2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
Any farming person understands that choosing a chicken to get eggs is quite difficult. But if you navigate and understand this topic, you can cope with such a task. It is about the best laying hens that we will discuss in this article. Let's describe the characteristics and features of really worthy breeds that you can keep in your household. The article presents the breeds of laying hens with photos and names.
Chickens for eggs
At the moment, a large number of birds are known that are used specifically to collect eggs. Many species lay large and high-quality eggs. It should be noted that individuals weigh a little. This figure does not exceed 2.5 kg.
Various breeds of chickens of the egg direction are known. They vary in size. However, this is where the differences end - there are much more common characteristics. The meat qualities of the chicken are completely ignored, as such breeds are bred specifically for eggs.
It should be noted that these types of birds are developingvery fast compared to others. By day 140, individuals are considered adults. Twenty days before, the hen is ready to lay eggs.
Moreover, the breeds that will be described below are similar to each other. They all have well developed plumage. The tail and wings stand out noticeably - they have large dimensions. The head may have a straight crest, which usually has seven teeth.
Distinctive features of laying hens
If we talk about breeding birds and obtaining eggs, then you need to understand which layers will give maximum results. The most suitable are those chickens that are bought in the same area where they will be bred. This factor plays an important role, excluding the goal of obtaining offspring of thoroughbred species. Next, we learn more about good breeds of laying hens. With photos and names, this information will be presented below.
External parameters
Any laying hens differ, as a rule, among themselves in terms of weight. Compared to those bred for meat, they are much lighter, and this, in turn, affects their ability to move around. These chickens have good plumage and developed earrings. The comb is leaf-shaped. Special attention should be paid to it, as this is a sign that can tell a lot about a chicken. The rating of the best breeds is presented in this article.
If laying hens that breed for three months have a bright comb, then there will be a lot of eggs. A pinkish hue indicates that the chicken is in poor conditions or is sick with something.
Features of eggs andbirds
As a rule, hens that are designed to lay eggs lay large eggs. The shell is white. If the body weight of the bird begins to decrease, then the cost of eggs decreases. Weight - 1.9 kg, no more (according to the standard). If we are talking about mini-chickens, then their weight should be within 1.4 kg.
The light weight of the bird does not affect the productivity of the chicken itself. Therefore, it is much more profitable to use small individuals - you can significantly save on the amount of feed used.
Early maturity is another characteristic of all breeds that are designed to lay eggs. What is it connected with? The first eggs appear as early as 4 months after the birth of the chicken. However, during this period, weight indicators have not yet reached their peak, as a rule, they are 10-15% less than those indicators that adult birds already differ in. You need to understand that such chickens do not incubate eggs - this is a rarity. If you want to increase the number of individuals, then you should use an incubator.
Rating of the best breeds
In order to choose the right chickens for yourself without making a mistake, you must definitely pay attention not only to external data, but also to what indicators the chicken has regarding egg production. However, if this goal is not pursued, then this information is not so important.
The most popular breed of chicken is the Leghorn. She has all the wonderful qualities that can only be found in all known laying hens.
Worthy of note are hens that produce brown eggs - isa brown. The breed was bred by French breeders. This yeara bird can lay up to 320 eggs.
Competition is the following breeds: Russian White, Highsex, Kuchinsky Jubilee, Highline, Brown.
The name of the breed "Russian White Chicken" already immediately speaks of some of its features. The plumage is white, the body of newly born chickens is covered with yellow fluff. The beak is of the same shade, and the head has small dimensions. The body is quite long and wide. The wings are well developed, have a dense structure. The breed of chickens was bred in specific conditions, so the birds are able to withstand the cold and do not suffer from certain diseases.
The breed has a high level of egg production. In the first 12 months, a bird can lay about 200 eggs. The weight of one unit is 55 grams, and the color of the shell is white.

