The most reliable bank in Russia. Bank rating

The most reliable bank in Russia. Bank rating
The most reliable bank in Russia. Bank rating

Choosing the most reliable bank in Russia for making a deposit, obtaining a loan or other purposes is the primary task of most potential customers. How to choose an organization? Is there a list of the most reliable banks in Russia, by what parameters is it determined? All these questions are of interest to citizens who plan to take advantage of the offers of such organizations.

The concept of reliability

Before raising the question of which is the most reliable bank in Russia, you should familiarize yourself with the direct definition of reliability. Reliability is commonly understood as the ability of an organization to fulfill its obligations to its customers in a timely manner. These factors include a wide variety of criteria - from the required documentation to the rating of a particular organization. Reliability can be evidenced by payments on time, for example, funds on deposits. In addition, providing suitable conditions for customers is an essential criterion for the stability of a banking organization.

the most reliable bank in Russia
the most reliable bank in Russia

It should be noted that if the history of a bank in Russia spans a long period, then such an indicator is rightfully considered the most important evidence of itsreliability.

Thus, considering all the criteria, the organization can be safely called the most reliable bank in Russia.

Reliability criteria

As mentioned earlier, reliability criteria can include several indicators. In particular, licenses for the right to carry out activities in this area are one of the important factors of significance, but not the only one.

When forming the reliability rating, other, no less significant, criteria are also taken into account, for example, such as: liquidity ratio, sufficient capital, a suitable refinancing rate, the level of risks in assets, profitability, and others.

What does bank rating mean

list of the most reliable banks in Russia
list of the most reliable banks in Russia

Ratings are always of particular interest to citizens. Before determining which bank in Russia is the most reliable, it is necessary to clarify the essence of the term "rating". This word (from the English rating) refers to the order, assessment, classification of a particular object or subject according to an established scale. This is an assessment of the performance of an institution based on its performance indicators. The rating is determined by the criteria that have been analyzed.

There is no special general assessment system for the reliability of banks in world practice, as there are significant differences and, accordingly, requirements for their activities. A financial institution can be considered reliable if it has sufficient equity capital, a liquid balance, solvency and meets the necessary capital quality requirements, as well as the implementationactivities in accordance with the law. The amount of points by this method is used in determining the rating of a particular bank based on a combination of factors. Such ratings provide an opportunity to observe the work of the institution within and from the organizations exercising control. The most reliable bank in Russia, based on them, is the one that scored the most points.

Who does the rating

rating of the most reliable banks in Russia
rating of the most reliable banks in Russia

Of course, far from all organizations have the opportunity to draw up an appropriate classification of banks. This work is carried out, as a rule, by independent institutions specializing in this area: the media, various associations (for example, journalists), unofficial entities (which have the right to evaluate for a specific category), special rating agencies and others.

Later, after all evaluation activities have been completed, the corresponding results of the work done are publicly shown in the form of evaluation or sorting of participants (1st place, 2nd place, etc.).

Types of ratings

Nominations in the ratings can be varied - from standard stereotypes to rather unusual ones, and it all depends, first of all, on the goals of the event and the audience.

With regard to the Russian Federation, the rating of the most reliable banks in Russia is compiled according to certain criteria. The following types are common:

  • by assets;
  • on physical deposits individuals (taking into account the total amount of customer deposits);
  • on loans to individuals (recordedtotal credits);
  • consumer (taking into account the level of trust of the organization's direct customers).

TOP 10 banks by reliability criteria

10 most reliable banks in Russia
10 most reliable banks in Russia

Who is the leader? If we consider the 10 most reliable banks in Russia by all criteria, then we can confidently single out the following organizations that have been steadily operating for more than a year and enjoy authority not only among citizens, but also have all the necessary licenses and documents in accordance with the law:

  • Savings Bank of the Russian Federation.
  • VTB 24
  • Gazprombank.
  • Rosselkhozbank.
  • Bank of Moscow.
  • Alfa Bank.
  • Nomos-Bank.
  • Unicredit.
  • Promsvyazbank.
  • Raiffeisenbank.

Now it will not be difficult to choose the most reliable bank in Russia.
