"AlfaStrakhovanie" CASCO: insurance rules, conditions, types, calculation of the amount, choice of insurance, registration in accordance with regulatory documents and leg

"AlfaStrakhovanie" CASCO: insurance rules, conditions, types, calculation of the amount, choice of insurance, registration in accordance with regulatory documents and leg
"AlfaStrakhovanie" CASCO: insurance rules, conditions, types, calculation of the amount, choice of insurance, registration in accordance with regulatory documents and leg

A significant number of insurers operate in the country's insurance market. Alfastrakhovanie JSC confidently occupies a leading position among all competitors. The company has permits to conclude contracts in 27 insurance areas. Among a significant number of developed insurance rules, CASCO from Alfastrakhovanie attracts customers with its simplicity, various options, and speed of payment. Consider different options.

CASCO from Alfastrakhovanie

Vehicle insurance, be it a car or a motorcycle, a bus or a tractor, is voluntary. The main insurance risks under which the liability of the insurer comes are damage to the car, its theft ortheft, as well as the complete destruction of transport. The approved CASCO insurance rules offer to protect the property interests of the company's client by concluding a car insurance contract.

When concluding a CASCO insurance contract, Alfastrakhovanie guarantees insurance compensation if an accident occurs with the insured car. Also, insurance protection will be valid in case of natural events, illegal actions of unauthorized persons, causing material damage to the car by any objects. Based on the conditions developed, insurance compensation will be paid regardless of who is responsible for the emergency. The main thing is that he be sober.

The current CASCO insurance rules from Alfastrakhovanie have been developed for different types of clients. They take into account the driving experience of the insured, material resources, social status, number of cars.

Casco insurance from Alfastrakhovanie
Casco insurance from Alfastrakhovanie

Casco "50 to 50" Alfa insurance

The full cost of a CASCO insurance contract very often scares off potential consumers of insurance products. There are situations when a client wants to conclude an insurance agreement with a specialized company, but the price becomes an obstacle. For such cases, the rules from "Alfastrakhovanie" CASCO "50 to 50" have been developed.

In order not to overpay for insurance services, the company offers to pay half the amount of the insurance payment. The main condition for the validity of such an agreement: upon the occurrence of an insured event, the insured is obliged to pay a secondhalf of the installment. However, if during the entire period of the policy the driver drove without an accident, then the savings of part of the payment will remain with him.

Basic requirements for Casco "50 to 50"

Based on the rules of CASCO insurance from Alfastrakhovanie, in order to use this program, there is a list of conditions that must be met:

  • age of persons who have the right to drive this vehicle and specified in the insurance document cannot be less than 25 years;
  • The driving experience of these persons must exceed five years;
  • accident-free driving history.
  • Casco 50/50 from Alfa Insurance
    Casco 50/50 from Alfa Insurance


Among the clients of the insurance company there are people who want to conclude a CASCO contract at the full price, but there is a small nuance. Upon the occurrence of an insured event, which is specified in the contract, the insured expects to resolve the issue of payment of insurance compensation as quickly as possible. However, he does not have time to collect various kinds of supporting documents from various organizations. In such cases, employees offer CASCO "AlfaBUSINESS". According to these rules of CASCO insurance from Alfastrakhovanie, the payment is accrued without the presence of various kinds of certificates and confirmations.

Pros and cons of CASCO "AlfaBUSINESS"

The advantages of this insurance product include the absence of a limit on the number of calls to the insurer for insurance events. Another positive element of this program is that the clientof the company will receive insurance indemnity in full and for damaged headlights, windshield, rear or side windows. Customer reviews of CASCO from Alfastrakhovanie indicate that such a product is quite popular among car enthusiasts.

The disadvantages of the proposed program include limiting the payment of insurance compensation to two accidents without providing certificates.



For VIP-clients, AlfaStrakhovanie insurance company has developed CASCO insurance rules with special conditions. So, if for "AlfaBUSINESS" there are some restrictions on the number of insurance events that are issued without providing supporting documents, then for "ALL INCLUSIVE" there is no such thing. Payment for the cost of damaged glass products and their replacement are carried out by the insurance company without certificates from the relevant organizations.

