Import is an ancient way of trade

Import is an ancient way of trade
Import is an ancient way of trade

International relations at the present stage of development could not exist without the exchange of goods and services. A country in need of oil can only get it by buying and importing it from another land. This process is called importing goods. Import is the purchase, importation of goods, services, technologies from outside the state for its further sale on the domestic market.

import it
import it

How long has the import been around?

This word came into use much later than the activity itself. Import is not only the delivery of goods by air or by loaded rail and road transport. You should not think that the people did not trade during the non-existence of a modern expanded system for the import of goods. The word "import" itself comes from the Latin "importo" - I enter. Remember that the famous trade route "from the Varangians to the Greeks" was described in the history books. One of the most trading countries in ancient times was Greece, whose barren rocks prevented her from growing fertile crops. For the opportunity to trade in the markets of Athens, they paid a fee. This is how the modern import of goods was laid. Modern imports are made taking into account many factors, and represent quite adifficult procedure. In order to prevent the importation of firearms and drugs illegally, customs carefully check the imported goods. The procedure is simplified with the help of a company or an intermediary person.

Import to Russia
Import to Russia

Customs clearance for a person living in this country is easier. Modern firms involved in the procedure for importing goods carry out this without the participation of the importer, thereby facilitating his activities. By concluding a contract, these companies take full responsibility for customs clearance, payment, and sometimes delivery to the place.

Tourist imports

Tourist imports to Russia is an integral part of market relations. If you haven't heard of this, I'll explain. Tourist import is the importation into a certain country of impressions about it and the exportation of money from it. Export is, on the contrary, the export of impressions and the import of money. This is a very interesting export, because it differs from the usual cash flow, which moves in the opposite direction. Arriving in Russia, a tourist leaves a certain amount of money here, paying for various services or buying goods and souvenirs. Instead, he takes impressions of her out of the country. In the Russian Federation, the problem of recognizing travel companies as providing export services has arisen. But the Tax Code is in no hurry to recognize them as such, and this contradicts the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), which the country cannot join.

Import of goods
Import of goods

And Article One of the GATS makes it clear that companies providingtravel services to citizens of another country are considered export services.

Let's get back to importing goods from abroad. As you have seen, imports are a very important component of the global economy. The exchange of goods and services ensures the stability of the internal economic situation in the country. The word "deficit", widely known in Soviet times, has already been forgotten thanks to the trade relations of modern world states.