If the owner has not yet been able to decide on the breed, you need to look at the characteristics of highsex chickens. In 12 months they can produce 300 eggs. For ten pieces, you will need to use about one kilogram of feed. The mass of the egg does not exceed 60 grams. This type of chicken is able to tolerate many diseases well: for example, those caused by infections, helminths and fungi. They are also famous for having good productivity. They do not require any special conditions of detention and excessive attention to themselves.
The breed was experimentally obtained in 1970 in the Netherlands. The selection had some features, so this breed is considered a Leghorn hybrid. Two varieties have been released:white and brown. The first received a light color, respectively, the second - dark. Highsex brown hens are the most productive.

Highsex White
Hysex white chicken breed is small in size and skeleton. Individuals of this species may resemble leggorns in appearance. Birds have a characteristic. This is a comb that hangs to the side. The thing is, it's too big. Because of this, he cannot stay upright.
Plumage is another feature of these birds. It is silky and pleasant to the touch. Even though these chickens enjoy an active lifestyle, they have a calm temperament.
Eggs usually weigh 65 grams. For 12 months, the bird blows up to 280 pieces. The hatchability of still young birds reaches 95%. The shell is white. Females often weigh about 1.8 kg. These birds never hatch their chicks, as this feeling is practically undeveloped in them. Chickens are resistant to infectious diseases. However, this only applies to those that have been bred at home.
This species needs more attention. He needs a good level of content. It is advisable to add some vitamins and minerals to the diet. If you violate any rule of keeping, then the productivity of the chicken will be reduced several times, especially if there are problems with feeding.
High-line chickens have a calm disposition. They can easily adapt to completely different living conditions. Moreover, the productivity from this is notchanges. The eggs are large in size. They have a durable and reliable coating. After reaching the age of eighty weeks, the laying hen will produce about 350 eggs each year.

Kuchinsky anniversary
Kuchinsky anniversary breed chickens have their own characteristics. While this species is ideal for laying eggs, it is also used as a source of meat. Many individuals reach a weight of two to three kilograms. The meat has good taste. The protein content in it is much higher than that of broilers. Chickens of the Kuchinsky jubilee breed begin to lay within six months after hatching. About 220 eggs are produced per year. The weight of one egg reaches about sixty grams.

You should pay attention to the breed, which was named isa brown. This bird is well acclimatized. She can adapt to any conditions of life. This species was bred by breeders from France.
Browns lay about 320 eggs in one year. The shell is brown. One unit weighs 63 grams. The first eggs appear after 135 days. In order for a hen to develop well while living in a cage, you should give her about 115 grams of combined feed per day.

The breed of leghorn chickens (description - below) is represented by small but productive birds. If you look closely at them, you can see that they have an excellent shape and build. The head is pushed forward and the chest is puffed out. While the chicken is movinglook very impressive.
Standard size head. The comb is leaf-shaped. Earlobes are of normal type. They are of a light shade, the body is as light as possible. The paws are of medium length, and the chest is quite wide. At the same time, the weight of chickens does not exceed 2 kg, males - 2.6 kg. In a year, birds are capable of producing three hundred eggs. Leghorns calmly adapt to the climate and living conditions. They are hardy and active in laying eggs. Description of the Leghorn chicken breed will allow the farmer to make a choice.
They start laying eggs at the age of five months. The first 360 days are considered the most productive. Most often, the eggs are large, and it is this breed that has a high level of fertility.
If a farmer needs really high-quality and decent birds, then this breed should be considered first of all.

Broken Brown
This breed of chickens is capable of producing about 320 eggs per year. The active period can last up to 80 weeks. All eggs have a good shell density, they are large, brown. Loman brown is popular with farmers.

If you highlight the features of this breed of birds, then you need to say that they give eggs already at the 21st week of life. About 250 pieces are produced per year. These figures are quite high, so the breed is in demand.
The comb is different in that it has the shape of a leaf. The beak is strong and strong, and the tail is small. The legs are not particularly long, they are white or yellow. The body has mediumdimensions.

