How to check debt before going abroad and not stay at home

How to check debt before going abroad and not stay at home
How to check debt before going abroad and not stay at home

A huge number of Russians travel abroad every day. Everyone has different goals: tourist trips, business trips, visits to relatives. Against the backdrop of recently tightened measures to collect debts by bailiffs of many of the

how to check debt before going abroad
how to check debt before going abroad

travelers are concerned about how to check debt before going abroad.

Reason for travel restrictions

There are quite a few reasons why you might be banned from traveling abroad. In this case, the verification is carried out directly at the customs using the internal database.

The following categories of citizens are prohibited from traveling abroad:

  • Persons who, on duty, have access to state secrets. It is important to remember that the travel ban remains for several years after dismissal. All conditions are prescribed in the employment contract.
  • Persons in military or alternative service.
  • Suspects and defendants in criminal cases before sentencing.
  • Convicted before the expiration of the suspended sentenceor until release.
travel abroad debt
travel abroad debt

There are few such people, they usually know that they are forbidden to travel abroad. There are much more of those whose movements are restricted due to their unpaid financial obligations. It is for them that it is important to know how to check the debt before going abroad.

Exit restriction mechanism

Theoretically, every debtor without any checks knows about the ban on traveling abroad. The limitation mechanism is discussed below.

First, a lawsuit is filed with the court to recover the debt. After its satisfaction, a writ of execution is drawn up, on the basis of which the bailiffs present the debtor with a demand for payment of the debt. However, it does not always reach the addressee, because the debtor can change his place of residence.

It is important to remember that travel abroad may be restricted if the following types of payments are not paid:

  • taxes;
  • fines, including traffic police;
  • alimony;
  • loan payments.

When planning trips, only those who are completely free from such obligations can not worry. Others may simply be unaware of the existence of debt.

However, in any case, if funds are not received to pay the debt, the bailiffs check through the migration service information about the presence of the debtor's passport. After that, information about non-payment of the debt is transmitted to the Border Control Department. The debtor is informed that his travel abroad is restricted. Even if the address of a citizenno such information was received, in order not to get into an unpleasant situation, it is important to check if your name is on the list of debtors.

travel abroad check
travel abroad check

Checking steps

Those who are thinking about how to check the debt before going abroad can be advised to do it online on the official website of the Bailiff Service in the information about the presence of debt. However, it is important to remember that the information on the site may be updated with a delay. More accurate information can be obtained by contacting the bailiffs' station at the place of registration in person.

If the traveler has a debt, it should be paid as soon as possible. At the border, a receipt will not help - you will need to wait for the exclusion from the list of debtors. This usually takes about three weeks. Therefore, when planning a trip abroad, the debt should be paid off in advance.

Many, when looking for information on how to check debt before traveling abroad, will find that it is possible to bypass restrictions. However, it is better to pay all payments on time.
