How to find out tax debts by last name?

How to find out tax debts by last name?
How to find out tax debts by last name?

Almost every taxpayer thinks about how to find out tax debts. This is a fairly simple task with a huge number of solutions. Even a novice user can cope with it. The main thing is to know how to act under certain circumstances. Next, we will talk about all the popular methods for searching for tax debts of individuals. Detailed instructions will help to cope with the issue under study in the shortest possible time.

Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation
Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation

Ways to find information

How to find out tax debts? We have already said that this problem has many solutions. Everyone is free to choose an algorithm of actions to bring ideas to life.

For now, you can find out the debt to the state:

  • on payment notices;
  • directly to the Federal Tax Service;
  • through the official website of the Tax Service of the Russian Federation;
  • through the "Personal Account" of the taxpayer;
  • using electronic payment systems;
  • through Russian Post;
  • through the service "Payment for Public Services";
  • on the FSSP RF website;
  • on the service "Gosuslugi" (there are 2 search options);
  • through third party verification servicesdata;
  • through internet banking.

Let's consider all possible options below. Step-by-step instructions and recommendations will help you cope with the task in the shortest possible time.

What you need to know before searching

Finding out tax debts by last name and not only is not difficult. The main thing is to get some information about the taxpayer. What is it about?

Tax return and personal income tax
Tax return and personal income tax

It is desirable to have at the time of searching for information:

  • Name of person;
  • citizen's place of residence;
  • year of birth;
  • passport data;
  • TIN of the person.

In addition, it is desirable to know what kind of tax in question. Although this is not so important information. Most often, full name and TIN are required. You can work with this data in most cases.

Notifications to help

How to find out tax debts? Let's start with the simplest method for solving the problem. We are talking about the study of payment orders from the Federal Tax Service. They are sent to the public about a month before the end of the term of a particular payment.

The payment contains information about the taxpayer (here you can see the TIN, last name, first name and patronymic of the person), about the tax, the object of taxation and the FTS recipient of funds.

If a person does not pay on time, the local tax authority will issue a re-notification. It will show the amount owed. Here they also write the pen alty that was charged for late payment.

Website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation
Website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation

Let's go to the tax office

How to find outpersonal tax debts? The next step is to contact the local tax authority.

Citizen will need:

  1. Take your passport or other ID with you. It is advisable to grab a TIN certificate.
  2. Contact your local tax office.
  3. Ask government officials to check taxpayer information.
  4. Listen to the result of the base check.

Usually, this option allows you to find out personal tax debts or payments to future relatives. It is problematic to find out about the debts of third parties in this way.

Important: information about taxes and debts is not distributed by phone. A call to the Federal Tax Service will not give any result.

"Personal account" on the tax website

How to find out tax debts of an individual? Another simple method is to turn to the help of the "Personal Account" of the taxpayer. It can be found on the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

Under such circumstances, do the following:

  1. Register "Personal account". Usually this service is provided by the MFC or tax authorities. You need to have an application for registration, passport, TIN with you.
  2. Get your login details in hand. They can be mailed.
  3. Go to the site in a browser.
  4. Log in to your account using the login and password received in advance.
  5. Go to the "Accrued" section.

That's it. Now it remains to study the information on the screen. Through "Personalcabinet" you can generate a payment order and see what the tax/pen alties were charged for. Very convenient and absolutely free!

taxpayer personal account
taxpayer personal account

Bailiffs and checking

How to find out tax debts by last name? You can use the appeal to the service of bailiffs. For example, directly or through the official FSSP service. We will focus on the second appointment.

The instruction will look like this:

  1. Open the FSSP RF website.
  2. Go to the "Services" block.
  3. Click on "Bank of Enforcement Proceedings".
  4. Check "Individuals".
  5. Indicate the full name of the potential debtor. It is advisable to fill in the other fields of the form.
  6. Press the "Search" button.

If there is a debt, information about it will appear on the screen. By choosing a specific payment, a person will be able to find out what the debt is accrued for.

