "classic", "gold" and "premium".

issue a credit card
issue a credit card

Potential owners are offered various bonuses. For example, two types of cards are tied to Aeroflot services. Holders are offered access to preferential or premium tickets, as well as accrual of additional bonuses in the form of discounts when purchasing them.

Owners of the other two cards who bought fuel or paid in cafes and restaurants are returned 10% of the money spent in the form of bonuses.

The bank has set a limit for "gold" and "classic" cards up to 600 thousand rubles, and for premium cards - up to 3 million rubles.

The grace period is a single period of 50 days, but is not provided for allcards.

The service and issue fee is taken by the bank depending on the selected card, and amounts to 4900 rubles. per year.

Thus, credit card terms represent a significant variety.

Bonus programs

Comparing reality with commercials, customers understand that they are not so much deceived as they are not telling all the information. For example, many people believe that buying from an affiliate network gives you the right to return part of the money spent.

credit card terms
credit card terms

However, this is not the case, the cardholder has the right to buy some goods at a significant discount in the future. Therefore, you should first study the bonus program when choosing a card. Someone constantly travels, someone regularly visits shops and shopping centers. Then a credit card loan will be less burdensome, and savings on purchases can be up to half the price of the goods. And if at the same time you do not stretch the return of the loan for a long time, then the acquisition can become really profitable. It is more profitable for motorists to take credit cards with bonuses for purchases at gas stations, etc.

Acquisition process

First of all, you should contact the bank through which the salary or pension is issued or with which there is experience of positive cooperation. In such a situation, banks are willing to cooperate.

Standard package of documents:

  • passport or other proof of identity;
  • documents confirming the availability of income or liquid property (additional real estateor car);
  • other documents as required by the credit institution.

Practice shows that it makes little sense for people who do not have official income to apply to a bank. MFIs work with such clients.

order a credit card
order a credit card

Now banks offer to apply for a loan or credit card via the Internet. You need to go to the site, fill out a form, leave a phone number or email address and wait for a response from the bank.

A direct visit to the branch of a financial institution with documents in hand takes place after the approval of the application.

It is also possible to order a credit card through special services that work with credit organizations of various kinds, in particular, with banks.

The organization scheme of portals is rather template. It is proposed to choose the most interesting option, fill out the questionnaire and wait for an answer.

Some organizations send cards by mail after receiving a copy of the signed agreement from the client. An activation code is also sent by mail.

Tinkoff-Bank operates in a similar way. If you do not take into account the very conflicting reviews about him, such a registration system turned out to be viable and attractive for both bankers and their clients.

In closing

Despite the serious limitations of the Russian banking system, the credit card market is quite diverse. And before contacting the bank, it is advisable to study the options you like and reviews about the bank.
