Pump NShN-600, specifications

Pump NShN-600, specifications
Pump NShN-600, specifications

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When extinguishing fires, various pumps are used to supply water in its pure form and with additives of a foaming agent. One of the most common units is the NShN-600 pump, which is part of the standard equipment of almost all fire equipment.

General data

This device was located on the front bumper of fire trucks and was put into operation directly from the power unit through a disengaging clutch (ratchet on the engine shaft pulley). Optionally, the NShN-600 fire pump can be equipped with additional hoses for collecting and supplying liquids. At the initial delivery, the product is in a wooden container and is completed with an individual technical passport indicating the serial number. The number is stamped on the body part.

Pump NShN-600
Pump NShN-600

The NSHN-600 pump is capable of delivering up to 600 liters of fluid per minute in operating mode, taking it from depths of no more than 6.5 m. Small dimensions of the product (no more than 350 mm) and heavy weight (30 kg) provide reliable installation of the unit on any surface.


The casing of the NShN-600 pump is cast from gray cast iron and has thick walls. On the bottomparts of the crankcase are made tides that act as supports. They have cylindrical holes through which the unit is mounted on a work surface (for example, a bumper). On the upper part there are two branch pipes with hose fastening elements. In the inner part of the housing, two cylindrical channels are made, in which steel gears rotate. These parts are made of steel and have the same shape and number of teeth. The high precision manufacturing of the assemblies ensures a minimum clearance between the sides of the gears and the covers (maximum 0.18 mm), which allows obtaining high vacuum and pressure values.

The gear shafts are mounted on ball bearings in the covers of the NShN-600 pump. The tightness of the bearing units is ensured by rubber seals. To maintain the supports, there are two oilers through which a fresh portion of lubricant is periodically added (this operation is carried out during routine maintenance).

Fire pumps NShN-600
Fire pumps NShN-600

A safety valve is installed inside the connecting channel located between the inlet and pressure pipelines. In the event of a sudden blockage of the supply or pressure channel, this valve ensures the circulation of fluid inside the unit. On the upper part of the crankcase there is a place for installing a head pressure gauge and mounting a vacuum measuring device in the intake channel.


Decommissioned pumps NShN-600 are often used in self-made stations for water supply in summer cottages or cottage settlements. An electric motor is used as a drive, which is rigidly connected to the shaft.pump. All components of the pumping station are placed on a self-made frame, the dimensions of which are adjusted to the attachment points.