Important: this technique often does not work. Data on tax debt in the FSSP database appears only with significant amounts and with prolonged disregard of the Federal Tax Service. That is, after going to court with a claim to recover funds from the taxpayer.

Wallets and information verification

Finding out tax debts by TIN of an individual is the easiest way. The mentioned combination is a kind of identifier in the tax base. With its help, information about taxes will be discovered very quickly. For example, through electronic wallets.

Let's study the procedure using Yandex. Money as an example. In this case, you will need:

  1. Login to your wallet. In the electronic system, you need to register in advance.
  2. Click on the line "Goods, services". It is located on the left side of the window.
  3. Select "Taxes". At the moment, the corresponding line is displayed as a popular option.
  4. Indicate the TIN of the person.
  5. Click on the control responsible for searching for information.

It's done. Nothing else is needed. The system will check the data of the Federal Tax Service and display all the person's tax debts. You can immediately repay them if necessary.

Important: it is proposed to act in the same way when using other electronic wallets. The navigation menu may differ in labels, but their meaning will remain the same.


"Payment for public services" and search

How to find out tax debts? Another popular and simple method for solving this problem is working with the "Payment for public services" website. There is no need to register here, you can immediately start taking action.

Step by step, the process is as follows:

  1. Enter to the site
  2. Move to the "Tax debt" category. The corresponding menu item is located at the top of the page.
  3. Select payment search method. In our case, this is "By TIN". You can find the payment "By receipt number".
  4. Set the requested information about the taxpayer in specially designated lines.
  5. Click on the "Find" button.

In a few minutes, the user will see on the screen all his debts for certain taxes. By selecting a specific payment, it can be repaid immediately. For example, through an electronic wallet or through a bank card.

Internet banking and taxes

Finding out tax debts by last name or TIN is quite simple. Among the modern methods of solving the problem, there is a search for information through Internet banking. For example, using the Sberbank Online website.

Image"Public services" and tax check
Image"Public services" and tax check

Sberbank clients can act in this way:

  1. Go through authorization on the Sberbank Online portal.
  2. Select the "Payments and transfers" section.
  3. Click on the line "FTS" - "Search taxes".
  4. Print taxpayer information in the windows that appear. Most often, this is the full name and TIN.
  5. Press the search information button.
  6. Select specific accruals.

It's done. It remains only to select the payment options and confirm the transaction. These actions will help not only to see the debt, but also to close it.

Registered on "State Services"

It is proposed to search for tax debts by TIN on the State Services website. To begin with, let's study the algorithm of actions for users registered here in advance. Usually, such people have TIN in their questionnaires.

Under such circumstances, you just need to go through authorization on Gosuslugi, and then go to the "Personal Account". Hereall accrued taxes and debts on them will be displayed. It remains to either pay off the debt, or form a payment order for further actions.

"Find out your taxes" through the website of the Federal Tax Service and "Gosuslugi"

How to find out tax debts of an individual? There is a service called "Know Your Taxes". It allows, by full name and TIN of a person, to display information about debts to the Federal Tax Service. You can find the option on the State Services website or

Checking tax debts by TIN
Checking tax debts by TIN

In the first case, it is proposed to do this:

  1. Go to "Service Catalog".
  2. Click on "Federal Tax…".
  3. Select "Check taxes".

If you work with the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, you need:

  1. Go to the page
  2. Select the "Services" tab.
  3. Click on "Know your taxes".

Then, in both cases, the issued form is filled in and the request is confirmed. Fast, easy, convenient!

Russian Post will always help

Find out the tax debts of the names of an individual is offered through the Russian Post. This is not the most popular trick, but you still need to know about it.

The walkthrough looks something like this:

  1. Bring your passport and TIN (if available).
  2. Contact any Russian Post office.
  3. Fill out an application for the provision of data on tax debts. It will be issued by staff.postal service.
  4. Submit the petition and wait a bit.

A couple of minutes - and the information will be transferred to the applicant. Now it’s clear how to find out tax debts. With proper preparation, the operation will not cause any hassle and problems.

Important: It is better not to use third-party data verification services. There are many scammers in this area.