Tetra SL
The description and characteristics of tetra chickens have already been given, but many are interested in the SL subspecies. This chicken is not very common among ordinary household farmers, however, its performance is impressive. For the year it is capable of producing 310 pieces. Outwardly, individuals look in the most ordinary way, the expression pied chicken is applicable to them like no other.
If you properly feed the bird, it will rush all year every day. In order to ensure this, calcium should be added to the feed. It is as necessary as light. The latter should go to the places where birds are kept. Brown eggs. Weight - 65 g. Often these birds are also used as meat breeds. This is due to the fact that chickens gain weight quite quickly, although not too much.
A special plus of this breed is that you can sort the chicks immediately after hatching. This is done according to the color of the downy coating. The females are brown or fawn in color. They have a neat comb, a large tail and a tucked head. Roosters, after hatching, are white, black or even gray. After growing, they become either completely light or interspersed.
Minorca chickens
The name has nothing to do with the characteristics of the breed. The name of the bird was given in honor of the place where they were bred. Spanish scientists on the island of Minorca managed to bring out a new species. A little later, he fell into the hands of the British and the breed was slightly modified. Egg laying in active mode begins already 5 months after the chicken hatches. In a year they show nottoo high productivity - only 160 pieces. One Minorca chicken egg weighs about fifty grams.

Rhode Island
The view that will be discussed next has some peculiarities. Thanks to them, no farmer will be able to confuse these chickens with others. The bird has a pink straight crest, a medium-sized head, and a well-developed body. The chest is wide, as is the back. The last one is pretty strong. Yellow paws.
The coloration of these birds is another feature of the breed. At the base, the feathers are red with brownish patches, and at the tips they are dark. If the edge of the feather is not light, then this bird is a purebred.
This breed carries the golden gene. What benefits does it provide? When breeding a bird, immediately on the day the chicken hatches, you can determine its sex and select the necessary individuals. Chickens have a spot on the back of their heads.
In one year of life, individuals are capable of producing 200 pieces. The eggs are brown and weigh 58 g. In addition to the high level of egg production, these hens are also characterized by a well-developed incubation instinct.

New Hampshire
This breed was derived from Rhode Island. It differs in that it has a specific color and physiological requirements. This species is designed to increase the number of he althy chicks and the volume of eggs produced. Moreover, the breeders completed this mission successfully. The hen starts laying eggs as early as 3 months after hatching. The total weight of one unit of the product is 65 g. Brown eggs.
Besides being an excellent egg-laying hen, they also tolerate climate change well. Their fecundity is at a high level - 80%. It will be very easy to keep this type of chickens, as they are calm and get along well in cages. The breed is large. Adults reach 3 kg, males - 4 kg.

Choosing which chickens are the best is difficult, but many make ratings based on the intensity of laying and the appearance of the bird. The Hamburg breed will look as elegant and beautiful as possible. The scallop is pink, you can see that one tooth is strongly pronounced. The beak is small, has a blue color. The bird itself has good dimensions, a long body, lush plumage.
The behavior of chickens is active, it is difficult to drive them into cages. The weight of the birds is small - only about 1.5 kg. This indicator is optimal. For the first year, the bird is able to give 180, in the second - 140 eggs. Weight - fifty-five grams. The shell is white.

Ukrainian earflaps
The described breed has its own characteristics. Birds have scarlet lobes. They are difficult to spot because of their dense plumage. It is still unknown how and under what conditions this breed was bred. We can only say for sure that this is a folk “creation”. These chickens easily and in the shortest possible time get used to the climatic features of the territory in which they live and living conditions. They can safely withstand low temperatures, rain or snow. Laying hens have a voluminous rounded chest, which has good plumage. The body is dense, strong. The back is noticeably straight and wide. Compared to other breeds, this one has an oversized head. A comb is visible at the top. The beak is small, strong. Roosters have a cute fluffy tail, which is decorated with bright feathers. Special conditions for laying hens are not required. Most often, roosters are black. Individuals with bright colors may also come across. For a year, the bird produces about two hundred eggs. The mass of one unit of the product is 60 g. The mass of the chicken is about two kg, the weight of the rooster is three kg. The egg is light, the shell has a creamy milky tone. She's strong.