Under this program without paperwork, you can also receive insurance indemnity for a body and its elements damaged as a result of an insured event. The only restriction in this case is the payment of no more than fifty percent of the amount under the contract. The customer is offered a choice of auto repair shop up to the official service stations, even if the car warranty has expired.


Option "Keys on the hood"

An additional program is offered for AlfaBUSINESS and Alfa ALL-INCLUSIVE users. Its presence allows customers not to worry about unforeseen expenses and spending free time on collectingdocuments.

When an accident occurs, the insurance company undertakes to send the vehicle to a service station and provide the client with a repaired car. To do this, the insurer:

  • ensures the presence of an emergency commissioner at the scene of the accident;
  • guaranteed delivery of a damaged car by a tow truck to a repair company;
  • concludes service contracts with specialized service organizations for quality repairs;
  • informs the owner of the car about the completion of repairs.
  • hood keys from Alfastrakhovanie
    hood keys from Alfastrakhovanie


This insurance product is tied to OSAGO. CASCO rules "TOP 10" from "Alfastrakhovanie" limit the circle of customers who can use this insurance contract. The presence of a policy purchased from an insurance company allows the policyholder to take advantage of additional insurance protection.

Based on the rules of CASCO insurance "TOP 10" from Alfastrakhovanie, the company guarantees payment of one hundred percent of the sum insured in case of car theft. The amount of compensation is not affected by the depreciation of the car for the period from the beginning of the contract. The insurance value of the car under the contract will not be reduced by the amount of payments made earlier.

If the car is damaged as a result of insured events, the company will arrange for the repair of the insured vehicle at an official repair station or offer other professional service stations to choose from.

Pros and cons of CASCO "TOP 10"

Insurance conditions of CASCO "TOP 10" from "Alfastrakhovanie" have attractive points for customers. The positive aspects of the current program include body repairs, for which there is no established limit on the number of payments. In case of damage to the body, the policyholder is also exempted from the need to provide official supporting documents.

To the minuses of the insurance rules from "Alfastrakhovanie" CASCO "TOP 10" customers include a limit of two insured events to receive insurance compensation without information from competent organizations. The company also warns customers that this program does not provide for the involvement of an emergency commissioner to process the results of the incident and collect a package of documents.

Casco in the top ten Alfastrakhovanie
Casco in the top ten Alfastrakhovanie

"Smart" CASCO

CASCO insurance rules "Alfastrakhovanie" were developed by specialized specialists in such a way as to attract various categories of drivers and vehicle owners. The current program will save more than half of the insurance premium when comparing payments for standard transport insurance options.

In order to take advantage of such an attractive offer, the future client of the insurance company must be an attentive and experienced driver. Based on the terms of the "Smart CASCO" rules from Alfastrakhovanie, careful drivers can become a potential client of the insurer.

How Smart CASCO works

To get a real discount when buyingCASCO policy, you should install a special device that captures the style of driving by the insured. An employee of the company installs a special mobile application on the client's phone. It allows you to track the movement of the car, the driver's driving style. The device registers the speed of the car, the sharpness of movement, the smoothness of permutations. Such monitoring is carried out for six months.

In order for the client to receive a reduced payment during the execution of the contract, the insurer analyzes the indications of the movement of the vehicle. For comparative characteristics, trips are analyzed for the entire period of using the car and the last twenty.

According to the current insurance rules, "Smart CASCO" "Alfastrakhovanie" takes under insurance protection cars up to seven years from the year of manufacture and only foreign production.

smart casco from alfa insurance
smart casco from alfa insurance

A CASCO agreement at Alfastrakhovanie can be concluded directly at the premises of the insurance organization or on the official website. Regardless of the type of program chosen, the client of the insurer can choose any term of the contract. It should be remembered that insurance coverage begins to operate on the next day after payment of the insurance premium. The client can pay the insurance premium at a time or divide it into quarterly amounts. When prolonging the insurance document for the next term, the insured is provided with additional benefits in the form of a reduced payment and quick registration via Internet resources.

The CASCO agreement will allow each client of the company to feelconfidence not only in financial support in the form of payment of insurance compensation, but also in assistance in collecting documents, delivering a car to a service station. When choosing a product from an insurance organization, the user must familiarize himself with all programs and possible exceptions to the current rules. And, as a rule, a potential insured should pay a little more in order not to worry about a possible denial of payment than to save on a payment and repair a damaged car at his own expense.
