Crayfish breeding in the pond

Crayfish breeding in the pond
Crayfish breeding in the pond

One of the rather interesting and profitable types of business is crayfish breeding. Moreover, they are not engaged in large farms, but, as a rule, small household enterprises. With all the favorable conditions created for reproduction, growth of crayfish and their further implementation, it is possible not only to recoup your costs in a season, but also to stay in a good plus. On such an interesting and profitable business, you can earn very well. In this article, we will consider some of the basics and components of the process.

Crayfish breeding
Crayfish breeding

First you need to realize that the organization itself, which requires breeding crayfish, in terms of money will be about 200,000 rubles. It should be noted right away that this is the maximum amount for the proper design of the habitat and maintenance of these animals.

The initial stage will be digging a foundation pit for the pond and its further arrangement if the finished one is not available. After digging a foundation pit, which, by the way, should preferably occupy an area in the range of 30-60 sq.m. (more possible) and have a depth of 1-3 (up to 6) meters, you need to proceed to the direct arrangement of the relief of its coast and bottom. The latter is better to cover with a stone and a littlesprinkle with river sand, which will improve conditions for feeding, mating and general habitat of crayfish. Raising crayfish in a pond also requires clay or similar banks. This is necessary for the construction of animal burrows and reproduction. As an alternative to clay, a hollow brick can be used as a shoreline, with holes ready for holes. It is preferable to have not one, but several (3-4) crayfish ponds, insuring yourself against possible consequences of climatic or any other factors, as well as for economic reasons.

Industrial breeding of crayfish
Industrial breeding of crayfish

Crayfish breeding also requires directly launching their individuals into the pond for further reproduction. For one described reservoir, about 150-200 specimens are required. The main thing is to choose good individuals for divorce. It should also be borne in mind that in one season, a male crayfish can fertilize up to 4 females. The latter produce many eggs, but about 30 young crayfish come out of a favorable brood of one female. So we have that the estimated increase in the cancer family in the pond is, according to conservative estimates, more than 4500 per year (based on 160 females and 40 males). Thus, industrial breeding of crayfish at home is quite productive.

Having figured out the arrangement of the habitat, you need to keep in mind some more important details of this business. We must not forget that the cultivation of crayfish still requires some care of the reservoir and proper feeding of arthropods. As for water care: it is necessary to change about 20-30% of its percent after 2-3 weeks. Such a small percentagereplacement is that the microclimate of the reservoir is very vulnerable, and the change of a significant amount of water leads to a violation of the living conditions of crayfish, and therefore to their death.

The choice of food for crayfish will not be particularly difficult, but it should be regular (once every two days) in order to stop cancerous cannibalism, which is often among these arthropods. Under favorable conditions and plentiful nutrition, the cancer individual reaches commercial size in 3-5 years. Feeding them directly, preferably with earthworms, is cheap and won't clog the pond. But as food for crayfish, you can use meat, bread, larvae, fish, etc.

Breeding crayfish in the pond
Breeding crayfish in the pond

Regarding the period of cancerous reproduction, this is approximately February-March or October-November, depending on the latitude of the location of the reservoir, climatic and other natural conditions.

Thus, breeding crayfish is a very profitable business. But it is worth taking care in advance of selling products and collecting the necessary permits (if any) from the competent authorities.
