Which is correct: "hello" or "hello"? Let's figure it out together

Which is correct: "hello" or "hello"? Let's figure it out together
Which is correct: "hello" or "hello"? Let's figure it out together

No phone nowadays anywhere. The usual stationary ones are already becoming obsolete, they are being replaced by mobile ones. But the word used to answer the call remains the same.

Which is correct: "hello" or "hello"? People speak in different ways, to whom, as they like. We'll figure out how to answer calls.

The girl says
The girl says

As we hear, so we write?

If you pronounce the word "hello", then the letter "o" is eaten, and it is replaced by "e". In addition, both "l" are softened. But we don't write "alle" because it's not according to the rules of the Russian language.

Turning to them, we find an interesting point. The word has no phonetic norm. "Alle" is considered a colloquial variant, and is written, in turn, "hello". Therefore, when answering the question of how it is correct: "hello" or "alle", you should first clarify what you are going to do with the word. If you answer the call, then the second option is allowed. If you write, then use the word withletter "o" at the end.

Where did it come from?

How to answer correctly: "hello" or "hello", we found out. Now let's figure out where the word came from.

It all started in the 19th century, at that time there lived a man named Thomas Edison. For those who don't remember, let's clarify: he was the creator of the phonograph. The merits of Mr. Edison include the improvement of the telegraph and telephone.

In August 1877, he wrote a letter to the President proposing the use of the telephone greeting hullo. It immediately transformed into "hello", in Russian, of course.

It was in America, in the city of Pittsburgh. We owe the emergence of the word to an American inventor.

A matter of courtesy?

How to say: "hello" or "hello"? We found that there are no special rules for this word. It is about his spoken and written form. But "alle" sounds vernacular. In many Soviet films, when it is necessary to emphasize the "coolness" of a character, the word "alle" is used. And this is done in a very uninhibited style. You can feel the boorish tone with which other movie characters pronounce the word.

No one argues that you can say "hello" softly and affably. In general, there is an opinion among psychologists that the type of a person’s character can be recognized by this telephone greeting. But we will tell about this fact below.

Which is correct: "hello" or "hello"? Is it polite to say "alle"? If tonethe respondent is calm or cheerful, then why not answer like that. Recall that there is no prescription for greeting.

Talking on the phone
Talking on the phone

Interesting fact

In the paragraph, as we promised, we will talk about psychology. More precisely - about the opinion of psychologists about the words "hello" and "hello".

According to their data, those who like to pronounce the first version of the greeting are rather closed in communication. Talk to them briefly and to the point.

Those who say "alle" are cheerful and sociable people. They have complete order with a sense of humor, self-esteem does not suffer from criticism, and they love to talk so much that they can tire the interlocutor. With such people, the conversation is easy and drags on for a long time.

Mobile conversation
Mobile conversation


So we figured out how to correctly: "hello" or "hello". Whoever likes it, he says so.

Of course, if a person is at work and knows that he will have business conversations, it is more beautiful to answer "hello". This word sounds brighter than the colloquial "alle".
