Black Shark Helicopter: Steel Hawk Death Grip

Black Shark Helicopter: Steel Hawk Death Grip
Black Shark Helicopter: Steel Hawk Death Grip

Not a single large-scale operation of modern troops is unthinkable without the support of helicopters. These high-speed and super-maneuverable rotorcraft deploy airborne groups and special forces units, deliver various technical equipment and equipment to hard-to-reach areas: mountainous, wooded and swampy areas. In addition, such mobile and mobile vehicles provide fire support for ground forces, conduct reconnaissance and general coordination activities.

Helicopter black shark
Helicopter black shark

The Black Shark helicopter is the world's best attack-assault single-seat rotorcraft for daytime use, developed by the Kamov Experimental Design Bureau in 1982. In terms of the technical perfection of its combat systems, it significantly surpasses the best similar foreign models. The Black Shark helicopter has a flight weight of 10.8 tons, is capable of developingspeed up to 390 km/h, rate of climb - 10 m/s, maximum altitude - 5500 m.

In the early eighties, the Ka-50 made an unprecedented sensation, winning a three-stage competition against the Mi-28 two-seat assault vehicle and demonstrating an excellent set of combat qualities and technical characteristics. And he was immediately thrown into the crucible of the Afghan campaign, where many types of aviation equipment showed their failure. Therefore, a fundamentally new machine was needed, which would become a real bloodthirsty hawk and would be able to effectively solve combat missions in the difficult conditions of a very specific war.

Helicopter Ka-50 black shark
Helicopter Ka-50 black shark

The Afghan mountains are an incredible dryness of rarefied air, these are deep narrow gorges where sharp changeable gusty winds walk, these are Mujahideen armed with DShK, American Stingers, Egyptian Arrows. In such conditions, the power plants often lacked oxygen, the winds threw the cars onto the rocks, and each sortie was akin to a feat. Under these circumstances, the Ka-50 Black Shark helicopter was a real gift from Soviet designers.

This is not only an unimaginably powerful car with excellent armor, but also very obedient in piloting. She forgives the pilot many mistakes, which is incredibly important in such difficult combat conditions. In the hands of the pilot, as if there is a herd of powerful and graceful mustangs, which will take you out of any trouble and critical situation. In Afghanistan, for its fantastic qualities, the Black Shark helicopter was awarded another respectful andlittle-known nickname - "Werewolf". According to NATO classification, "Black Shark" has received the name "Hokum" ("deceiver").

Military experts unanimously assert that not a single tank in the world can withstand a Ka-50 missile attack. This rotorcraft is a real perfect weapon, generated by the war itself. Anti-tank missiles launched from the Black Shark at a distance of up to ten kilometers from the target, guided by a special laser guidance unit, inevitably and inexorably overtake the object of attack, no matter what maneuvers it performs.

Helicopter Ka-52 black shark
Helicopter Ka-52 black shark

And if all the rocket ammunition is used up, the pilot has at his disposal a rapid-fire large-caliber cannon that automatically tracks the location of the target, as well as rocket unguided projectiles and bombs. Despite such amazing firepower and impressive armor protection, the Black Shark can perform the most complex maneuvers, incredible aerial acrobatic stunts and aerobatics, which is unattainable for the vast majority of modern rotorcraft.

Ka-50 is the only helicopter in the world operated by one pilot. At the same time, to save the pilot in an emergency, the Black Shark used an unprecedented K-37 rocket-parachute ejection system. In addition, the machine is equipped with a navigation system that allows you to fly at any time of the day and under the most adverse weather conditions. The Black Shark helicopter has an absolutely amazing ability tointeraction with other vehicles of the combat group. Each pilot sees on a special LCD display not only all "their" helicopters, but also the coordinates of the targets they have detected. Based on this data, the commander gives the order to attack.

The well-thought-out design of the Ka-50 scheme made it possible to create on its basis a new two-seat model of a combat rotorcraft - the Ka-52, nicknamed the "Alligator", whose design consists of eighty-five percent of the elements and materials of its predecessor. The latter, retaining many of the characteristics of its prototype, added new ones to them. Today, the tandem helicopter Ka-52 - "Black Shark" - is the most perfect combination of combat vehicles in the world. Together, they are capable of solving an incredible range of tasks. The overwhelming firepower and excellent armor of the Ka-50 are organically complemented by the simply fantastic combat intelligence and coordination capabilities of the Alligator.
