Deposit: what is it. Depositing money, valuables, and works

Deposit: what is it. Depositing money, valuables, and works
Deposit: what is it. Depositing money, valuables, and works

Cash, art and other valuables can be stored in a variety of ways. One of them is deposit. What is it and how is it implemented? This process is organized, that is, it is drawn up according to certain rules and with the obligatory provision of documents confirming the transfer of certain things for storage. The place, as well as the terms of the deposit, depend on what exactly is the subject of the agreement between the parties, which can be both individuals and legal entities. Consider the existing options for this process and start with the most familiar and common - cash deposit. What is it and how is it done?

deposit what is it
deposit what is it

Depositing money: types of implementation

When funds are transferred to the deposit of a banking organization, they talk about their deposition. This concept is broad and includes several storage options:

  • on demand;
  • urgent.

These processes practically do not differ in the way they are carried out, but only have different terms and conditionswithdrawal of money. The depositor makes a contribution of a certain amount of money to an account opened with a credit institution, and that, in turn, issues him a certificate of deposit of money in writing. The document is called a certificate of deposit. It confirms the right of the person (depositor) to receive the corresponding amount deposited in the bank. If the deposit is made on demand, then you can get the money back at any time upon presentation of the specified document. Interest accrued during this time is not lost, so this service is used if they plan to withdraw funds in the near future or as soon as necessary.

No less popular banking service is term deposit. What does this mean? The fact that the money is transferred for storage for a certain period agreed in advance between the parties and prescribed in the contract. During this period, interest is accrued on the amount of the deposit, which is higher than the interest on a demand deposit. However, the withdrawal of funds earlier than the term stipulated by the contract will lead to their loss. In a number of countries, term deposit certificates are reversed and can be sold to dealers and depositors of a credit institution at a loss of interest. This practice exists, for example, in the USA.

deposit it
deposit it

Deposit: safe deposit box

In a narrow sense, depositing funds in a bank means keeping them in a safe deposit box. In this case, the money is not used as an investment for clients, but is only stored in a credit institution. In this case, anyaccrued interest and turnover of financial resources does not go. Why keep money in a safe deposit box when you can put it in a bank account and still make money? As a rule, this practice is used when making various transactions to ensure their execution.

Exrow mechanism

This mechanism is most commonly used as a way to enforce a transaction between parties. As a rule, these are settlements for shares, other securities and when buying / selling real estate. An escrow agent is an independent person who implements the agreement when the parties fulfill the terms of the transaction. The most popular type of excrow mechanism is bank deposit. This is the "reservation" of a certain amount of money in a safe deposit box (sometimes in a special deposit account).

The seller can receive them if he has fully complied with all the terms of the transaction prescribed in the tripartite agreement. If they are not met, then the deposited funds are returned to the buyer. This process is called "escrow". At the same time, the contract clearly spells out all the slightest nuances of the transaction, the list of documents required for submission, etc. After a thorough check by the excrow agent of the fulfillment of all conditions, the transaction is either carried out or broken.

deposit ratio formula
deposit ratio formula

The object of deposit is most often cash, but it can also be securities, documents, and non-cash funds. In Russian practice, such deposit options are used less frequently.

Bank reserves and deposit ratio

Commercial banks not only accept funds for storage, but also deposit them themselves with the main bank of the country - the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. They are called required reserves and serve to regulate the liquidity of the banking system. Reserve requirement standards are set by the Bank of Russia depending on how it is necessary to influence the value and structure of the money supply in the country.

It consists of the population's cash and bank reserves. The former are the main money supply, the latter determine the ability to create deposits by the banking system. The way in which funds are distributed between cash and deposits is demonstrated by the deposit ratio. It shows the preferences of the population regarding the choice of the form of money storage. How to calculate deposit ratio? The formula is the ratio of the amount of cash to the sum of all bank deposits. The higher this ratio and the required reserve ratio, the lower will be the credit potential of the country's economy.

deposit ratio
deposit ratio

Deposit of works and copyrights

This type of deposit, the deposit of works, is used for a variety of reasons:

  • for proof of authorship;
  • to fix the creation date of the work;
  • to preserve the object of value itself.

Representatives of creative professions often face such a phenomenon as plagiarism. Warn him and ensureDocumentary confirmation of your authorship is possible by registering the created work. This process is also called "depositing". This is a procedure that is carried out by special services, for example, the Center for Expertise of Intellectual Property in Russia. The register contains information about the author, as well as about the work itself. This information may be provided in the resolution of copyright disputes and litigation.

When registering a work, the author receives an official confirmation of his rights - a certificate of deposit. You can get it for such types of property as paintings, sculptures, architecture, design, musical and literary works, photographs, computer programs, etc. To do this, you must provide a copy of them, as well as full information about the place and time of creation, information about the author and his signature.

deposit of funds
deposit of funds

Methods of depositing a work

Depositing can be simple, open and carried out through registration with the Russian Authors' Society. The first option is associated with the transfer of the directly created product for storage. He himself is not studied, but only packed, sealed and left in a safe place for a certain period. The author is issued a certificate of deposit with information about the work. This option is suitable in cases where it is necessary:

  • to secure the art object itself;
  • confirm the date of registration of the work (proves that it was createdearlier than deposited).

When registering copyright, the work and authorship are registered with the entry of information about the intellectual property product into a single register. This type of deposit provides a solid evidence base when plagiarism is detected to defend their unconditional rights as a creator.


Other types of deposits

The types of deposits listed above are most commonly heard of as financial resources and works of art. Securities and documents are often deposited. For this purpose, they are transferred to depositaries, banks, archives, reference and information funds and other special organizations.

There is also a deposit in international law. In this case, we are talking about signed and approved treaties between governments, organizations of different countries, instruments of ratification, documents of accession to the treaty, etc. They (their original text) are deposited with the depositary through a diplomatic or other authorized representative. During the deposit, the corresponding document is recorded in the protocol, which is drawn up in the international depositary organization or the foreign affairs department of the country that is the depositary.

Deposit in medicine

This term is also found in medicine. We are talking about the unique abilities of our body. He is also able to store certain substances for their later use at the right time. It could be a depositblood, hormones, fats. They are temporarily excluded from the processes of metabolism and circulation when they are present in sufficient and excessive quantities for the functioning of the body. And in moments of deficiency, stress, illness, etc., they are used to maintain normal life.

There is also negative deposition - this is the accumulation of various toxins, radioactive and medicinal substances in human tissues and organs. They enter the body from the environment and interfere with its normal functioning.

blood deposit
blood deposit


We examined what depositing is, what it is and what types of this process are found in various areas of life. Regardless of the scope of the term, in a general sense, depositing is the process of storing something (money, valuables, works, documents, etc.) for later use for certain purposes.
