Crayfish breeding as a business with low competition and high income

Crayfish breeding as a business with low competition and high income
Crayfish breeding as a business with low competition and high income

If you are serious about starting your own business, but you can’t decide on the profile of your business, we advise you to include a crayfish farm in your business ideas. After all, this is not only a very unusual occupation in which you will have a minimum number of competitors, but also a rather profitable business.

crayfish farming
crayfish farming

Crayfish breeding as a business: the basics

Crayfish cultivation is not a fast process, which, by the way, is not year-round. But this disadvantage is more than offset by low costs and high income. By the way, keeping crustaceans is often even cheaper than keeping fish.

Farm equipment

Crayfish breeding as a business, we propose to start with 75 individuals of these arthropods, of which 25 will be males and 50 will be females. To ensure their viability, it will be necessary to equip four reservoirs with dimensions of 5 by 10 meters and a depth of about 2 meters.

crayfish farming as a business
crayfish farming as a business

The first two reservoirs are intended directly foradults at your disposal: 25 females and 12 males should be placed in each, which will be engaged in the reproduction of offspring. Another pond is for young animals. And since in one warm season the crayfish do not have time to grow to a size that allows them to be sent for sale, the fourth reservoir will be used for young animals that will be born next year. As a rule, the size of the crayfish for sale should be about 10 centimeters, and the weight should not be less than 50 grams.

A half-meter layer of sand, clay and stones must be placed at the bottom of reservoirs. This allows the crayfish to feel comfortable, and gives them the opportunity to burrow and dig holes, and also provides shelter in the winter.

Crayfish breeding as a business: feeding features

A very big plus is that crayfish are very unpretentious in food. But keep in mind that these animals are scavengers, so their diet should include both meat and grass. In addition, crayfish should be fed with various supplements, such as chalk (as a source of calcium).

your business ideas
your business ideas

Helpful tips

If breeding crayfish as a business is, in your opinion, an attractive idea, then pay attention to the following important nuances of this kind of activity:

1. When creating reservoirs for these creatures, keep in mind that in order to excavate crayfish, you will have to drain water or set traps. Therefore, it is advisable to think through all the details at the initial stage.

2. Growing crayfish requires constant human presence, so if you don't live in the area where you plan to organize watering, you may be better off abandoning this idea.

3. Just before developing a plan for a crayfish farm, be sure to study the demand for your products. It is better to immediately decide on the sales volumes that you can count on in order to run your business as efficiently as possible.

4. Also keep in mind that if you plan to sell crayfish in bulk, then your products must have a quality certificate. Otherwise, you will not be able to cooperate with cafes, restaurants, retail chains, etc.
