Proper watering of cucumbers

Proper watering of cucumbers
Proper watering of cucumbers

Today we will talk about what watering cucumbers is. Nothing complicated, you say. Yes, to water the plant, you do not need to be a great specialist. However, some crops require special care, including cucumber.

From seed to bloom

watering cucumbers
watering cucumbers

As soon as you have sown the seeds, you should immediately take care of the soil moisture. At this stage, while you are waiting for the first shoots, use a watering can for watering. In no case do not pour from the bucket, otherwise you will simply wash off the seeds. Watering cucumbers is carried out with settled warm water. Wait five days until the leaves begin to break through, and then continue watering from the watering can. Keep the ground dry.

From ovaries to fruits

The ovaries have finally appeared! So, cucumbers will appear very soon. To prevent this process from dragging on for a long time, water the bushes every day. Now we will tell you how to properly water cucumbers. This must be done strictly at the root. If the weather is hot outside (25 degrees and above), then you also need to irrigate the leaves. This is done in order to cool them down. So the flowers and ovaries will not fall off. This procedurethey do it only in extreme heat, on other days cucumbers are watered as needed, that is, not every day.

how often to water cucumbers
how often to water cucumbers

From fruit to harvest

Some gardeners have a question: how often to water cucumbers during fruiting? Here opinions differ. Some believe that this should be done every day, others argue that twice a day. In fact, when your plant gives you fruit, it needs more strength. Cucumbers need more water to be juicy. So, during this period you need to water abundantly. This is clear. And how often to do this, you need to decide according to the circumstances. Again, if there is a thirty-degree heat in the yard (and in recent years it has been abnormal forty-degree), then it will not be superfluous to water it twice a day. If the weather is moderately hot, then once is enough.

Tips & Tricks

how to water cucumbers
how to water cucumbers

Watering cucumbers, as you understand, is a simple matter, but there are some subtleties here. For example:

  • cold water can lead to diseases of the root system (various rot) or ovary drop (death);
  • a strong jet will wash the ground around the bushes, exposing the roots, and this leads not only to diseases, but also to pest attacks;
  • if the roots are still bare, then you need to immediately loosen the soil and spud the bushes, covering their lower part;
  • cucumbers (and all plants) need to be watered early in the morning (before dew appears) or in the evening;
  • by flowering period per 1 sq.m. land is recommended to be spentup to 3 l. water;
  • when the fruits ripen, much more water is required, namely at least 10 liters per square meter;
  • cucumbers are watered in the greenhouse in the same way as in the garden, only irrigation can be omitted (if the greenhouse is equipped with a humidity control system);
  • do not abuse watering, do not plant slurry in the beds, just moisten the soil;
  • one of the causes of cucumber bitterness is insufficient watering, so take this matter seriously;
  • watering should be combined with top dressing, and this can be done simultaneously, using liquid mineral and organic fertilizers.

Now you know everything about the science called "watering cucumbers". Delicious fruit and bon appetit!
