Severny supermarket in Voronezh: address, review, reviews

Severny supermarket in Voronezh: address, review, reviews
Severny supermarket in Voronezh: address, review, reviews

Thousands of city residents daily visit the Severny supermarket in Voronezh. Today we will tell you where this shopping center is located, how to get there, what you can buy there, and most importantly, what impressions it leaves after visiting. Find out about the pros and cons of the mall in our new article.

Where is it and how to get there


Severny supermarket address: Voronezh, Marshal Zhukov street, 1. This is the very center of the city's Northern microdistrict, so the road here will be relatively convenient only for residents of the surrounding area. It makes absolutely no sense for everyone else to go here.

If you travel by public transport, you need to get to the Mir Cinema stop. There are a huge number of buses and minibuses running from the center towards Antonova-Ovseenko Street, so it will be quite difficult to make a mistake.

north shopping mall in voronezh
north shopping mall in voronezh

To get here by own carwill be problematic. Firstly, this area has very narrow roads and constant heavy traffic. So traffic jams here do not disappear even at late hours of the day. Secondly, although the Severny supermarket in Voronezh has its own parking lot, it can accommodate no more than 20 cars, and there is usually not enough space. So parking problems will have to be solved on your own.


northern supermarket voronezh
northern supermarket voronezh

Today, this department store is home to many local entrepreneurs. Here you can find tiny boutiques with clothes and shoes, several children's stores, nooks with household chemicals, and so on. In the "Northern" department store in Voronezh, you will not be able to meet chain stores selling fashionable clothes or modern household appliances. The shopping center is more suited for solving everyday issues in the "on the run" format.

A good help in solving food issues for local residents is a large grocery store. The quality of service here can be lame, and the marketing policy is not always very customer-oriented. But for a huge number of people living in this microdistrict, this store opens up the opportunity to quickly buy groceries even after work and not carry food packages from the central part of the city.

Opening hours of the "Northern" supermarket in Voronezh: 9.00-23.00. So you can make the necessary purchases in time, even if your working day ends quite late.


Unfortunately, in this mallEntertainment is completely non-existent. Unfortunately, you won't be able to eat or spend time here. It saves the fact that within walking distance from the "Northern" department store in Voronezh there are catering establishments for every taste, as well as a couple of cafe-clubs where you can have fun.

Visitor experiences

department store northern voronezh
department store northern voronezh

Visitors' feedback on the work of the "Northern" department store in Voronezh boils down to the following theses:

  • There are many ATMs here, which allows you to withdraw cash even late in the day.
  • A large grocery store solves a grocery problem.
  • There are many small shops in the shopping center that constantly compete with each other, arranging pleasant promotions for customers. So it can be quite difficult to leave without shopping.

Thus, despite the fact that the "Severny" supermarket of Voronezh lags behind other city malls in terms of scale, design and entertainment, the locals are satisfied with it. You can come here on your way home and solve specific and simple everyday problems without leaving a serious amount of money. Convenient for residents of the microdistrict, the location allows you to keep a large flow of visitors, despite the absence of any entertainment and a food court. So it’s not worth going here on purpose, but dropping in somewhere along the way, maybe it will be useful.
