Proper watering of strawberries

Proper watering of strawberries
Proper watering of strawberries

Should strawberries be watered? Judge for yourself: its roots are in the upper soil layer, at a shallow depth. This means that strawberries cannot “get” moisture from deeper layers. When flowering and ripening berries on soils (light sandy loamy), it is worth adhering to the optimal moisture content of 70%, later (after the crop is harvested), the soil moisture is reduced by 20%. On heavier soils, the rate can rise to 80%. Of course, the climate with its nuances must also be taken into account: heavy rains, drought, winds, temperature changes, etc. Proper watering of strawberries and determining watering rates affect the quality and quantity of the crop.

Watering strawberries
Watering strawberries

On the day of planting seedlings for better survival, three times daily watering (at least 0.5 liters per plant) should be carried out for 15 days. Then the soil is moistened less frequently (once, every other day).

Watering strawberries is also required during the fruiting period, and in dry weather it should be daily. It is important not to overdo it here - “drenched” strawberries will be sour, not aromatic, berries (even unripe ones) may begin to rot right on the bush, and with insufficient watering, berries and leaves exposed to the sun get real burns. In both cases, the yield drops significantly.

Watering strawberriescan be done in a variety of ways.

Proper watering of strawberries
Proper watering of strawberries

1. Watering can, manually. The method is suitable for small beds and when a certain dosage is required.

2. Watering can, from a hose. The most common method, familiar to almost all gardeners. The watering device (watering can) is attached directly to the hose. Such a watering can can be held in hands, it can be installed on props (usually iron pins). The disadvantage of this type of irrigation is the uneven moistening of the earth, not to mention the economy. In addition, strong pressure can cause erosion of the soil and exposure of the root system, cold water provokes multiple diseases.

3. Sprinkling. Sprinkling of strawberries is carried out by mobile units (must be moved), part of the equipment can be installed underground. Suitable for large areas. The optimal arrangement of sprinklers is triangular-checkerboard, with a distance of 12-14 m (with a wind of no more than 16 km / h and outlet pressure - in the sprayer - 9 kg / sq. cm.). By sprinkling, you can not only increase the humidity, but also lower the temperature.

Should strawberries be watered?
Should strawberries be watered?

4. Systemic irrigation using sprinklers - drip and micro-drop systems (internal and end). The former are suitable for the bag (container) method of growing, the latter for ordinary (ground) beds. Among these systems, the most popular are those that allow you to regulate the flow of water. The main plus is the direct supply of life-giving moisture directly toroots.

Drip irrigation is the most promising and convenient watering for strawberries, keeping the soil where the roots of the plant are moist. At the same time, the aisles remain dry, which means that the number of weeds also decreases. Such watering of strawberries eliminates evaporation losses. Among its undoubted advantages is the absence of soil crusts.
