Industrial construction is the basis of the economy

Industrial construction is the basis of the economy
Industrial construction is the basis of the economy

Industrial construction has always played an important role in the economy of the state. Judge for yourself - if no industry (even the provision of services) can do without a production building or at least an office, then what is the significance of the construction of industrial facilities!

What is the difference between civil engineering and industrial construction

It's simple: civil engineering is focused on the construction of mainly residential buildings; and the industrial one is engaged in the construction of facilities intended for the production needs of enterprises. In other words, these are plants, factories, pumping stations, etc.

industrial engineering
industrial engineering

In addition, the construction of industrial facilities involves the construction of urban infrastructure buildings - these are shopping and business centers, entertainment complexes and sports facilities. Bridges, railway stations, logistics associations are allocated in a separate category.

Another distinguishing feature of industrial construction is that capital construction projects are placed onthe balance sheet of the enterprise and can be considered as part of the capital.

Features of the technological process

Modern industrial construction uses technologies that are fundamentally different from those that were even ten years ago. The development of science and technology has not left the construction industry without attention. New methods of construction of objects have been developed, which allow to reduce the construction time as much as possible. Modern materials and designs also minimize process time and often make it cheaper.

construction of industrial facilities
construction of industrial facilities

On the other hand, the construction of industrial buildings is a very complex process. Each industrial facility is unique. It is very rare to take a typical project and tie it to the area.

Unification of construction technologies

Despite its “piecework”, industrial construction uses unified technologies. This is the key to success. Any self-respecting construction company should study world experience, adopt it and make the most of it.

And investors, I must say, have more confidence in specialists who have been trained in foreign companies. Having chosen industrial construction as their activity, companies should pay maximum attention to the development of technologies and the emergence of new opportunities in the field of construction of industrial facilities.

construction of industrial facilities
construction of industrial facilities

The complexity and uniqueness of industrial construction

As already noted, during constructionindustrial buildings it is difficult to apply a standard project. This is especially evident in the field of creating production facilities for enterprises in such industries as processing, heavy engineering, mining, etc.

Relatively simple can be considered the construction of industrial enterprises for the needs of light industry. A tailoring workshop or a pulp and paper mill, in principle, does not require a deep study of the entire standard project. Only its individual parts are important: the treatment of industrial waste and the organization of environmental protection, the possibility of "easy" connection to engineering communications and communications.

The essence of the draft design

Almost always design is done from scratch. This means that the terms of reference begin with the customer's elementary phrase: "I need a plant." And further, the more accurately and clearly the customer draws up a list of requirements or explains what type of production he is going to open, the better the project will be completed.

Therefore, the designers pay great attention to the draft design. A thorough study of the initial data allows us to formulate fundamental design solutions, design features of the object and determine its dimensions.

construction of industrial buildings
construction of industrial buildings

If we are talking about very difficult construction conditions, then the first step is to develop an advance project - a theoretical study of design issues and a thorough study of the terrain and initial data. According to the results of the preliminary project, a negative resolution can also be given.– conclusion on the inexpediency of industrial construction under the given conditions.

Support at all stages of construction

Companies that specialize in the construction of industrial buildings and structures usually provide a full range of consulting and manufacturing services - from design to commissioning.

construction of industrial enterprises
construction of industrial enterprises

Therefore, when announcing a tender for the implementation of a project, it is necessary to determine in advance the level of professionalism of a potential contractor. Perhaps the project does not require detailed study on each issue, and it is quite possible to get by with the services of a relatively young company. But for the implementation of large and significant industrial construction projects, of course, it is necessary to attract experienced professionals. The portfolio of such companies should include several implemented and commissioned objects.

industrial construction company
industrial construction company

And another important issue of industrial construction. Modern factories should be aesthetic and fit harmoniously into the environment. Therefore, the task of designers becomes even more complicated - a project is needed that is attractive from the outside and functional inside the object. Only a high-level professional can achieve harmony in such a combination.