It is currently unknown where this breed originated. Birds are beautiful in appearance. They have a fluff of black, calico shades. Fawn is found on the head and neck. These feathers hang down, so it can feel like the chicken has a beard. The head is small, the nape is wide. The beak, although short, was rounded.
Roosters have a small comb, it is covered with down. Paws are strong and massive. Laying hens are undemanding in care, they are hardy. Chickens can lay 150 eggs in one year. The weight of one piece is sixty grams. The shell is white or pink. The weight of the chicken is three kg, the rooster is four kg.
These birds were bred in the Gorky region, in the village of Pavlovo. Peruvian-type roosters crossed with shaggy-legged hens with smooth feathers.
The feather cover of thisrocks golden or silver, has black blotches. In one year, a laying hen is capable of producing 120 eggs. Each weighs about 60 g. A chicken can weigh up to 2 kg, a rooster - 2.5 kg. This breed is most often used on home farms.
Pushkin's striped motley
This species is experimental. He was bred recently thanks to the crossing of Leghorn roosters and Australorps hens. Birds of this variety are used to produce eggs, but for laying hens their weight is too big. The plumage is striped-variegated, the swelling is white. Roosters have a large number of inclusions on the body. The head of the birds is elongated, the beak is curved, medium in size and has an ivory color. At the top of the head is a crest on which there is a spike. It goes to the back of the head. The top is flat. The comb itself is flat. The eyes of the chicken are expressive, the shell of the eye has an orange color. The lobes are colored pink. The neck is long, and the feathers are in the form of a mane. The body has the shape of a trapezoid. At the same time, the chest of the chicken is wide, planted deep. The back tapers towards the tail. The latter is well developed and set straight. Metatarsus large, while long, have a white tint. The fingers are covered with tights, they are widely spaced. Down dense type. The wings are long, lowered to the ground.
This breed is calm and quiet. Birds quickly adapt to the conditions provided. Survivability is high. The chickens look spectacular. The limbs are long and strong. An adult will weigh 2 kg, a rooster - 2.6 kg. A bird can lay about 200 eggs per year. Each weighs 60 g. The shell is white or cream colored.
Shaver Cross
These hens are capable of laying eggs as early as 17 weeks of development. One bird can produce 320 pieces in a year. Already by the 25th week, the breeding efficiency becomes maximum, so the egg-laying period is quite active at this time.
There are no special content requirements. This breed is hardy and not afraid of people. Starting at 18 weeks, the birds should start to feed a little more than usual.
In order not to make a mistake with the choice of breed, you should study all the characteristics of certain species before buying. It will be useful to look at the photos of each breed that interests you. Then the owner will definitely be able to choose the most suitable option for himself.
There are certain rules to follow. First you need to understand the purpose of buying a bird. For example, for family or friends, for a rare sale, or for uninterrupted egg production / breed breeding. The article presents popular breeds of laying hens, with photos and names.
Do not forget that the premises where chickens are grown are not dimensionless, so when buying, you need to pay special attention to this. Small breeds will fit in a small room in moderation, while large breeds will have to be purchased much less.
Region, precipitation and general climatic features should also be considered. The bird must be adapted to all the nuances or be able to adapt to them.
The availability of breed chicks should also be considered. It should be calculated whether the owner will be able to return the money spent, spending ontransportation, and so on.
Only after considering all the nuances and features, you can acquire chickens for further egg production. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the literature that will allow you to understand all the intricacies of caring for birds. Should be purchased young. If you follow all the rules, you can get eggs every day throughout the year. All the breeds of laying hens described in the article with photographs and names are capable of such a mode of "work".
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