Laying hens. Content and breeds

Laying hens. Content and breeds
Laying hens. Content and breeds

In recent years, people's craving for country life, being in nature has been noticeable. In this regard, suburban areas are growing like mushrooms, gardening partnerships are developing. Some people decide to turn their small plots of land into a profitable business. And here the people's memory returns to the time-tested agricultural activity. Now it's called business. And the most easy and common living creature is poultry. Laying hens bring joy, their maintenance is within the power of pensioners and intelligent teenagers. Moreover, the demand for environmentally friendly poultry products is growing, and such an exciting activity can be the start of a serious business.

Maintenance of laying hens

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laying hens content 1

On a small personal plot, laying hens are traditionally kept on a deep litter. Laying hens kept free to move are he althier.

Litter can be peat, sawdust, shavings or straw. The litter is laid in a thick layer, usually before planting a new batch of birds for the entire period of its keeping. This care methodhas a number of advantages: in winter, chickens are warm on bedding, labor costs for maintenance are much lower. Sometimes a little grain waste is added to the bedding to stimulate the hens so that they loosen it more actively. Some poultry farmers keep their laying hens in cages or on mesh floors. The litter is changed once every 12 months, and it is periodically added throughout the year.

Craftsmen improve the ways of feeding and watering, arrange original feeders and drinkers.

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Laying hens do not require repeated feeding, it is enough to do it twice a day, dry complete feed is used as food. Some owners feed chickens with wet mash. With this method, it is necessary to pay special attention to the cleanliness of the feeders, regularly remove feed residues, wash the feeders, clean and dry them.


One of the most common in the egg direction are leghorn laying hens. They are mobile, endowed with a lively temperament, always busy looking for insects, food, small stones.

In some areas, as a result of crossing Leghorn chickens with a local breed, the White Russian was bred. Laying hens of this breed inherited good egg production, excellent meat taste. The Oryol breed of chickens is known, the origin of which is little known. Attracts amateur poultry farmers for their elegant plumage. In breeding the old Russian Pavlovian breed, local varieties of chickens were used.

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laying hens breed 3

Laying hens are crosses of highly productive breeds that give a standardized egg. They are distinguished by good safety of the young. The conditions of the home farmstead contribute to increased egg production, which is extended at home up to two years. For hardworking people who are not indifferent to wildlife, breeding laying hens is an exciting activity.
