Flower business from scratch: how to open

Flower business from scratch: how to open
Flower business from scratch: how to open

The question "how to open a flower business from scratch" worries those entrepreneurs who plan to engage in activities that bring a stable profit. Flowers are a commodity that is always required, income depends only on the volume of demand. At the same time, it is worth noting the fragility of this product, the flowers deteriorate quickly enough. Nevertheless, they are equally popular in winter and summer.

Starting a flower business changes lifestyle over time. This type of activity is filled with positive emotions, as you are in constant contact with nature and give people joy. However, the implementation of this project must be approached correctly, which will allow in the future to expect to receive the maximum possible profit from the sale of such a difficult product.

Flower business from scratch
Flower business from scratch

Flower business from scratch: organizational issues

The process of registering this business is perhaps the easiest step. Once your business is registered, youyou need to purchase a cash register and register it with the tax service. The development of your own seal is not a prerequisite; an individual entrepreneur may well do without it. But keep in mind that not every supplier will agree to release goods without a stamp on the documents.

Flower business from scratch: paperwork

How to start a flower business
How to start a flower business

A retail outlet, regardless of its size, must have the following package of documents:

  1. Permission for the right to trade.
  2. Permission from SES.
  3. Invoice for goods.
  4. Book of suggestions and complaints.

Florists and shop assistants must have medical records.

Flower business from scratch: required investments

The starting capital will mainly have to be spent on the purchase of equipment and promotion of the outlet. A good advertising campaign is a must for opening a flower shop. If the format of the outlet is a pavilion, you need to take care of light boxes that attract the attention of customers. The cost of one box is about one thousand dollars.

Flower business from scratch: assortment formation

Opening a flower business
Opening a flower business

If the outlet is located in a small area, then the assortment of the store should consist mainly of fresh cut flowers. Potted flowers and related products are usually bought in large specialized stores. The main assortment will be formed inwork process. On holidays, when flower sales increase, you should take care of additional purchases of goods.

Flower business from scratch: important points

Before you open a flower business, you need to remember a few immutable rules. First, you can not feel sorry for spoiled flowers. Illiquid goods are unlikely to be bought and will only spoil the appearance of the showcase. It is better for staff to assign a piecework form of payment, that is, their earnings will directly depend on sales and profits. As a rule, the florist receives a small salary and a certain percentage of the store's profits.

And one more important point: the florist must be provided with comfortable working conditions. Drawing up bouquets is a kind of creativity, but at the same time one should not lose vigilance and count on the decency of the seller. You can control the work of the outlet using video surveillance, this is the most acceptable option.
