Intangible motivation of employees: examples and recommendations

Intangible motivation of employees: examples and recommendations
Intangible motivation of employees: examples and recommendations

As both the world and the experience of each of us shows, monetary reward cannot be the only incentive for a person. Conscientious fulfillment of duties, enthusiasm in work, constant improvement of a specialist, inspiration in one's work - for this, a good salary, bonuses, and allowances are not enough. A whole system of non-material motivation should also stimulate the employee. What is it, what are its methods, methods, as well as specific examples, we will consider further.

What is this?

Intangible motivation is the style of personnel management with the use of various non-monetary incentives. This is a whole complex of social work, the main goals of which are:

  • Increase efficiency, employee loy alty.
  • Maintain a positive work environment.
  • Increase productivity.
  • Improve working conditions.
  • Develop team spirit.
  • non-material motivation
    non-material motivation

This is a whole system with its own laws. We will talk about them further.

Basic rules

The non-material motivation of the team is based on five basic rules:

  1. Solves tactical tasks of the company. In other words, it contributes to the fastest achievement of the goals facing the organization. For example, when opening a branch, it is important to urgently form a team that will work according to the standards of the head office. What will be non-material motivation? These are various kinds of trainings that contribute to team building, the formation of a corporate spirit.
  2. Intangible motivation should cover all categories of workers. And not just those employees whose activities bring direct profit. And these are not only complex motivational programs, but simple praise and recognition. The easiest way in this regard is for the leaders of small companies - they are aware of what will be the motivation for each of the employees. And in large firms, this task is already facing line managers.
  3. Intangible motivation is consonant with the stage of development of the organization. For example, at the start of an activity, enthusiasm is encouraged. Next - original solutions to problems by individual employees or departments.
  4. Individual motivation. What inspires one person can easily leave another indifferent. Of course, in a large company it is impossible to create an incentive program for every employee. But it is realistic to develop several systems of non-material motivation for typical types of personalities.
  5. New. Non-monetary incentives should not be static, otherwise they simplystop inspiring. At least once every six months, a new method of non-material motivation should be introduced.
  6. Image

Now let's move on to something more specific.

Maslow Motivation

A. Maslow's pyramid of needs is a good framework for non-material and material motivation of employees. Here it is important to determine (this is achieved with the help of simple psychological tests) which group is closer to the employee. Based on this, the motivation system is selected.

Needs Example of encouragement
Physiological Decent salary.
Safety, protection Comfortable and friendly atmosphere in the team. A minimum of news about the problems of the company.
Social Support from the team and management. Feeling of community - joint events, holidays.
Respect and self-respect Approval from colleagues and boss. Constant attention to human achievement.
Self Realization The opportunity to engage in creative, non-standard work. Solving complex and important tasks for the company.

Remember that each person will soon or slowly move up this pyramid. Therefore, with its development, incentive tools should also change.

TOP 10 ways to get motivated

And now let's move on to examples of non-material motivation of employees:

  1. Praise, encouragement. If the task is completed with a solid five, the managermust note this. And do it publicly. When the results of excellent performance are not noticed, it is unlikely that you will want to repeat them again.
  2. Competitive spirit. Various game methods to determine the best employee - quests, contests. However, for the results to be amazing, the stimulus must be powerful. For example, a business trip to Europe.
  3. The temptation of career growth. From high salary to personal account, well-deserved authority, exclusive rights.
  4. Professional development. This is work with a personal mentor, and collective trainings, master classes.
  5. Sincere and original congratulations on a significant date.
  6. Comfortable working conditions. Functional, comfortable and cozy workplace, modern lounge with everything you need. The design of the premises should also be appropriate.
  7. Maintaining the corporate spirit - general holidays, field trips, entertainment and sports events.
  8. Flexible schedule. It is he who motivates a person to fulfill his duties efficiently, but quickly.
  9. Extra days off with the same salary level.
  10. Freedom of action. If an employee performs a task quickly and efficiently, then he can do it as he pleases.
  11. non-material motivation examples
    non-material motivation examples

The most effective methods of non-material motivation

Employee incentive systems have been developed and are being developed a lot. We will present the most time-tested:

  • Motivating general meetings.
  • Congratulations on the significant foremployee date.
  • Substantial discount on company products and services.
  • Competitions, contests, intellectual and sports games.
  • Informing employees about common achievements.
  • Assessments from colleagues.
  • Incentive trips.
  • Help with family problems.
  • material and non-material motivation
    material and non-material motivation

Motivation for every day

Inspire employees - the daily task of the leader. Here are some simple tips on how to do it without much effort:

  • Greet the employee by name.
  • Don't forget to say thank you for a job well done.
  • If a person is very tired, he has serious problems, let him leave early from work. Or add an extra day off.
  • For the holidays, do not forget to please employees with a big cake ordered for the whole team with pizza.
  • Each employee should have a sign, a badge with his name.
  • Don't just inform workers, listen to them.
  • Do not deprive the attention of "invisible" employees.
  • Feel free to ask the team for advice.
  • Arrange general meetings where you can discuss pressing issues, make suggestions.
  • non-material motivation of employees examples
    non-material motivation of employees examples

Unconventional motivation

The reward system can be unusual and original. From this, interest arises in it, in general, the mood of employees rises, it becomesfriendly microclimate. For example, some leaders practiced:

  • Having a day of yoga for general relaxation and recuperation.
  • Bedroom equipment for those who stay up late at work.
  • Delivery to the office of fruits, sweets.
  • Changing the image of an employee at the expense of the company.
  • system of non-material motivation
    system of non-material motivation

Classic Mistakes

Let's consider the common mistakes that managers make when building a system of non-material motivation:

  • The "evil boss" game.
  • Using methods that motivate them specifically.
  • Incentives for a large company are used in a small company or vice versa.
  • Loss of connection of the motivational system with the main task of the company.
  • Promotion applies only to individual departments, employees.
  • The age, interests, aspirations, individual characteristics of employees are not taken into account.
  • Too much of a good thing and it stops motivating.
  • methods of non-material motivation
    methods of non-material motivation

Examples from executives

Now let's give real examples of non-material motivation already successfully applied by managers:

  • Flexible schedule is a great motivator for the women's team. As well as student employees. If possible, some of the work can be taken home with you.
  • The practice of combining. Opportunity to work in another company.
  • Personal workplace.
  • Destinationan employee by a project manager, a group to solve a specific problem.
  • Beautiful job title.
  • Invitation (even as an observer) of an ordinary employee to important negotiations.
  • The right of "first choice": the worker who has distinguished himself more than others can be the first to choose the time of vacation, the task on which he would like to work.
  • Public thanks to distinguished employees, certificates of honor.
  • Appeal of the head for advice to the team.
  • Named birthday gifts with company logo.
  • The best employees are awarded the right to arrange master classes for their colleagues.
  • Compensation of employees' expenses for the purchase of professional literature, attendance of seminars, courses that contribute to their growth as a specialist.
  • Help in neutralizing difficulties.
  • The company's victories and achievements are reflected in employees: profit from activities has increased - free lunches have been introduced, the recreation area has been modernized.
  • Informal conversations with the rank and file: what shortcomings in the company's activities they observe, how, in their opinion, this can be corrected.
  • Free insurance (including medical).
  • ways of non-material motivation
    ways of non-material motivation

Intangible motivation can be very different. The main thing is that it does not run counter to the interests of the company, it seems attractive to every employee.
